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LM701  STOL N1345L

Look Ma, No Slots

Doing away with the Flaperon Control Slots in the side of the fuselage is a borrowed idea from a couple of 801 builders.

I just finished my no-slots and am very happy with the results.  The idea is simple.  It uses two bell cranks tied together with interconnecting tubes at the normal pivot point.  You have to build it from  scratch, except the bearing, which is available at Aircraft Spruce.

I used 3/4" tube into 7/8" tube instead of the smaller ones the 801 builders used.  This is such a vital control component I felt better with a stronger structure.

Here are a series of pictures, which are self explanatory.





  Notice the inspection glass on the flaperon control cover.  I also had to build a seat belt extension to keep the seat belt from interfering with the control.



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