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LINUX Operation System, edu, ...

Free Software Foundation, GNU Org.
Linux Kernel HOWTO
Twn Linux Org.
Chinese Linux Extentiom - CLE (ÁcÅé¦r Linux ¶°¦¨)
HTTP Kernel Org.
Linus Torvalds
Kernel (Mirriors)
OpenUnix Org. (GB)
Debian Org.
Unix/Linux Workshop ×÷·» (GB)
China Linux Forum (Öйú Linux ÂÛ̳) [Powered by S.Chinese Linux OS]
Linux Source Navigator
Linux WWW (¥æ³q¤j¾Ç)
Linux 2.0 §t Slackware 3.0 ¤§¨ú±o ¤Î, §Ö³t¦w¸Ëªk, ... (¤¤­ì¤j¾Ç) (Big-5), Linux Products n Installation, Developer Network, ... (GB)
To install RedHat Linux Quickly Tech. News
S.u.S.E. Linux
Caldera OpenLinux 2.2/ Distribution Comparison, ...
OpenLinux Developer Network
Linux OS Prof., Linux Slackware, FreeBSD, ... etc.
Free Software Archive
RedHat Store: Linux 6.0 ( instal. prg., ... etc.), ...
ChineseLinux n JapaneseLinux Sites
Japanese, Chinese Linux Products
ChineseLinux (GB n Big-5), JapaneseLinux, ...
***** BUY *****

TurboLinux 4.0 S.Chinese (GB ÖÐÎÄ°æ)
Linux download (Îĵµ×Ê,ͼÊéÏÂÔØ) (GB)
CLEEX for Linux v1.0 ¼¸ÖÖºº×ÖÊäÈë·½·¨ (GB)

Linux.Net, GeoStroke, Comparison of Chinese Input Systems, ...

Linux Net News (·s»D, ªì¾Ç¤Jªù, §Þ³N°Q½×, ... ) (Big-5)

Using 10 number keys to input Chinese characters
Comparison of Various Chinese Input Systems

Why GeoStroke is easier?

GeoStroke Artificial Intelligence
(¤H¤u´¼¼z§U§A§K¥Í¿ù»~, ¿é¤J¦æ®Ñ, ... )

Why GeoStroke is better?
Chinese Surnames (Big-5 / GB, Zuyin / Pinyin, GeoStroke)
*** GeoStroke Navigator ***

10-key Digital
Chinese Input System
»{¹Ï (¨£¦r) ³]½X º~¦r¿é¤J¨t²Î


Chinese Strokes

Coding, How?

Casual Use

Professional Use



Open-Source Codes

Operation System

Linus Torvalds
wrote a half-million-line
Linux operating system
Microsoft Windows' 7-million-line offering.

Linux now holds 16 percent of the server market.

In 3-5 years, Linux PC will be very popular.

By then People will have freedom to choose a

PC operation system

Apple (System-7),
IBM (OS/2), or
Mirosoft (Windows)

for his/her own computer.


Server Market Share

at the end of 1998

Window NT 38%
Linux 16%
Unix 19%
Novell's Netware 23%


Linux is a UNIX like operating system

that was originally developed by Linus Torvalds. It is a fully featured



that runs extremely robustly on a wide variety of hardware.
Linux can be found not only on

Intel Computers

(on which it originally ran), but also on


In fact, Linux takes first place when it comes
to the support of diverse hardware.

Diversity is a key word

when talking about Linux.
Not only does Linux run on very different hardware,
but it can talk to a wide variety of networks. Linux is at home with

novell netware,

and is even comfortable with

Microsoft Networking,

some of the more

obscure protocols.



is actually the name for

the kernel

(the core part of the operating system that is responsible for
critical things such as memory and file management).

A lot of what gives Linux its edge

(such as the gcc compiler and
the bash shell)

come from the

GNU project.

GNU is also responsible for the license that Linux is distributed under.

Even though Linux is really just a kernel,
most people associate it with a complete package.


The Multiuser Concept

Russell C. Pavlicek

People with experience in many PC operating systems (such as DOS or Windows) sometimes have difficulty understanding what is meant by the claim that Linux is a "multiuser" operating system. Some people mistake the term for "multitasking" which is the ability of the operating system to manage two or more different tasks at one time. Others sometimes think that "multiuser" refers to the operating system's ability to validate more than one login ID in order to differentiate between users.

