Images of our Door

Now for something a little bit weirder...
Josh, Jenny, and I decorated Jenny and my dorm room's door and here are a few pictures of our art. For maximum strangeness, be sure to read the captions. Remember, Moltar says: Reading is Fun-For-Mentals

Before the madness begins... very hospital sterile, don't you think?

The (un?)Finished Door

Our sunshine name tags, kindly made by our RA Vicki were taken down and replaced with these Warhol inspired nametags (by the way: we found a new use for the sunshine nametags, they now are stuck to the T.V. screen, very festive except if you want to watch anything)

This was our original door decoration, the only thing on there for months and months until that one crazy night when the madness began...this geisha house sign lovingly made and colored by Jenny and Alex in August. It used to garner many late night visits from guys wandering the hall, asking if they could come inside the Geisha House. Now we don't have that problem because our door frightens not only strangers but our close friends away as well!

This Camel ad represents Jenny and I at our finest...Jenny got to decide which one was which; according to her I'm the bustier one

The leftside of the door, up close (the bananas are carrying a banner that says "Let's all ignore the phallic implications of Bananas")

The bottom half of the door, up close...on the middle left we have a crayon non-representational abstract by Jenny...on the middle right we have a goat smoking a cigrarette with Egyptian eye and tulip by Josh...bottom left: Jones Soda labels...bottom right: picture of me

Even closer close-up of the bottom half, showcasing Jenny's Stilllife entitled "The Unbearable Sadness of Produce" (top) and Josh & Alex's Black and White Collage, "Untitled #1"(bottom)...however, the little kid's drawing of the corn (middle)I found at Brunson Elementary in downtown Winston a couple years ago and somehow had saved it and brought it to college with me

Thanks for stopping by Room 433

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