Transcript of the Revolutionary War Pension Application
at the
United States Archives in Washington, D.C. for
Hogan [US Pension # 20848]
of South Carolina
District of Fairfield
On this second day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two [1832] personally appeared in open court before the Honorable William D. Martin one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the state of South Carolina, William Hogan, a resident of Kershaw in the State aforesaid aged seventy two years [72],who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832.
Deponent was born in South Carolina not far from Chucaw Hill on the PeeDee River on the 9th day of September 1760. His father had all his childrens ages set down on a piece or sheet of paper which went into the possession of James Hogan, deponents older brother. Has often seen the papers in the brothers possession and was informed by his brother that it had been lost or destroyed. His inquiry made some time after the revolutionary war and on the death of one of deponents sisters, which occurrence gave rise to the inquiry. Has no other means of knowing his age.
When called into service deponent was living on the Wateree in Fairfield District [1780], about five miles from Winnsborough East. Lived there after the revolutionary war until about twenty years ago [1812] then moved to Sandy Run in Kershaw District; lived there about five years [until 1817], then moved to Twenty Five Mile Creek in Kershaw District, has lived there and within two or three or four miles of that place ever since. Now lives on Bear Creek near Twenty Five mile Creek in Kershaw District.
1st. In the first tour of military duty performed by deponent he volunteered in Captain Woodward's company, believes Philip Redford was first Lieutenant and John Milling commanded as Captain Woodward did not go and believes John Winn commanded the regiment and was along. Company rendevoued at Winnsborough (now Fairfield Court house) marched to Captain Tunmen in the fork between Saluda and Broad River called the Dutch Fork; went there after a body of Tories said to be embodied there. They disbanded on hearing of this enterprise, and some plunder was retaken. Captain Heincock was along and company. The greater part of this body of militia were drafted. Thinks James Wilson who deponent has understood has applied for a pension was along. Were out two weeks on this tour. This tour immediately preceding the next tour to Florida. But a few days at home in the interval which was spent in preparation.
2nd. The next time went to Florida. Does not recall the year. Went as a volunteer. Some were drafted. Capt. John Woodward commanded the company. James Wilson above was in the same company and he and Captain Woodward went. _____________ was in that expedition under Captain John Graves. But John Winn was along and commanded the regiment. The company met Major Goodwyn and men near Grealy and some other troops. All marched through Augusta and on to the St. Mary River. Fell in with General Williamson and men before they got to the St. Mary. General Williamson commanded the Winn army until they crossed the St. Mary. A dispute arose among the officers who was entitled to command seeing they were then out of the states. Col. Winn and 500 men were sent on to the St. John's River but were prevented by the bridges being taken away by the enemy. There were some regular troops encamped below on the St. Mary's. Deponent was led by curiosity to go and see the place of encampment, half mile from the place of militia encampment. The object of the expedition was to take Augustine as deponent had understood. Encamped some time on the St. Mary's. Col. Winn in his return to the St. Mary met with McGirt and party of Indians. Took no prisoners. Got McGirt's horse and found by markers in the saddle bags that it was McGirt and party they had destroyed. Troops very sickly and a great many died of the flux. When the army returned each Captain took charge of his company. Was three months and six days on this tour. The British believed Burns had burnt his fort on St. Mary and fled before the army arrived. It was said that Burns was tared and feathered by the Americans for refusing to sign Independence Resolutions and was called burn foot Burns from the circumstances that fire had been put to his feathers.
3rd. The next tour was under General Sumpter when he took the Congaree fort or Mcaqulls fort as sometimes called as believed. Captain John Woodward had resigned and one John Miles Hill whose father had been hung by the British had the command of the company. Thomas Tuyer was in this tour and Captain Cook. This before the battle of Eutaw [Sept. 7, 1781]. The Fort was taken before the deponent got there; the day before. Lay on the tour sometime after the fort was taken. Out three weeks or more on this tour.