While both of these concepts play a role in a multiuser operating system, neither of them actually describe what a true multiuser operating system does.
In short,

a multiuser operating system is
one capable of fully supporting
the diverse efforts of
two or more people to simultaneously use
the system's resources,
while maintaining the integrity and
security of each user's efforts.

For example, this is very different from the use of a single Windows 98 PC by two different people at two different times. While there may be two different login IDs, there are severe limitations to both people accessing the machine fully at the same time. Programs such as

CarbonCopy may allow two people

to share one desktop, and software such as

SMS may allow someone to
remotely administer the machine,

but this is

not true multiuser capability.

Neither is multiple connections to a webserver true multiuser capability, since that does not constitute full access to the machine's capabilities.

The first time I experienced the multiuser capabilities of Linux was back in 1995. I had set up my humble little 386 SX/40 desktop to allow me to dial in while I was away at training so my wife and I could exchange email (this was before the days when almost everyone had Internet access). One night, I found that my wife was sitting at my desk and composing email to me

at the same time

when I was dialed in and depositing email for her. Both of us had full access to the functions of the machine at the same time. Neither of us were immediately aware of the fact that the other was logged in and working on the machine. Yet both of us were able to work at whatever we wanted as if each of us were the only person on the machine.

One of the beauties of

a true multiuser operating system

is that you

don't need elaborate software

to allow you to gain control of the system from a remote location, because it was designed to be accessed by someone other than the person sitting in front of the machine itself. A multiuser operating system can service the needs of an entire department, business, or campus while offering each user the same functionality they would have if they were sitting the at the system console.


The Unix Shell

Steven Singer


The word Unix has traditionally brought to mind images of a mystical operating system for high-end workstations and servers that can only be gotten to through a cryptic command line interface know as the Unix Shell. Linux with the help of graphical front ends like GNOME has allowed people the power of Unix without requiring them to learn a complex command line system. However, The Unix Shell still has a lot to offer. From the command prompt simple programs or scripts can be quickly constructed to automate repetitive tasks. Constructing larger and more complex programs can also be done with minimal effort. The Unix Shell is a powerful tool that can make life easier for anyone who is willing to invest a bit of time learning the basic syntax.

Basic Concepts.

Running programs from the Unix command line is easy, under normal circumstances it is a matter of typing in the name of the program you wish to run. For exanple, if you want to start the Pine email client, just type "pine" at a command prompt. Pine will then take control of the screen until you exit. Only programs located within directories that appear in your PATH can be run in this fashion. All of the directories that normally contain executable programs should be in the default PATH. If you want to run a program that is not in a directory that your path searches you must specify the full path plus program name on the command line. For example if you wanted to run the program hello, located in the /tmp directory you would have to type in "/tmp/hello" the command will work from any directory.

Moving Around Directories.

Files in the Unix world are stored in directories. The directory sturcture on a Unix system is like a tree, the top of the tree is called the root directory or "/". The root directory can contain both subdirectories and files. Each subdirectory underneath root can also contain more subdiretories and files. When working in the shell your session always has a current directory. This current directory is the directory that you are "in" at any given time. When you execute commands from the shell, they will run with respect to the current directory. The command "pwd" will display the current directory, and the "cd" command allows you to change the current directory.

File Management.

Many shell scripts involve copying, moving, or removing files. All of these tasks can easily be handled from a standard shell.

Listing files.

The command used to view a list of files in the current directory is "ls". Typing "ls" at a command prompt will result in a listing of all files in the current directory being displayed.

Copying Files.

Copying files can be done with the cp command. The cp command takes as arguments a list of files to copy(the source) followed by the destination (where the files are to be copied too). Source lists containing more than one file must be followed by a destination directory. When copying a single file then the destination argument can be a directory to copy the file into, or the name of the new file to create. Consider the command "cp hello.txt world.txt goodbye.txt /tmp" this command will copy the files three text file specified(assuming they exist and are in the current directory) to the standard Unix temporary directory /tmp. After the command finishes the /tmp directory will contain copies of the three text files. Now consider the command "cp hello.txt none.txt" After the command finishes the file "none.txt" in the current directory will exist and will be an exact duplicate of the hello.txt file.

Moving Files.

Moving or renaming files from the Unix Shell is done with the mv command. Mv behaves a lot like copy. When moving multiple files the last argument on the command line specifies the name of the destination directory. When moving a single file the last(second) command line argument can either be the directory to which the file will be moved into or the name that the file will be renamed to. For example "mv hello.txt world.txt goodbyte.txt /tmp" will move the three text files into the /tmp directory. After the command executes the /tmp directory will contain the three files and the current directory will no longer contain the files. The command "mv hello.txt none.txt" will rename the file hello.txt to none.txt. Nothing else besides the name of the file will change.

