Ponies & Puppies

In honor of Jenny, who often exclaims PONIES!, and Josh, who likely replies PUPPIES!, here is the gallery dedicated to all those ponies and puppies associated with members of our Chapel Thrill crew. And I'm sorry if I haven't taken a picture of your puppies (Josh) but that means you can invite me over for dinner (hint). Anyway, here they are.

Here's Blackberry Dog, or BearDog (B.D.) as she if known to my family, who did not name her this out of laziness, by the way, Josh.

That's her paying attention face.

BearDog, once again, possibly grinding dirt into my mom's white comforter.

BearDog and her "grandma" (my mom). Do you see our familial resemblance?

Here is another gratuitous shot of B.D.

BearDog and her "grandma" (my mom).

Once again, BearDog.

One last shot of BearDog.

Just kidding, fool, here's more BearDog, this time with her father, Josh.

Bear and her daddy, but Bear has gotten camera shy.

OK, last shot of BearDog for real.

Here's Catalina, or "Callie", my horse.

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