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LM701  STOL N1345L

Cabot, Arkansas

Why a STOL?

Several years ago after my retirement, I decided I wanted to fly.  However, I wanted to fly out of my own field.  After a limited amount of research, which I admittely didn't do enough of, I decided on a gyroplane.   I have since built and owned two RAF 2000s.  The first one was the Popular Rotor Craft's 2001 Grand Champion Two Place Gyroplane.  Here is a couple of  small picture pictures of my Gryoplanes.  The one with ugly guy, me, is the "FireCracker", Grand Champion.  The second picture is "WarPaint".  I got it by happen-stance and had to finish it it order to sell it.   


I took some lessons and pretty much learned to fly one.  I never really liked it.   I kept seeing all the NTSB reports about RAF 2000 crashes and fatilities.  Last count there were 18.  It was always in the back of my mind, I could not enjoy being in one.  Plus they do not perform as the company advertises.  I could not use my 700' grass field.  It just wouldn't take off and climb out good enought to make me feel comfortable.  Thus I started looking for something else.  This time I did my homework and decided on a Zenith 701. 

I don't call mine a Zenith 701.  To me it's a LM-701.  The only parts I use from Zenith are the tail and fuselage, wings are PegaStol, controls are mine, engine is Subaru 2.5 and several more un-Zenith mods. 


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