Removing Files.

Deleteing a file from the Unix shell is done with the "rm" command. To delete a file type rm followed by the file name to delete, if you want to delete multiple files then type the names of all the files you wish to delete. For example to delete the three text files used in the copying example type "rm hello.txt world.txt goodbye.txt". It is important to remember that Unix does not normally have an undelete function, once a file is deleted it is gone for ever. Directoiies can also be deleted with the rm command. To delete a directory(and everything in that directory) use the -r(for recusive) option. If you wish to delete the directory /tmp/demo, and everything in it the command "rm -r /tmp/demo" will work.


The Unix shell should not be feared or loathed. Shell's are just pieces of software like any other component of the operating system. Programs can be started from the shell along with file management tasks. This article dealt with running simple shell commands and performing file management. The next step in mastering the Unix Shell is learning how to connect programs together through the shell.


The power of root

Russell C. Pavlicek

People who have never used a true multiuser operating system before sometimes become confused about the function of the "root" user in Linux. It can be unclear what is so special about this particular user and why it is important that "root" should be handled differently than any other user on the system.

To understand what the "root" user is all about, we first need to understand the concept of "privilege". In most Microsoft operating systems, such as Windows 9x, the user sitting at the PC can do anything they wish to do with the system. With a click of a mouse, the user can choose to install new software, reformat the hard drive, or unknowingly entertain the latest boot-sector virus. Such a user is fully "privileged". They have total control of the system -- for better or worse.

In Linux, most users do not have such privileges. In fact, most users need no such privileges to do their work. What do most users need to do? They need to run programs. They need to save their documents and data. Under Linux, users can perform these functions, but they are not able to modify the program executables themselves. Neither are they allowed to tamper with the files that belong to other users without the owner's permission. They are "unprivileged" users.

Working as an unprivileged user is a good thing. It prevents the possibility of accidentally erasing a program, of reading someone else's email, or of infecting your system with a nasty virus. It also prevents a malicious user from erasing your hard drive or corrupting your files.

When it is necessary to perform privileged tasks (like upgrading software), it is necessary to login as a privileged user. In the Unix world, the traditional name assigned to the fully privileged user is "root".

The "root" username is capable of engaging in most major system administration tasks.

It is also capable of causing damage to the system if it should be accessed by someone with malicious intent. As such, access to "root" is usually closely guarded. And, since viral code executed by "root" could potentially damage the system as much as a Windows virus can damage a Windows system, most system managers will only perform as few tasks as necessary when logged in as "root". Certain programs, such as some IRC clients which can sometimes accept scripts from external sources, are not normally executed while in "root" to eliminate the possibility of people attempting to hack into "root" via one of these programs.

So a good rule of thumb is: use "root" to perform administrative tasks, and only administrative tasks. As soon as you are done, log out of "root" and log in as an unprivileged user to perform your normal tasks. That way, you limit your exposure to viral code, trap doors, and the like.

To facilitate the need to quickly go in and out of "root", Linux comes with a command that allows you to temporarily become a "superuser" (i.e., "root") so you can perform a few tasks. When you have completed the tasks, you can exit temporary "root" identity and return to your normal user identity.

This division between non-privileged users and privileged "root" is an integral way of protecting system security. It greatly reduces the risk of viral infections that are common in the Windows 9x arena, while protecting confidential data from the prying eyes of other users.


Those individuals
who are interested in developing an

all-Chinese Linux OS,

please do not hesitate to contact:

Cho J. Yu


Willing to contribute free the following:

1. GeoStroke technique,
US D370,899, US 5,790,055, ZL 95101513.3

2. latest version of GeoStroke, V2.0,
good for Big-5 and GB both, easy-to-learn and easy-to-use
All-Chinese* Input Software
* Traditional, Simplified Chinese and Cursive-writting Chinese

3. Big-5 and GB codes, and codes for Kanji, Hanja, and Hanguel,

4. 10-Alphanumeric-Key All-language Inputting technique,
US 5,852,414, CN 1175020A

5. ............

This will benefit 1.2 billion Chinese worldwide.
Wishing you to succeed soon.



