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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Top Skin, Part I

Installing the top skin is not difficult.  The instructions are not real clear as to the order of events.  Here is the order in which I installed mine.

1. Have all your center lines drawn on the ribs and spars.

2. Remove your frame work from the table.

3. Get your top skin, put it on the table with a piece of plywood under it.  Remember, either have help moving the top skin or cleco a long 1" X 2" board along the leading edge to move it by yourself.

4.  Drill out every pilot hole to 3/32".  Take skin off of the table, put frame back on.

5.  Put skin on top of frame, remember the pre-drilled holes on one end of skin go to the wing tip end. And, the root end will have a 3/4" overhang at the tail. It will be even at the leading edge and taper in to the tail. Draw a line there, you will need to cut off the overhang later.

6.  Drill and cleco all but the leading edge holes.  You may find that lining up the ribs may be difficult.  I used a four foot long 1" X 2" board with a notch cut in the end so I could reach through the lighting holes to the rib I needed to move.  Here's a picture of it.

7.  Now you can build your tank lids.  They use three braces under each lid.  You can go ahead complete and rivet the braces to the lid skin, do not rivet the lid to the wing top skin.  Set them in place and drill and cleco them.  Do not cut fuel cap holes yet.  Mark the lids as to which way they go and which lid is the inner and which is the outer. The distance between the edge of the lid and the brace is more on the front than the back.  I put the longer one on the front to accommodate the tank cap.  They look like this.


7.  Remove the skin and deburr.  Set aside until after you have the fuel tanks installed.

8.  Before riveting the top skin, you will need to set and plumb you fuel tanks.

We will do that next, Fuel Tank Installation


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