
Hi, welcome to Dragonball Explosion (or DE). My site is dedicated completely towards the original Dragonball series, which is better than either DBZ or DBGT. On my site, you'll find loads and loads of information, images, and other entertainment, so stick around. To bookmark Dragonball Explosion, just press CTRL + D on your keyboard. Any questions or comments are welcome, but first please refer to the FAQ section. Below are the most recent updates.
Post Subject: DBZ Top 50, and some other stuff
Posted At: Saturday, August 21 @ 3:46 PM
What's up? I added a topsite link button. It's called DBZ Top 50. Currently my rank is at #602, because I just added it, along with the fact that I don't get a lot of unique visitors. Also, I have put up the next chapter to the Complete DB Story, which is called The Red Ribbons. Please go read it. Right now, I'm working on a new section called Power Analysis, which will track a character's power level throughout Dragonball, graph it, and analyze it. Hang tight. Later.
Post Subject: The website's up...
Posted At: Friday, August 20 @ 11:10 AM
Well, Dragonball Explosion is pretty much up and running. The layout also seems to be working fine. I've just added the FAQ and the Links section, go look at them! I've also put up a few pages of the Complete DB Story section, so please read that. Right now I'm working on the Red Ribbon chapters. Oh yeah, any additions will be posted up in the Latest Additions box on the left, so keep coming back and seeing our new content. Later.