4th. The next tour went to Monks Corner between Orangeburg and Charleston. Deponent had been elected first lieutenant in Captain John Woodward's old company, then commanded by Captain Bethany and was drafted. It was deponents turn to go, with a part of the company. Was placed under the command of Captain Cook. Marched to Ancuris place on the Congaree. Joined other companies at Ancurias. Colonels Thompson and Goodwin were there. Thompson had commanded. At Biggins Church [? Battle of Biggins Bridge, S.C., Apr. 14, 1780] was met by a party of British horse. Major Hampton horse met them and took eleven prisoners. Went on to the big church near Monks Corner [Apr. 14, 1780] where a party of British were posted. They all fled before the troops came up, after burning the church, and went to a brick house near, where another party of British were posted. The militia fired on the brick house sometime without driving the enemy and then went into Col. Thompson's plantation. Gen. Marion had joined by this time. Lay at Thompson sometime. Were discharged at Thompsons. Was out on this tour one month. This before the Eutaw Battle [Sept. 8, 1781].
5th. The next tour was to the Saltlatcher [Battle of Salkahatchie, S.C., Mar. 8, 1780]. General Marion was there, Col. Richardson and Col. Thompson. This wasn't long before the Eutaw Battle. And old man William Moore took sick and deponent was allowed to bring him home. Did not know then that the Eutaw or any other battle was approaching. Out one month on this tour. Was 1st Lieutenant this tour.
6th. Next tour to Orangeburg [Battle of Orangeburg, S.C., May 11, 1781] after the Battle of Eutaw. Col. Thompson there, also Sumter. Stayed there three months and until discharged.
7th. Deponent was out another tour which ought to have been mentioned between his third and fourth tour. Was first lieutenant then, was encamped on the Congaree. Major Anamanes Lyles principally commanded. Lay there about three weeks. Was out one month on this tour. Place called New Marked where encamped. Was out on short tours against the Tories frequently during the war. At one time a Tory named James Humphrey was killed by one soldier who placed it to deponents credit. In this tour was out one week. Never received a written discharge. None of the militia ever did. They were discharged verbally by the Captain. James Wilson and Camon Cannon are all that deponent now knows living who can testify to any part of deponents service. Immanuel Tayler and Dr. Jasper Faust may.
Deponent was out in service whenever called on, and is fully satisfied that he served on tours that he does not now recollect particularly. He never received a commission as first Lieutenant but was only elected by the company and acted as such, and was obeyed and respected as such. Deponent does not recollect of one officer of a company of militia being regularly commissioned. Some may but none that he knew of.
Deponent is sure that he served in all more than six months probably seven months as First Lieutenant (in company commanded by John Woodward before he resigned, commanded by Capt. Bethany when deponent was the First Lieutenant), and that period fully in actual service, but cannot specify at this time all the different tours nor the exact length of each. Deponent is also satisfied that all his tours of actual service he was engaged in, as a private, first and then as first lieutenant fully equals twelve months.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state, excepting that of South Carolina. Deponent drew his pension from South Carolina on the 2nd day of March 1832. Due as Deponent undersigned the 1st of March 1832. Sworn to therefore the day and year aforesaid in open court.
William Hogan [signed]
I Elliote CCP Th Liseo
We, Dr. Jasper Faust, James Wilson and Jerimah Taylor, the first named of Richland District hereby certify that we are well acquainted with William Hogan who has superseeded and sworn the above declaration that we served with him as a soldier in the revolutionary on the Florida expedition. Said Faust and Taylor served with him on the tour to Biggins church. And we all have ever understood and believed that he served other tours of duty in that said war. Have heard his declaration read and have no doubt that he has served as long and probably longer than he has stated.
James Wilson knows of his having been first Lieutenant and commanding as such. We believe him to be seventy two years of age. Sworn to therefore the day and year aforesaid in open court.
I, Elliott CCp Jasper Faust, Immanuel Tayler, James Wilson
I, Captain John Smith, late a Captain in the South Carolina militia, and now a pensioner of the U.S. do hereby certify that I am well acquainted with William Hogan who has superceeded and sworn to the above declaration that I believe him to be seventy two years of age, that deponent served two tours of Militia duty under said Hogan as first lieutenant in the revolutionary war. Was with him at Biggins Church. And deponent served another tour with Hogan ____________________________ ___________________________ Congaree. It has always been reputed and believed in the Winnesborough area where said Hogan resided after the revolutionary war that he had been a soldier and officer of the revolution. And I concur in that opinion. And have full confidence in the truth of what said Hogan would testify to touching his service; he being a man of credit and responsibility.
Sworn to therefore the day and year aforesaid in open court.
I, Ellicotte, CCp John Smith [signed]
And the said court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after hearing the witnesses presented by the said deponent that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he stated. And the court further certifies that it appears to them that Dr. Jasper Faust, Immanuel Tayler, James Wilson and John Smith, are the first a resident of Richland and the three latter residents of Fairfield District and are credible and that their statements are entitled to credit.
