The oldest historical use of the word "Cook" was in
the year 1000.
Its Use:
One who's occupation is the preparation of food for the table. It was orignally masculine.
The countries that claim the word are: United States, The Dutch, Germany, The Danish, Swedish and Iceland.
Variant spellings of the word "Cook."
Cóc....11th Century
Kok....13th Century
Kowke..15th Century
Cuke...15th Century
Cocus..15th Century; Plural
I believe that the spelling has evolved the way it has because of the many changes in dialects throughtout the ages.
The word cook is used as a noun and a verb. As a noun, it is describes a person that prepares food. As a verb, it describes the act of preparing food or playing music.
Definition 1:
To Ruin, spoil,"do for"
1889-If there are tow key-moves, a problem is cooked
Definition 2:
One whose occupation is the preperation of food for the table.
1000-Originally masculine
Definition 3:
To succeed, to do very well; to act or think correctly.
1942-Many a student....figured that...Thurman Arnold was cooking with gas.
Definition 4:
To play music with excitement, inspiration.
1968-The band used to get up on the bandstand and really cook.
Definition 5:
To present in a surreptitiously altered form, for some purpose; to manipulate, "doctor," falsify, tamper with.
1751-Some falsified printed accounts, artfully cooked up, on purpose to mislead and deceive.
The word as used today:
Noun: A person who prepares food for eating
Verb: To prepare food for eating by means of heat to undergo the action of being cooked. Concoct,fabricate. Falsify,doctor.
Sentences on today's uses:
1: Jeff was promoted from Prep Cook to Line Cook.
2: Jade had to cook two gallongs of bearnaise sauce for the party.
3: The Enron Corporation fell, because the books had been cooked.
4: The teenager cooked up a story to get out of trouble with his parents.
I still use the word cook in this sense today. I see a cook as a person who prepares food. I also use the word cook to describe the preparation of food in everyday life. Even though it isn't used as much, cook is still used as a slang word as well.
Why I chose the word cook:
Cooking has been a hobby and a strong passion of mine. When trying to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up, I knew I wanted to cook. I am now in College studying to become a Chef. I am able to intergrate my passion into my career.