Fake Xuande Burners
仿製 宣德爐
GeoStrokeFor Beginners
For Professionals
Chinese BASICS
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Imitated Ones 仿 / 偽 造品
自 1430 年起, 1500's, 1600's, 1700's, 1800's, 1900's, 到 2000's
仿 / 偽製品, 未見間斷過.
It is the most-imitated Chinese Burner in history
but no one can succeed so far.
五百多年前的中國 冶金, 製模, 失臘, 澆灌, ...
等高超技藝, 可惜, 今皆已 "失傳"!
誰說中華 "從無" 科技?!
Gold-Color Xuande Burner
18th Century Imitation (very rare)
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十八世紀 康熙年代之 "無包漿層" 仿製品
18-Century Imitations
21st Century Imitation Styles
現代粗製濫造之 仿製品
The Real Ones
真正 宣德爐