How To Overcome The Cross

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How To Overcome The Cross.

ICCDBB Sermon 1/1/2014.

The logic that Jesus Christ allowed, in order to commit suicide, rather in order to save all willing unto Heaven, was a logic lacking sufficient love, in other words it was ignorance.

That is all changing now with this Sermon (2 Chronicles 8.13), in other words, as Jesus Christ taught: all things were told beforehand [(Mark 13.23) "So be on your guard"].

Not only were all things told beforehand (1 John 2.7), verily all things were done beforehand (John 19.28), even from the planning stage before creation (John 1.1-3); even so, now with this ICCDBB Sermon is the Holy Mystery Unraveled And Solved for you and all, and rather more importantly because Jesus Christ deserves the higher glory from this unraveling (John 1.4; & affiliated Bible Testament Of Holy GodMath Of Jesus Christ). It is up to you to do your part to provide that higher glory.

How to kill Jesus Christ; is counted as the problem, not the solution (Matthew 8.12).

In the days of Jesus Christ counted in the census as other humans in the flesh, prior to His Crucifixion and His Death per se; Caiaphas, the High Priest inappropriately claimed for selfish purposes of his group so that the Romans would not "come and take away both our place and our nation" (John 11.48) that

"it is expedient for you that one man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish" (John 11.50).

Though the High Priest quoted a statement of logic, the statement lacked appropriate love to properly solve correctly. God had already provided the solution so that not Romans, nor Priests, nor others had to kill Jesus Christ ["For the nation and the kingdom that do not serve thee perish, Yea, the nations are utterly wasted." with other versions in pattern / trend such as "For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined." (Isaiah 60.12)]. God had already provided sufficient loving principles for us such as to conduct Holy Feasts freely / freewill / lovingly without transgressing the higher purpose(s), the priority needs lovingly continue (examples: The Golden Rule, & ICCDBB Public PCS). You are to lovingly unravel the higher mysteries, God decided.

Previous ICCDBB Sermons discussed thinking lifeforms in places other than in the Milky Way; reasonably such as on certain other planets as a minimum, so shall each inhabited planet have to endure their own crucifixion to learn by trial and error, or rather can you lovingly better guide them?, even so whether currently able to reach them or not, spread love to all as much as you can fathom as proper, and agree with the Lord, the Will Of Jesus Christ be done.

The Book Of Mormon is one clear example of how to properly love in order to solve, including the problem the High Priest had. In other words, if to grab the glory meant for Jesus Christ and to not give that glory to Jesus Christ, it is to transgress the law, verily Caiaphas did steal (Ten Commandments). In his own words Caiaphas said "Ye have not known anything," (John 11.49 Young's Literal Translation). Let your actions and words be lovingly helpful, mild, and kind; a King said "By your own words I will judge you" (Luke 19.12 & 22).

As the GodMath Testament (see above) explained in detail, if you choose to commit a sin, then you are also tied to other sins [enslaved (John 8.34) and under law(s), rather be free in Christ Jesus]. So too Caiaphas, with his first sin per se, committed more sins, such as to transgress the office bestowed on him as High Priest. Though to move on rather to lovingly unravel the higher mystery glory and understand the solution instead of dwelling only in the misery of laying blame, the Book Of Mormon has provided further specific loving insight, such as a time frame.

Between 600BC and 592BC, Book Of Mormon page 8, the saying was already known, it is "better that one man should perish than that a nation should dwindle and perish in unbelief" (1 Nephi 4.13), though "Vengeance is Mine" explained Moses (Deuteronomy 32.35) which without further proper unraveling for the Lord might have been misinterpreted by a person such as Caiaphas, though the High Priest was also of duty to protect the innocent. After the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ the Lord detailed and made more clear "Vengeance is Mine" sayeth the Lord directly (Romans 12.19 & Hebrews 10.30).

The GodMath Testament and ICCDBB teach Christian leadership. Given the above circumstances, and the fact that God often stated "I will repay", with the fact that the Name Of God is "Jealous" (Exodus 34.14), be lovingly kind, mild, peaceful, and most respectful of Jealous God Almighty Jesus Christ the top source of all goodness.

In lovingly solving, The Book Of Mormon 1 Nephi 4.14 & 15 includes:

"Inasmuch as thy seed shall keep my commandments, they shall prosper in the land of promise."...also "they should have the law."

In other words, it is up to you to spread the Word Of God, it is up to you to deliver the Law Of God.

Jesus Christ overcame the Law though did not break the Law. In context, while Jesus Christ overcame the increasing numbers of regulations, conditional stipulations, and other confusing legalese procedural details which offered values though without proper love can become burdensome outweighing the values; Jesus Christ simplified things (John 13.34) for Christians Of Faith (Luke 8.10) though to selfish people the keeping of themselves in confusion is their dwelling place(s) (2 Corinthians 2.16) in pattern of Caiaphas which selfishly cut himself away from the Source Of Love.

Yours is to do the Will Of God, spread the good cheer of love and charity in the Holy Name Of Jesus Christ, wisely understanding acting speaks louder than unfulfilled promises.