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LM701  STOL N1345L

Building the PegaStol Wings

Installing the Wings   

The first thing you will need is more people.  Four people including your self is ideal.  Two on each side, one at the tip and you to mark and trim the root deflector, then to install the root bolts to the fuselage.

Build a couple of stands to hold the wing in place while you fit the struts.  Mine look like this.

I got the little work tables at Harbor Freight, they were only about $20 each.  You will need two because later on you will need one at each end.

Because I didn't build my root deflector like the instructions said, I had to make some minor corrections. 

Tape off or cover the parts that the root deflector will touch, mainly the windshield and top lexan. 

Ease the wing up to the fuselage until the deflector touches.  Look at the root braces both on the wing and the fuselage to see how close they are to aligning.  This will give you an idea as to how much you will need to trim.  I suggest you mark and trim in small increments, perhaps a quarter of an inch at a time.  If you cut too much, you can't put it back.

You will have to do the above several times until you get a good fit with the bolts installed.  You will need approximately 1/8th inch clearance all around the deflector.

Pull your wing back, remove all the tape or cover, install your rubber on the deflector, bolt the wing up to the fuselage.  Do not tighten at this time.

Should look like this when you are done.

Install both wings and prop up the ends with your adjustable worktables. 

Adjust the tables to where it looks like the wing tips are higher than the root.  Run a very tight string from tip to tip.  The distance from the top of the wing at the root deflector to the string should be adjusted until it is three inches (3") between them.

Next build your struts.  You can either measure or use the measurements Dedalius gives you in the book.  I found the Dedaluis measures to be right-on.

Regardless of which way you do it, here is a suggestion which I used and feel that it is pretty full proof.  Make up one side of the struts, install them and then make the other side exactly the same lengths as the first side.  Don't forget to run your pitot tube and wires through the struts.  I ran fuel lines through the rear strut.  With the strings, it looks like this.


If you look close you can see the red string.  Mine ended up with 2 3/4" string clearance on each side.  Overall I can say I am very happy with the wings.

Here's a couple more pictures.

Flaperon Control Rods.

If you are using Zenith supplied upper control rods, you will find that they are too short.

The reason is that the PegaStol flaperons are higher than the Zenith ones.  The PegaStol flaperons sit higher and closer in to the wing than Zenith's.  Also the PegaStol wing bottom is semi-symmetrical whereas the Zenith wing bottom is flat.  This causes the flaperons to be even a little bit more higher than Zenith's.

The difference is about 3 inches, depending on your adjustments.

And, Good Night!!


Flying is Next 



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