Nov. 2nd 1832. Wm. D. Martin (signed)
Presiding Judge
South Carolina
I, James Elliott clerk of the court of common pleas and general sessions for Fairfield District in the state aforementioned do truly testify that the foregoing contains in two sheets the original proceedings of the said court in this matter of the application of William Hogan for a pension.In testimony whereof, I have hereunto let my hand and seal of this application 2nd day of Nov. A.D. 1832.
J. Elliott CCp
Treasury Department
Third Auditor's Office
May 28, 1855Sir,
I herewith return to you the pension papers of William Hogan of South Carolina received from you under date of the 26th ____ and have to inform you that three-fourths of the pension in question from 4 March 1831 to 26 April 1836, amounting to $136.05 was remitted to James Black of Columbia, S.C. attorney for Jemima Saunders, Elizabeth Bush and Sander J. Hogan, three of the four children of the deceased person. The other child's name is unknown to this office and his portion remains unpaid.
I am, sir, your
obedient servant
Robert Jmmison (signed)
auditorL.P. Waldo, Esq.
Commissioner of Pensions
State of South Carolina
Know all men by these presents, that I, Saunders S. Hogan, surviving son of William and Jemmiah Hogan in behalf of my sister Jemmimah Saunders only two surviving children of said parents my said father who was a soldier in the army of the revolution do hereby constitute and appoint James Taylor of Sumterville, SC my true and lawful Attorney.
17th day of May 1855
S. S. Hogan (signed)
Revolutionary War Records for William Hogan
at the South Carolina Archives
(from notes taken by Toby Terrar, not exact)
William Hogan, # A 3663
His account of sundries from militia use in 1781 and 1782, amount is £17.4.3½.
1781 15 days service as horseman Congaree, General Sumpters Brigade at 20/£15.
25 days duty as a footman on the expedition to Biggan Church at 10/12 10.
1782 36 days service on a tour of duty at down at Orangburgh 10/£18.
10 days service on an expedition to the ukans. 10/5.
12 1781 Lost in the service of the state on an expedition against the Enemy at the Congaree Black mare branded WS. £70.
Approved to 120
R Winn (signed)
[another page]
20th April I have this day recd from General Richard Winn the full value of my account against the public now lying in the auditors office for auditing and afterwards to get an indent for the same, from the treasury, and I do request the commissioner of the Treasury of the State of SC to make out the indent for the same with the interest payment to the reference[?] of the legislation in the case, to him the said Richard Winn and to accept this as a receipt in full against the public for the said account
[there is an indent in it]
Pursuant to an act of the General Assembly passed 16 Mar 1783, We the Commissioners of the Treasury have this day delivered to William Hogan this one indentured certificate for the sum of 17 pounds, four shilling and three pence for the sundries of militia use in 1781, 1782. He will be paid the principle sum of 17£ four shillings and 3 pence half penny on the 9th of May, 1787.
[Another Petition]
When a soldier 1st service was under Capt. John Woodward, he was a private; served 3 months and 6 days. Company under command of Gen. Williamson, marched from Winnsborough to St. Mary's River in Georgia against Tories.
After he was a private in company commanded by Capt. John Miles during which time the fort on the Congaree called Taylars Fort was taken by the detachment of the army of which his company was a part. Afterwards he was a lieutenant in a company commanded by Capt. Jacob Bethany and was present at the retreat of the British at the time the church was burned. He was at Monks Corner near Charleston which service was for about 3 months.
signed 24 Nov. 1829. Signed before James A. Hammond, J.P.
John Smith was a fellow soldier and swears with William Hogan that he was there.
A Schedule of the Estate of William Hogan
one small horse worth $35.
2 hogs $2.00
cow & calf $10.00
the furniture common to the house of a very poor man $25.00
weaving apparel $72.00William Hogan appeared on Nov. 24, 1829 and swore that this was his whole estate at Richland District.
The House and Senate of SC passed a bill that William Hogan get a pension Dec. 10, 1829. signed C. H. R. Richardson, chairman and R. Anderson.
2 March 1830 $60. on an annuity paid.
In Alexander Moultrie's file # A5386 is mentioned that on May 9, 1785 William Hogan is owed £17.4.3½.