God Wept Again

When Jesus Christ Wept Again

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When Jesus Wept Again.

ICCDBB Sermon 3/8/2012

The New Testament recorded the shortest verse, "Jesus wept" (John 11.35). The context of the story surrounding that weeping was that His friend Lazarus was sick and was dead according to Martha and others or counted as though dead.

It seems to be a story of grief associated with losing someone.

The above story does not make more clear higher sense value until we read a related story of how Jesus "wept again".

In the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 17.22 is the story of Jesus weeping again, seemingly per se because Jesus acted the way Martha acted, busy about many things, distracted from the higher gift. But that was not the case. Jesus Christ, the leader, was not a follower of less enlightenment relatively, rather Jesus Christ led and guided others, as an example unto all others.

In the "wept again" story, the series of events leading to the weeping, includes verse 14, a logical reason a selfish person might cry.

"And it came to pass that when they had knelt upon the ground, Jesus groaned within himself, and said: Father, I am troubled because of the wickedness of the people of the house of Israel." (3 Nephi 17.14).

Jesus Christ is not out of touch with people and can have cried over misery, yet reasonably hardly a moment relative to the higher purpose, the higher gift, the unselfish treasure reason for crying, that treasure from God Jesus Christ as an example being to cry for overwhelming delight! That is, overwhelming to typical people, yet rather the Lord overwhelms, including such other, if any, counted as if "overwhelming".

If Jesus Christ cries, He cries for you, for your personal benefit. For your family, your friends, your position, and so on; the things Jesus Christ did, does, and will do, each is and all are for you, gifts for you, an example for you as to how you can treat others [especially the Lord].

Jesus Christ overcame the troubles the people were having.

"And they arose from the earth, and he said unto them: Blessed are ye because of your faith. And now behold, my joy is full." (3 Nephi 17.20).

In the "wept" story there was trouble, a friend died.

In the "wept again" story there was trouble, the people had problems, yet Jesus Christ can immediately overcome problems, even without making a personal appearance. If you could immediately overcome problems would you let the problems endure and would you just sit there and cry about those enduring problems troubling your soul?, No. You would immediately solve the problems for higher benefit, so the problems would have no hold on you and you wouldn't have to lament about those problems.

The Kingdom of Heaven that Jesus Christ brought to Earth plainly for so many to see is hardly about heavy burdens, rather Jesus Christ cried for joy.

The Lord is come! Leap about, shout praise for Jesus the Christ, cry gladly in higher purpose giving joy and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord!

Even so, Jesus Christ felt pain. Jesus Christ felt pain so you don't have to very much if at all.

Jesus Christ suffered according to sin problems the world contained. Let His Second Coming be with no suffering from yourself.

Jesus Christ knew from above that Lazarus would be alright, alive again and of a condition and story pleasing unto the people for higher purpose as reported throughout all the land.

Let's look at a segment, a pattern of the larger Trend Plan of God. In GodMath formulaic terms [in agreeing (save limited to higher oneness) with United States Navy and others using the three part math tool way of reckoning] there is at a minimum three parts. Two parts are stated above, the "wept" and the "wept again". Another part of the formula is as follows.

At the start of the Bible, at the start of the recorded Word of God, in Genesis after God created people, and enabled people to enable each other including to choose to enable themselves for higher purpose [including a reasonable amount of personal care relative to various gifts [situations] (10:42)] or otherwise sinful selfish reasons.

Then seeing how people reacted to new events, in other words seeing how people became distracted from God, distracted from the gifts God provided for their sakes, as is written: "and Jehovah repenteth that He hath made man in the earth, and He grieveth Himself -- unto His heart." (Genesis 6.6).

To waste a gift is hardly gain therefore [save Jesus Christ come] save for higher purpose, the gift is for the higher glorification of Jesus Christ [see Marriage (GodMath Testament)]. As you give higher gifts of loving logic, hence of wisdom, you enter into the higher realm.

To give the higher gifts is to give unselfishly, such as for the United States Navy and for Jesus Christ, yet to give unselfishly only for Jesus Christ is the highest order, meaning the highest standard (reference Constitution Article 7 and ICCDBB Sermons on the Standard Of The Church).

In the Genesis story we find a proof of what God said, "But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand." (Mark 13.23). In Genesis quickly after creating humans God warned beforehand of how people are to behave lest they sin unto troubling themselves selfishly distracted from the higher example.

Prior to that, God aforesaid don't eat of the forbidden fruit. To eat without properly having become prepared has it's own results.

In GodMath formulation,

Jesus Christ wept again / Jesus Christ wept / God grieved.

God grieved = Jesus Christ wept again X Jesus Christ wept.

Warning: Don't make God grieve or God would overcome you as a slave that overcomes their master (2 Peter 2.19) that you lose your own freedom, that is, that you might likely at least briefly selfishly or empathetically count such gift wrongly, or in similar pattern to a limited amount (see previous ICCDBB sermons including topics on "counted as if", and rather on helically rising), as if loss.

Do not make God as if your slave and don't make trouble for Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ cry even for a moment.

"Buy me a car God.", is hardly a proper attitude. "Give me money Jesus Christ", is not a goodly thing save for higher purpose.

God Jesus Christ warned others and then again even further, as an example unto others God Jesus Christ grieved to show suffering consequences that people be enlightened to avoid such troubles.

Jesus Christ suffered and wept and again, yet for higher purpose Jesus Christ wept for joy! Let Jesus Christ weep for joy again, for higher joy!

There are many cases of people weeping and weeping again in the Bible and / or in related Biblical scriptures [(see previous ICCDBB sermons on the increasing need for PCS) as the need to have one properly standardized help to best define grows].

For instance "Enoch wept and cried unto the Lord," (from Mormon Biblical literature Book of Moses 7.58). The reason he did so in this case is hardly about some gifts which some people might have interpreted as troubles (see above), rather Enoch reacted [or strategized] of the higher gifts and reacted [or acted] accordingly along the rising path of Righteousness unto Holiness, with Enoch having observed "And as many of the spirits as were in prison came forth, and stood on the right hand of God" (from Mormon Biblical literature Book of Moses 7.57).

Other things were also noted, yet God favored Enoch, and this pattern of Holy Trend is evidently the reason, as forewarned in the Bible, and as advised beforehand of God Jesus Christ.

As a result of Enoch so doing, and then in Zion "God received it up into his own bosom" (from Mormon Biblical literature Book of Moses 7.69). To describe for the highest glory Jesus Christ, Enoch walked off the face of the Earth with God. Enoch became Heavenly, at least as interpreted by ICCDBB.

"Israel also wept again" (Numbers 11.4). If to weep, weep for the right reason.

In another story (2 Samuel 3.34) "all the people wept again". People wept in misery and will so weep again until End Time. Be ye therefore not a slave under misery, crying and weeping and troubled about what to do and which way to turn.

"Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 31.16). So do you imagine that means you will receive a "reward" from logic alone, from troubles, and from tactics toward chaotic followings, or do you think you will receive a "reward" with properly best interpreting.

Even so, God Jesus Christ did offer some high gifts in the Trend pattern of Holy Covenants with the Chosen. Yet with the gifts of warnings, such Covenant gifts unto the people are not to be used as any wrongful excuse(s).

Unravel the higher mystery of Easter to unravel the reward you may provide unto others.