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Descendants of Hugh Tyrer (1832-1890) and Ellen Jones

Hugh Tyrer (1832-1890) was the fifth child of Edward Tyrer (1794-1855) and Ellen Williams. As noted on our main web page, Hugh Tyrer married Ellen Jones about 1856. He died 12 May 1890. Hugh was a miller in Amlwch for the most of his life, although he had his profession at times listed as a copper smelterer and journeyman. He and his family lived during most of their lives on Wesley St., Amlwch. Hugh and Ellen Tyrer may have had 10 children. But as noted in the discussion of Hugh’s older sister, Hannah Tyrer, there is confusion in our records about two of these children, William Tyrer and Richard Tyrer. In the case of William Tyrer, it appears that both Hannah and Hugh had sons whom they named William Tyrer. The dates for Hannah’s William were 1857-1937. The dates for Hugh’s William were 1859-1902. The birth certificate lists no father for Hannah’s son. That is the reason he was given his mother’s surname (Tyrer). The confusion in our records concerning these two William Tyrers is that both are listed as married to Jane Roberts and as having the same nine children, including Margaret Ann Tyrer (Fisk).

The case of the other child, Richard Tyrer (1863-1908), is slightly less confusing. There appears to have been only one person with this name. The problem is, was he the son of Hannah or of Hugh? Until the confusion is cleared up, we will double-list William and Richard Tyrer and their descendants under both Hugh and Hannah. Read both entries, because some information is given in one that is not repeated in the other. The purported ten children of Hugh and Ellen Tyrer were:

1) Ellen Tyrer (27 April 1857-25 January 1885) was the first child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones.
2) William Tyrer (2 February 1859-12 September 1902) was the second child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones. But see the discussion above. There is confusion in our records because Hugh's older sister, Hannah, also had a son of the same name and approximate age. What is clear is that, despite whoever his parents were, William went to work at age eight in Parys Mine and stayed there until it was closed. From 1880 to 1895 he was a smelterer and laborer at a chemical works in Amlwch Port until it closed. Then he went south Wales to work in the pits, either at Aberdare or Taylorstown. But later he returned to Amlwch and had a job with the Anglesey County Council until he retired. William Tyrer married Jane Roberts (1856-1937). In 1937 they were living at 32 Wesley St. They had ten children, all of whom except for the last, were born on Welsey St. in Amlwch. They are listed below, next to the picture of the ninth child, Margaret Ann Tyrer Fisk:
Margaret Fisk
  • 1) Robert Tyrer (1876-1879).
  • 2) William Tyrer (1878-1964). He was brought up with Richard Tyrer of London. He never married. He worked at the same smeltering works as his father in Amlwch. When the works were closed, he went to sea until his retirement.
  • 3) Robert Tyrer (b. 1880).
  • 4) Hannah Tyrer (b. 1882).
  • 5) Ellen Jane Tyrer (1886-1887).
  • 6) Evan Tyrer (b. 1888).
  • 7) Robert Tyrer (1891-1920). He was brought up with Richard Tyrer of London. He never married. He worked as a guard on the railroad and was living at 32 Wesley St. in 1920.
  • Olwen Tyrer
  • 8) Richard Tyrer (1893-1893).
  • 9) Margaret Ann Tyrer (b. 1895) was born at 47 Wesley St. Her picture was taken by Ed Terrar (1920-2004) in the early 1970s during his visit to Amlwch. It is the picture on the top left. Margaret married William Fisk. In the 1970s she was living at 47 Wesley St., Amlwch.
  • 10) Olwen Tyrer (b. 1919) was born at Llanddyfnan. Her picture was taken by Ed Terrar (1920-2004) in the early 1970s during his visit to Amlwch. It is the left. Olwen was adopted in 1922 when Robert Tyrer, their blood son, died. Olwen never married. In the 1970s she was living at Park Mount, Glanhwfa Rd., Llangefni, Anglesey. She was a good historian and knew much about the family history.
  • 3) Edward Tyrer (26 May 1861—23 December 1861) was the third child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones.
    4) Edward Tyrer (10 November 1862-20 January 1863 was the fourth child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones.
    5) Richard Tyrer (1863-5 March 1908) was the fifth child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones. Richard was listed as a “sailor” in 1885, a “mariner” in 1889, a “master mariner” in 1894 and a “mariner merchant marine” in 1897-1899. He was a captain of the Mary Catherine, then the Hod-Barrow-Miner, both master schooners of the 300-ton class. He sailed chiefly from northwest England to the southern seaports. He was drowned in a shipwreck. Alan Tyrer says the name of the ship he was lost on was the Harburow Miner and that he was a wealthy ship owner. Richard married Ellen Wynne (d. 1832) in 1885 at the Dinas Chapel, Calvinist Methodist, Amlwch. Richard and Ellen Tyrer had six children, all of whom were born in Amlwch. They are listed below, next to the picture. The sixth child, Howell Tyrer (b. 1902), is pictured with his soccer team, the "Amlwch Jolly Boys" in 1922-1923. Howell is the person sitting second from the right.
    Howell Tyrer Richard and Ellen Tyrer's six children were:
  • Richard “Dick” Tyrer (b. 1889) was the first child of Richard and Ellen Tyrer. He married Winnfred Barker.
  • Margaret “Maggie” Tyrer (b. 1891) was the second child of Richard and Ellen Tyrer. She married William Hughes Lemin in 1911.
  • John Henry Tyrer (b. 1894) married Kathrin Elizabeth Parry in 1948).
  • Ann Ellen Tyrer (b. 1897) married Owen John Evans in 1943.
  • Edward "Ted" Tyrer (b. 1899) was the fifth child of Richard and Ellen Tyrer. He married Jane Jones in 1934. They had one son, Vaughn Tyrer (b. 1938), who was born at Holyhead (Anglesey), North Wales. Vaughn Tyrer married Isobel, who was from Scotland. Vaugh and Isobel had three children all born at Glasgow, Scotland. These were: John Edward Tyrer, Alan Vaughn Tyrer and Wendy Jane Tyrer. In 1972 Vaughn Tyrer moved to Ontario, Canada. Alan Vaughn Tyrer has several daughters. He also has a knowledge of the Tyrer family history.
  • Howell Tyrer (b. 1902) was the sixth child of Richard and Ellen Tyrer. In the picture to the left he is the person sitting second from the right. He married Grace Ann Hughes in 1929.
  • 6) Hugh Tyrer (14 June 1864-9 October 1915) was the sixth child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones. He lived at 31 High St., Llangefini, Wales in 1901.
    7) Margaret Ann Tyrer (b. 23 January 1867) was the seventh child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones. She married a man named Webb.
    8) Edward Tyrer (b.19 May 1869) was the eighth child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones.
    9) Mary Elizabeth Tyrer (b. 5 February 1871) was the ninth child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones.
    10) Robert Tyrer (l6 May 1875-16 March 1942) was the tenth child of Hugh Tyrer and Ellen Jones. He married Ann E.