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Trolleys for Merida

08/16/04 5:00 PM Presidential Palace (sing reads) "The Love of the people towards their President did more than the hatred of a group towards a man"

Hummer like vehicle 100% Venezuelan made

"TIUNA" Vehicle in "EXPO EJERCITO 2004"

Don't Mess with Venezuela

Miranda City

Caricuao Hospital

Hands Off Venezuela

Say No to U.S. Intervention

Poster of the Bolivarian Revolution

Memeber of a Bolivarian Circle traveling

Movil Hospital

Greatful Argentinians

More Greatful Argentinians

Argentinian Brothers and Sisters

Venezuela Solidarity with Argentina

"La Casona" Restored

Minibus in Caricuao

"Mision Ribas" Advertisement

There is NO Referendum!

In the "Puente Llaguno" The Llaguno Bridge

Our Revolution is Forever!

"Unidad Popular Venezolana" Venezuelan Popular Union

Why are the Cops wearing gloves? (11/03/02)

Plate for the fallen "Puente Llaguno" Llaguno Bridge

New Tow Trucks

Anti-Yanki Sing

Proud workersw of the new PDVSA

Current Venezuelan ID

Voting machine

Solidarity march for Venezuela and Haiti

Know the enemy of the people

Digital Tank

Recognize them people!

The Oil is Ours!

"Mision Rivas" Rivas Mission

The red tie grows!

Opposition decreases

The Student's solidarity

We are the mayority!

Cuban and Venezuelan girls enjoying the Revolution

Swiss Bolivarian Committee

Bolivarian Circle of New York

Bolivarian Circle of France

Arepas are ours!

Sing to support the process

Mark Weisbrot talks about the National Endowment for Democracy and The C.I.A. providing funds for anti-goverment organizations in Venezuela

With Chavez the people has the power