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We, the organized members of the Coalition for the Advancement of Students in

Theatre (hereafter referred to as C.A.S.T.), form a union to provide elocution representing the confirmed and coordinated voice of the majority of the student body contained primarily within the Theatre Department, and to safeguard and advance the student interests, as well as, the interests of the department itself.

ARTICLE I: Rights of Membership

1) Any Florida Atlantic University student enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours shall be eligible for membership.

2) Members shall uphold this constitution and abide by the preamble, articles and amendments contained herein.

3) The membership fee will be $10 per year. The length of the membership will be one year. The membership will expire on the second Monday of September and will begin upon payment of membership fee, at which point the student shall be considered a member.

4) All members shall have the right to vote in:

A. General Elections: Each member will have the right to cast one vote for one candidate in each office whose vacancy is to be filled.

B. Legislative Bills: Each active member will have the exclusive right to cast one vote per bill proposed during the general meetings.

C. Proposed Activities: Each active member will have the exclusive right to cast one vote per activity proposed during general meetings.

5) All members shall have the right to participate in discussion and debate, and to voice opinions on all legislative bills proposed during general meetings according to the parliamentary rules herein set down in this document.

6) All members shall have the right to attend and participate in all C.A.S.T. sponsored functions.

7) All active members shall have the exclusive right to propose projects and legislation to the general membership and in the case where said projects or legislation are approved, to form committee(s) to carry out said projects and legislation and to head the applicable committee(s).

8) All active members shall have the right to receive the support of the C.A.S.T. sanctioned and approved endeavors.

ARTICLE II: Rights of the Organization

1) Right to fundraising and expenditure of funds, where not prohibited by existing laws or ordinances or where previously encumbered.

2) Right to appoint delegates to represent C.A.S.T. and its interests, where allowed and where such representation would benefit C.A.S.T. as a whole.

3) Right to direct the activities of C.A.S.T., so as to further the goals and directions as set forth in this document, where these activities are not prohibited by law or are deemed detrimental to the student body, the university or an agency thereof.

ARTICLE III: Suffrage and Elections- Voting Procedure

1) Legislation: In order to pass legislation, a quorum consisting of three quarters (3/4) of the Executive Body and two thirds (2/3) of active members in good standing, must be present at the general meeting where such legislation is to be passed.

2) Legislation shall be passed by quorum majority of the voting membership inclusive of absentee ballots; voting procedure will be individual voice vote and raising of hands.

3) Elections: Elections will be held in September by ballot vote and overseen by an electoral committee.

A. The Electoral Committee shall be headed by a Chairperson appointed by the

Executive Body.

B. The committee shall be composed of at least one

(1) additional member chosen by the Chair of the Electoral Committee.

C. Persons running for office are prohibited from serving on the Electoral Committee.

D. Officers will be elected by simple majority vote.

E. Nominations will be held at first meeting of C.A.S.T., and elections the following meeting.

4) Activities: Proposed activities shall be voted on in a general meeting, by a secret ballot and passed by Simple Majority vote. Any business not covered under legislation or election of officers shall be termed an activity.

ARTICLE IV: Executive Body

1) Positions: The Executive Body shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. All elected members of the Executive Body shall serve a one year term to begin September 1st and end August 31st. Inauguration of elected officials shall be held at the second general meeting of the fall term.

2) Qualifications: The qualifications for holding office are as follows:

A. To be an active member in good standing.

B. Competently discharge the duties of office as herein set forth.

C. To abide by and uphold the articles of this constitution.

D. Must be a theatre major where the office of President and Vice President are concerned.

3) Vacancies: Where a vacancy must be filled, the rights of succession shall be as follows:

A. Where the Presidency needs to be filled, the Vice President shall assume that office and serve out the remainder of the term unless said Vice President declines the Presidency. If this is the case, then an interim President will be placed in office until a full election can be completed.

B. Where any other executive positions are concerned, the Executive Body shall appoint a person to fill said vacancy. The appointment shall be ratified by the membership in a general meeting through a majority vote by ballot. Upon ratification, said appointee shall complete the term of office.

4) Nomination Process: Any person who wishes to run for a position on the Executive

Body must:

A. Obtain an official nominations form to be completed and signed by the Theatre Department office secretary. This form must be submitted to the Electoral Committee no less than three days prior to the date of the election.

B. The Electoral Committee must post the list of candidates on the C.A.S.T. bulletin board no less than three days prior to the date of the election.

5) Duties of Office: President:

A. Must know and understand the articles of the Constitution.

B. Should have a working knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order.

C. To preside over and be responsible for conducting an orderly meeting.

D. To explain and decide all questions of order.

E. To announce all business

F. To put all motions to a vote and give results.

G. To be absolutely fair and impartial.

H. To give signature when necessary.

I. To perform such duties as are necessary to the efficient operation of the organization.

J. To refrain from discussion except as chairperson of meetings.

K. To refrain from voting except in a tie breaking situation.

Vice President:

A. In absence of the President, to preside and perform the duties of the President.

B. To assist in the performing of such duties as are necessary to the efficient operation of the organization.

C. To serve as liaison between the organization and student government as the I.C.C. representative.

D. To assist the Secretary in any duties as needed.


A. Shall keep an organized ledger in which all financial transactions: debits, credits, and balances are recorded; said ledger shall remain the property of C.A.S.T.

