The Amityville Horror ~ Site Updates
Site Updates
10 April 2005
The Image Gallery is fully up and running with lots of pictures added! Check it out! Remember, The Amityville Horror comes to theaters this Friday. Also make sure to buy the Amityville Horror 3 Movie Box Set, featuring the original Amityville Horror, Amityville II: The Possession, Amityville 3-D, and a bonus 4th disc with documentaries about the Amityville Horror, plus it includes a trailer for the 2005 remake and The Woods. I just bought mine yesterday and it came with a free ticket to see The Amityville Horror remake! Order yours today.
2 April 2005
I'm gathering lots of pics for the image gallery and numerous logos and whatnot to use in the creation of the site. That's about it for now. I will keep you posted on more updates I make to the site.