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Jesse Bob Mateus... Trying to go through life in high school as a prep who doesnt give a shit about what other people say and about his hair, his white shoes, and his tight shirts n pants...

Even though he lets that so called "facial hair" grow and let it look nasty... hes still cool, he still let us go to his house and eat. And maybe party some times

Jesse KataBob Matheus looks like a weak guy, a shy guy... but once u get to know him... hes not a shy guy or a weak ass shit... even though he looks like a fag with that facial hair of his... hes still pimps, hes taking advices from hes pimp friends... Ruben N John... I mean ask ur self,what can a guy with two gurls and money ask for.

He is a cool guy and everything but the fact that he takes steroids is not a cool thing... i mean i understand he wants to look like fukcing arnold chochanegra... but he doesnt have to go that far

If u take a close look at him, u'll notice that hes compiting cyndy for whom got the biggest boobs!!! shit hes boobs are bigger then fucking... uuuuuummmmm!!!! let me think of someone... GOT IT... LUI**!!! nah nevah mind... i dont wanna be mean,

Well anyways. thats him, if he wants to look like shit with steroids he can.... thats hes life hes controling not us...GOOD LUCK WITH THE STEROIDS