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LM701  STOL N1345L

WigWag Lighting System

Making your aircraft as visible as possible may be one of the most important modifications you can do to your aircraft.  Making your landing lights, assuming you have more than one, WigWag, is an easy and  relatively inexpensive way to really increase that all important visibility.

For those that may not be familiar with the term WigWag, it simply is the alternating flashing or blinking from one landing light to another.  This is very common on emergency type vehicles.

My 701 "kutter" will have four landing lights.   Two in the cowling and one in the nose of each main wheel pant or if you prefer, fairing.  Each set will WigWag independent of the other.  It will require two sets of wiring. All four landing lights could be wired through one flasher, but it may be too much amp draw for one flasher. You most likely will only need one.

Pre-built WigWag systems can be purchased for several hundred dollars.  But you don't have to put out an arm and leg to have WigWag lights.  You can build your own system for about $30.

I recommend you use the solid state flasher from NAPA, 7410.   It is much more dependable than the Wagner.  Last time I bought one it was around $18.

By using a double pole, double throw, center off switch, which you can purchase at NAPA also, it allows you to have your landing lights on full on one side of the switch and WigWag on the other.  Another thing I do which is not in the drawing is to put a red LED off one of the center poles so that I know at a glance what my landing light are doing.

Pardon my crude drawing, a draftsman, I am not.



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