They're Not Stupid; They're Cats
West Poplar (the house I share with my four roomates) is now home to a pair of kittens. Well, little cats is more accurate. Like any proud parents, we've spent hours trying to take their pictures in cute poses. Well, here are the results.

Meet Johnny Cat (left) and June Carter Cat (right). The cats also known as Fleabag & Fleabag.

Here's Johnny in his first minutes at West Poplar.

Apparently, Johnny Cat thinks the litterbox is his own personal sandbox, much to Jenny's chagrin.

Here is Johnny, entirely too smug.

Playtime, with a string of pearls. Jenny's only comment regarding the destruction of Sarah's necklace: "Oops."

When good cats go bad.

Two pictures of June on the couch, covered in a sheet to keep the Fleabags from scratching further holes.

June's favorite game, hiding in a bag. With a brother like Johnny, I'd hide too.

Eventually June decided to play, looking every bit the jungle cat like her brother.

Both our little lions hard at work destroying Sarah's jewelry.

Josh finally concedes he doesn't hate the cats and pets Johnny while June watches jealously.
Kittens are cute, most everyone agrees (except maybe Josh). However, fat old cats are a different story. While campaigning in Asheville, Josh, Jenny, and I stayed with a family who had a giant cat. We couldn't resist one night, and we actually weighed the thing. It weighed 27 pounds. 27! For comparison, Johnny, the larger of our cats, weighs about 8 or 9 pounds. Before we left, we decided to take a few pictures for proof of Asheville's fattest cat. I just hope our cats don't end up this obese. Don't worry; Josh will drown them first.
Warning. The cat you are about to see is hideously, ridiculously, and shockingly obese. I don't think the pictures do justice to this cat, but just remember, 27 pounds!

Okay, that's a pretty big cat walking on a wall in a blurry picture. No big deal, right?

However, as the cat approaches, you'll notice he's pretty damn fat.

At this point, you should be wondering how any cat gets a stomach like that eating fish flavored cereal.

Here it is: the shot that does the most justice to this monster. For comparison's sake, Jenny posed with the cat. It's the size of her torso, for God's sake.
Anyway, that's enough about cats, being a dog person myself.
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