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Descendants of Amanda Catherine “Kate/Kittie” Brookshire (1877-1940)

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Amanda Catherine “Kate/Kittie” Brookshire (1877-1940) was the sixth child of Frankie and Newt Brookshire. She married Ollie Clay Hardman (1878-1972) in 1899. They lived at Winchester in Clark County, Kentucky. They had six children. These were:

(1) Ray Hardman (b. 1901).
(2)Vivian Gateskill Hardman (b. 1905). She married Henry Reynolds on 7 September 1936. They had one son, Joseph Bush Reynolds (b. 1940).
(3)Lillian Bush Hardman (b. 5 September 1907).
(4)William Randolph Hardman (1912-1983), who married Elizabeth Baker Morris in 1941. William and Elizabeth had two children. These were William Randolph Hardman, Jr. and Nancy Morris Hardman (b. 1950), who married John Whitworth Crenshaw.
(5) Francis Elizabeth Hardman (1914-1985). She married Raymond McHargue (1908-1993). They had three children. These were: Glynis McHargue (Patterson), who is one of the editors of this webpage. Glynis married Ian T. Patterson, Jr. The other children of Francis and Raymond McHargue were Dawn Elyse McHargue, who married James Johnson and Lanny Ray McHargue.

Claudia, Glenis, Toby and Hazel On the far left is Glynis McHargue (Patterson), the second child of Francis (Hardman) and Raymond McHargue. She is with three other Crankfield descendants. They are left to right: Toby Terrar, Claudia Sovilla and Hazel Terrar. All are co-editors of this webpage. This picture was taken on April 24, 2005 at the National Educational Association Cafeteria in Washington, D.C. Claudia had come from Jacksonville, Florida to Washington, D.C. to do some family history research at the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Library of Congress and the National Archives. Glynis came from near-by Round Hill, Virginia to do her own research. It had probably been one hundred years since Eliza Crankfield Bush and Margaret Jane Crankfield Hogan descendants had got together. We are hoping we can turn our meeting into an annual Crankfield Family Reunion at Blythewood, South Carolina or other places. (/un/crank/crank-jpg/crank-1.jpg)