Summertime and the Livin's Easy
Summertime is here and Katie's home from art school. Not only does this mean my other best friend is home to play but Josh and I get our own personal photographer. Here are some shots from a shoot by the lake.

Here is me standing on the dock but you couldn't tell, could you?

Here is Josh sitting on the dock. He might be sulking or it could be the suspenders.

Careful, sulking can turn into the evil eye. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we have finally captured that horrible grimace he makes on camera. So for all of you that didn't believe me in AP Biology that I wasn't screaming to disrupt class but because Josh was casting a hex on me, here's the proof of how frightening he can be.

Here, Josh is looking a bit more lively by the gazebo.

Now Katie started taking fancy schmancy art school pictures. She says this shot is an example of a "drunken horizon". I say it's a "Damn, girl, you drunk?" angle.

Now we're supposed to pose together, but you can tell Josh and I are skeptical about getting too close to one another. Hey, hey, that doesn't last long, just keep scrolling.

Well, before any lovey-dovey shots can occur, Josh and I have to be mean to one another, so I start this creepy mating dance with a good snap of his suspenders.

But Josh is too quick for me and covers his nipple before I can snap it.

Well, all aggression aside, I can behave and Josh can even pretend to appear like girls don't gross him out. I call that progress. Katie calls it art. Or something.

Josh thinks this looks like a weird prom picture. I don't know any girl who's worn a wifebeater to prom, but we look nice anyway.

However, if we stand that close together I'm inevitably going to start biting someone. But Josh appears only amused by my bared teeth.

Josh actually initiates for a change. Oh yeah.

After that much humping, what can I say? "Not tonight, honey, I have a headache."

Nice post-coital snuggling, in full clothes. Scroll down for an even better example.

Sweet Jesus, the photographer has been photgraphed. Here is Katie, thank god she isn't as vain as Josh and I.

Katie, once again, but looking skeptical at my photography skills.

And I quote, "Get'er done!"

Josh and Katie appearing to fight over a camera.

But all has been resolved and has led to the best example I have of fully clothed dirty snuggling. Although, I'm not sure if you can call Josh fully clothed.

We had a costume change and went to a farm for a second shoot but we were chased off by a farmer who didn't even own the place. However, I did get a shot of my newly made cow friend.
What's better than photo-shoots? Parties! And what's better than carefully posed pictures? Drunken shots from said are a few photos from the last true party of the summer.

Josh is pretty drunk by this point. He's been sippin' whiskey for an hour or more.

Here are Josh & Katie, they could pull off looking sober, but trust me, it's a lie.

See what I mean? Those kids are definitely not sober.

Something about insobriety makes you want to stick your tongue out, so I joined in by no one tried to lick me.

This is Jenna, a friend of Alan's. She was at the party but reluctant to be photographed. Obviously not drunk enough, then.

This is Joe, Jenna's boyfriend, also a friend and fellow employee of Alan's. Drunk enough to be photogenic, I'd say.
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