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Theses guys are our favorites!  You just get a warm feeling in your heart at the sight of a clown fish playing in an Anemone.  There is actually 2 Clowns Living in this anemone, a mated pair in fact.  Here is the female, and the male is in behind.  The clowns are Amphiprion ocellaris and the anemone is a Heteractis magnifica.  The anemone stayed on the rock bellow where it is now for a while, which is where we put him, but seems to prefer being on the glass instead.  I think it gets more light there.


Here is our Powder Brown Tang. Acanthurus Japonicus is the Latin Name.  He is always on the move, so its hard to get a descent picture of him.  You can see the female clown in the back poking her head out to see what's going on.   The fins on the Tang have a brilliant glow to them due to the Actinic Fluorescents.


These two are the most interactive thing critters we have.  When ever we open the hood they will swim up to the surface to greet us.  If we put our hands in the water they will climb right in and clean off any dead skin or dirt.  Hence the name, "Cleaner Shrimp," Lysmata amboinensis.  The one in the front is the female, she's actually carrying eggs here, but its hard to tell.  This is their shop, and they are open for business.  Any fish with an itch swims here and the cleaners go to work, no charge.


Here is one of our Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) climbing about.  We have 5 of them in our tank.  At first they were really skittish but now we can hand feed them.  No where near as much fun as the Cleaner Shrimp though.


We also have a Lawnmower Blenny Salarias Fasciatus that is very elusive.  We haven't had any luck getting a clear shot of him yet, but we will.


Lastly, but certainly not leastly, we have a Green Chromis Chromis Atripectoralis.  This was actually one of our first three fish, all bought at the same time.  The first thing I noticed when I got home was that he only had one eye.  We thought for sure he was a goner, but he's still here and his brothers are long gone.  Can't seem to get a clear pic of him either, but we're trying.




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