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LM701  STOL N1345L

Custom Wheel Pants

I don't know if it's proper to call them pants or fairings, but I made custom fenders for my 701. 

After I finish my own set, I plan to market wheel pants for the 701.  I will post it here and on the Zenith list when I am ready.

I'm not finished yet, but I thought I would show what they will look like.

This picture is of a old small wheel pant cut into four pieces to increase the overall size by 3".  Then I finished it out,  and used it for a plug to make a mold.

 This is a picture of me holding on side of the mold.   The finished plug I used to make the mold is next to the wheel.

 Here is the finished front wheel pant with the little post fairing I made.


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