B. To receive and bank all funds due to organization.

C. To fill out tHE budget request form for Student Government.

D. To disperse all moneys as the organization may direct.

E. To countersign all checks for payment by him/herself and the acting President.

F. To give a statement of finances as often as is required but no less than once a month to the Executive Body.

G. To pay bills from officers and members only when clearly authorized and when receipts for expenditures are attached.


A. To keep minutes of meetings.

B. To read the previous meetings minutes if asked to do so.

C. To keep a running record of all minutes in an organized log that shall remain the property of C.A.S.T.

D. Shall post a copy of each meeting's minutes on the C.A.S.T. board and present a copy to the advisor within three (3) days following the meeting.

E. To take charge of all documents belonging to the organization.

F. To maintain a current list of all members and active members.

G. To prepare and post the agenda for upcoming meetings two (2) business days prior to the meeting.

6) Removal from Office:

A. An individual may be removed from office if found to be in violation of ARTICLE IV, Sections 2 of this constitution or by engaging in any activity involving the organization which intentionally violates the laws of any federal, state, or local agency or by intentionally engaging in any activity which is proven detrimental to the organization, the university or any agency thereof.

B. Impeachment proceedings may only originate from a committee formed by the elected representatives of the membership who are supported in this action by a majority of their constituents.

C. The committee of elected representatives must then notify- the individual who is up for impeachment, the Executive Body, and the advisor- in written form that impeachment proceedings have begun. A preliminary hearing must be set at which the individual under investigation can address and defend against the accusations. This hearing shall be closed to the general membership. Persons present at this meeting must include: the accused, the committee of representatives forwarding the impeachment proceedings, the advisor, and any witnesses deemed pertinent to the proceedings. NOTE: The advisor shall act as an impartial and non voting chairperson of the hearing and shall remind the committee that within their duty they must remain impartial and objective.

After listening to the presented evidence, the committee shall then decide, in private consultation, whether or not to proceed with the impeachment. When a decision has been reached, the committee must then notify the individual, and the advisor and then must post the decision notifying the constituents.

D. If the decision is to proceed with the impeachment, the committee must then call a special meeting of all active members as soon as possible within a two (2) week period. Notice of this meeting must be posted as soon as a date has been set.

E. This meeting shall be chaired by the advisor. The committee is to appoint one person to present the charges and evidence. The defendant is then allowed the opportunity to present rebuttal. the chair will then close the discussion and call for a vote. The accused must then leave the meeting and a ballot vote will be taken and tabulated.

F. A majority consisting of two thirds (2/3) of all active members is required to impeach.

ARTICLE V: Graduate and Undergraduate Representatives

1) Separate graduate and undergraduate interests. These representatives shall be chosen from the active membership by their constituency, elections shall take place in the fall term and said representatives shall take office upon election for a term of one year.

2) Each primary representative shall be incorporated into the Governing Board with full privileges. Only one representative of each constituency shall be present at meetings of the Governing Board unless prior dispensation has been granted by consensus of the Executive Body.

ARTICLE VI: The Advisor

1) The Executive Body shall request a qualified individual to serve as advisor for a term of one (1) year which may be renewed or terminated by will of the Executive Body.

2) The advisor shall have no vote nor have the right to present any motion to be voted on. However, the advisor shall have the right to present information and enter into any pertinent discussion.

3) The advisor has the right to attend all meetings.

ARTICLE VII: Standing Committee

1) The President, under advisement of the Governing Board may call for the formulation of a standing committee and appoint a Chair thereof. The term of the Chair may be renewed or terminated by will of the Governing Board.

2) The Chair of the standing committee retains the right to choose the membership of that committee under approval of The Executive Body.

3) The Chair shall have the right to meet with the Governing Board where the business of that committee is deemed pertinent and necessary.

ARTICLE VIII: The Transaction of Business

1) All business transacted in a general meeting shall be in compliance with Robert's Rules of Order. This shall be enforced by the acting President with the assistance, if necessary, of a competent parliamentarian.

2) All business will be conducted so as to adhere to a proper agenda formulated by the Governing Board and posted no later than three (3) days prior to a general meeting. No business may be voted on unless it appears on the posted agenda; exceptions may be made by unanimous consent of the Executive Body.

3) No new business shall be discussed until all items on the agenda have been resolved. All new business not resolved by the close of a meeting shall appear on the agenda of the next general meeting as old business.

4) All business regarding expenditure of funds, excepting valid administrative costs, must be passed by a two thirds (2/3) majority, where a quorum is present of by unanimous vote from Executive Body.

5) Funding encumbered for a particular purpose shall not be used for any other purpose unless the encumbering motion is rescinded as per ARTICLE VIII, Section 4.

ARTICLE IX: Meetings

1) General meetings shall be understood to be meetings of the membership as a whole and shall be held at least once a month. At this time, all business pertinent to the organization shall be discussed and decided in the appropriate manner as previously set forth.

2) Meetings of the Governing Board, may be called, as necessary by the President or by general consensus of the Governing Board. These meetings shall be for the purpose of discussion only and no action that affects the general membership shall be taken until voted upon by active membership or presented at general meeting.

3) Representatives and their constituency, as well as members of established committees, shall have the right to meet separately at such time as they see fit.

ARTICLE X: Constitutional Revision

1) All the amendments to this constitution shall originate within the general membership or Executive Body and be presented by the chosen representatives thereof. Adoption of any amendment shall be in accordance with ARTICLE III, Sections 1 and 2 of this document.