sono toori da yo : {a} bugiipoppu site : a book called "jinx"

a book called "jinx"

This bookcover was found at: {And was edited in order to make a "smaller" picture.}

I found another boocover on the Internet after hearing about it from here. The book is called, according to them, "Boogiepop Staccato: Welcome to Jinx Shop".

Sadly, on the page, there is not a speck of romaji to be found.

...But there's a whole crap-load of kanji!

Forget the page, looking at the cover, which actually looks like a poster advertising the book, there's a mess of Japanese!

Let's take this apart:

kokoro ippai, haru no yokan
dengeki bunko

{Red background}: 3 {san} gatsu no shinkan

{NOTE: The first character, at least in this picture, before what is clearly kan, may be, infact, shin as in shinkan {new publication} but don't quote me on it!}

{Below}: mai{?} getsu/tsuki 10 nichi {tooka} hatsubai

{NOTES: mai may be mai, again, don't quote me on this, from the picture. Also the getsu character can be read two ways and both are correct.}

The first thing that should be noted is that there is furigana next to the first three characters.

kanji: dan on/in/non fu
katakana: sutakkaato {staccatto}

{I suspect the middle would be pronounced on but I'm just not sure!}

darake no koukyoukyoku ni, shinigami no kuchibue ga hibiku -----

Titles are fun!

bugiipoppu . sutakkaato jinkusu . shoppu e/he youkoso {The periods seperate the words to indicate to the reader that they are supposed to be seperated.}

{NOTES: The e/he romanization relies on pronounciation. The character used is he but is pronounced "eh".}

bugiipoppu = Boogiepop/Boogie Pop
sutakkaato jinkusu shoppu = Staccatto Jinx Shop
e/he youkoso = Welcome to ____.

What do we have?

Boogiepop: Welcome to the Staccatto Jinx Shop!


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