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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Flaperon Brackets and Rear Skin

You will need to build the flaperon brackets.  Again you will be pleasantly surprised, because Dedaluis has built one for you.  There are a total of eight for each wing, four left and four right.  With the example, there is nothing to it.  Here is what they look like.

They mount on the tail rib as shown.  Use the rear tail skin as a guide to get correct placement of all four flaperon brackets.

Mount the rear strut attachment point as shown, bend goes toward trailing edge.  The spar is pre-piloted, you shouldn't have a problem placing it correctly.  Notice the little piece of L angle.  The manual doesn't show it, it is used as a rivet point for the tail skin.  You will have to make it.   Use stainless steel rivets to revit the attachment point to the rear spar.  The SS rivets supplied with the kit were too short.  I found some more.

Notice the little cut out in the tail skin.  It is necessary and you will have to make another one on the bottom skin when you fit it.

The outer tail skin toward the wing tip will overlap the inner skin.

Cleco and revit the tail skin. Do not revit the first row toward the leading edge on either side, or the end revits on either end, top or bottom. The bottom and top skins over lap the tail skin by one row..




Time to move on to the Skin the Bottom.


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