Timeless Sermon

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Timeless Sermon

via Dr. Bob Benchoff, ICCDBB, 3/14/2010

Timelessness is not only about the future, it is also about the past, therefore to see the future, we might look through the eyes of the people of the distant future and investigate their past.

Here is a simple example limited to the past. There were various people and scientists in recent decades that discovered ancient scrolls. They were able to check to see if those scrolls matched what other evidence there was. They had 2 main evidence parameters. The one parameter was toward reasonably determining whether the scrolls were legitimate or a forgery. The other parameter concerned whether the scrolls supported other ancient evidence [evidence that something seems right or wrong (similar to an off/on switch)] or not [in whole or in part (if in part, then as a measuring device with a range of standardized marking units)].

So if wholly fact and not fiction, then the scrolls are reasonably reliable. So now let's consider the ancient people. If they thought about future people, they would know that future people would search and likely discover scrolls if they wrote scrolls, and also other evidence in support of the credibility of the ancient people, or finding evidence against the ancient people. In other words, the ancient people to an extent could see through the eyes of recent modern people, to an extent reasonably and predictably.

Unless an act-of-God, such as a meteorite exterminating people, the best reasoning of ancient people was akin to prophecy. It was verily in the same ballpark.

Some things never change.

Outer space continues to be outer space, though it contains changes within. Subatomic particles continue to be smaller than outer space, as far as we know and define. Similarly love is an outward flow. Faith continues, though opinions vary, such as to description parameters and definitions. Energy and matter exist throughout our lives, though End Time will come. Time is timeless, though there will be an even more excellent way (see previous ICCDBB Sermon on Descartes).

Today we see through the eyes of certain of future generations, to an extent. When they gather their thoughts together, we know they will find evidence that we were telling the truth, or lying.

We understand they may be influenced unfairly against us. Yet the wisest of them would reasonably see such too, in fact, given how civilization advances, future generations will reasonably be far better at telling the truth (if they choose) than this current generation is currently able.

So through their eyes it is predictably reasonable to say that they see were describing things as best as we were able, given our relatively limited abilities.

So we see through their eyes. To an extent, we know what they will know in the future.

End Time conditions and parameters are described in the Bible. If we know when End Time will occur, then we know far more about our predictions.

This includes our studies involving topics such as of water, wine, songs, about possibly being able to sing, and such as about possibly being able to state a prophecy of our own (via Jesus Christ).

Songs are tools, so are other gifts, including the tool and talent of prophesying of Holy faithful love of Jesus Christ.

Illustrated above are tents. Tents hold people, at times. We can take them out of a tent, do stuff with the tent, such as clean it, then put people back inside, for their benefit.

We can also take people out of the picture (to reduce confusion when discussing certain things), then we can discuss some things; then put people back in the picture since law was made for man, not man for law.

In the future there is a finding. There is a finding in the future that is done truthfully per proven methodology as much as reasonable, and the facts reveal something true about the past. The future reveals something about us now, and it reveals something true. It reveals whether we were true, good, honest, proper, and so on, or not.

If we are true today, the future will find agreement with us.

We are in the past relative to the future. Yet the future findings, not yet discovered by people in the future, are already known by us.

In part, today we know more than future generations. We know more about prophecy than they know. These things are conditional upon the greater respect rightly due Jesus Christ.

They will discover many things in the future. They will discover things we told them. So how did we know? We know according to the loving power of charity for Jesus Christ. A blessed person giving charitably provides advantages even to others. Even to all of civilization leadership.

Charity can lead timeless generations.

How can we change the past?, an even more excellent way, an even greater charity.

Did we just agree that future generations can know things better than we currently?, and yet even so, future generations can also do more, and better than we do now, with greater machines, living machines, and far greater things and energies.

Today we know the truth, future generations have yet to discover (Luke 20.44). You have great power in the Lord!

Consider how today, if you know the Bible, you can teach many of the leaders / authors that wrote the Bible.

Who by giving though can turn one hair black or white?, yet even so, today we are learning to do it, praise the Lord! It's a miracle. If of the Lord, everything is a miracle, most of all the Lord. You are a blessing, the Lord is a blessing. You can enlighten, the Lord can enlighten, even from the beginning.

For what did the ancient people perceive? Some saw flying objects. Today we better know how to describe and define many of the types of flying objects, such as a wide variety of types of electrical plasma lightening bolts, strange to some people. If they went to Heaven, let them rely on us as we have relied on them. Show them a more excellent way, as they likely already know, yet prove for them excellence in your heart (even if a transplant).

Ancient people could hardly fly, even so, today we fly. Today people hardly travel through time, behold what tomorrow will bring.

Increasingly dwell in Heaven in Christ. Increasingly create, increasingly be as Jesus Christ. Increasingly tell the future people the truth, and they will increasingly find Jesus Christ in your heart.

Send rockets to the Moon, yet hardly for the rockets' sake. Send them safely when people are on board, remember the people, not merely the physics.

If there is a time repeat, will you believe your own words? Will you guide you in the right direction?

String a line between you and the future. What do you see? Do you see your solutions, or do you see other things strange to you, things you cannot understand?, even so, love Jesus Christ.

Do your children love you?, and what of your parents?, even so, not all things are your fault. Jesus Christ has Heavenly Host with eternal purpose and eternal provisioning.

Eternal, that means: past, present, and future. And even so, Jesus Christ will show us an even more excellent way of righteous love. That love is not merely tender loving perceived such as by touch, including tenderness which can lead astray (Jacob 2.33), rather true riches, the Holy Commandments, and even more excellent!

Love pure law, and treasure it. Love reason and higher guidance, and keep it always with you. Love your ancestors and help them when you can. Love your works, yet love them unselfishly.

Unravel mysteries for others, for their sakes, and in doing so, entertain Angels of Christ.

Some people build structures that last centuries. Build things that last forever. Use energy properly: more will be invested in you.

Weep for others, rather than for your own pain, let others weep for that, rather overcome pain with following Holy Commandments, yet even so, also rather do as God does.

Speak and write clearly for others, for all people, for any. Help them.

Do not be afraid to consider how to help past ancient people. No longer fear the dead, only fear Jesus Christ.

Distinguish the living from the dead. Distinguish for future generations that they do not have to suffer such figuring so much. Work a permanent work now, let others build on it. Work One Holy Work.

Know the future, increasingly, perfectingly.

Can you do less for the past?, even so, go, do likewise for them as much as you find reasonable in the Lord according to your talents.