(Chinese Linux)


½Ð´f»P «\¯ªºÕ ³sµ¸

Ä@§K¶O´£¨Ñ¤U¦C¨ó§U :

1. GeoStroke ´X¦ó§Îª¬µ§µe §Þ³N,
US 5,790,055, CN 1121589A, US D370,899
US & China Patents

2. ¦UºØ¤º½X
(ÁcÅé, ²Å餤¤å, ¤é¤åº~¦r Kanji, Áú¤åº~¦r Hanja ¤Î Hanguel),

3. ¤QÁä½L ¨£¦r¦¨½X ©ö¾Ç©ö¥Î, ²¼ä©ú½T,
µyÃѤ¤¤å, ¬ù¤­¤ÀÄÁ«K¥i¾Ç·|,
¤H¤H·|¥Î ¤§

¤¤¤åÁc, ²Åé, ¦æ®Ñ³q¥Î¿é¤Jªk

³Ì·sª©¥» V2.0.

°Ñ¨£ "¦UºØ¤¤¤å¿é¤Jªk¤ñ¸û"
¤Î "ÁcÅܲ, ²ÅÜÁc" ºô­¶,

¨£¦r¦¨½X¤¤¤å¿é¤Jªk GeoStroke
¥i¥H¸ó¶V¤£¦P Operation Systems ¾Þ§@
(¨Ò¦p cWin3.1 »P cWin3.2),
©Ò¥H, Ác²Å餤¤å¥i¥H§Q¥Î GeoStroke ¤¬³q.

4. ³S¬Ã 10-Alphanumeric-Key ¥þ¯à »y¤å¿é¤J§Þ³N.
US 5,852,414, ZL 96110144.X

5. ............




10-key Chinese Input System, edu, ...

Free Software Foundation, GNU Org.
Linux Kernel HOWTO
Twn Linux Org.
Chinese Linux Extentiom - CLE (ÁcÅé¦r Linux ¶°¦¨)
HTTP Kernel Org.
Linus Torvalds
Kernel (Mirriors)
OpenUnix Org. (GB)
Debian Org.
Unix/Linux Workshop ×÷·» (GB)
China Linux Forum (Öйú Linux ÂÛ̳) [Powered by S.Chinese Linux OS]
Linux Source Navigator
Linux WWW (¥æ³q¤j¾Ç)
Linux 2.0 §t Slackware 3.0 ¤§¨ú±o ¤Î, §Ö³t¦w¸Ëªk, ... (¤¤­ì¤j¾Ç) (Big-5), Linux Products n Installation, Developer Network, ... (GB)
To install RedHat Linux Quickly Tech. News
S.u.S.E. Linux
Caldera OpenLinux 2.2/ Distribution Comparison, ...
OpenLinux Developer Network
Linux OS Prof., Linux Slackware, FreeBSD, ... etc.
Free Software Archive
RedHat Store: Linux 6.0 ( instal. prg., ... etc.), ...
ChineseLinux n JapaneseLinux Sites
Japanese, Chinese Linux Products
ChineseLinux (GB n Big-5), JapaneseLinux, ...
***** BUY *****

TurboLinux 4.0 S.Chinese (GB ÖÐÎÄ°æ)
Linux download (Îĵµ×Ê,ͼÊéÏÂÔØ) (GB)
CLEEX for Linux v1.0 ¼¸ÖÖºº×ÖÊäÈë·½·¨ (GB)

Linux.Net, GeoStroke, Comparison of Chinese Input Systems, ...

Linux Net News (·s»D, ªì¾Ç¤Jªù, §Þ³N°Q½×, ... ) (Big-5)
Using 10 number keys to input Chinese characters
Comparison of Various Chinese Input Systems
Why GeoStroke is easier?
GeoStroke Artificial Intelligence (¤H¤u´¼¼z§U§A§K¥Í¿ù»~, ¿é¤J¦æ®Ñ, ... )
Why GeoStroke is better?
Chinese Surnames (Big-5 / GB, Zuyin / Pinyin, GeoStroke)
*** GeoStroke Navigator ***


Linux is a UNIX like operating system

that was originally developed by Linus Torvalds. It is a fully featured



that runs extremely robustly on a wide variety of hardware.
Linux can be found not only on

Intel Computers

(on which it originally ran), but also on


In fact, Linux takes first place when it comes
to the support of diverse hardware.

Diversity is a key word

when talking about Linux.
Not only does Linux run on very different hardware,
but it can talk to a wide variety of networks. Linux is at home with

novell netware,

and is even comfortable with

Microsoft Networking,

some of the more

obscure protocols.



is actually the name for

the kernel

(the core part of the operating system that is responsible for
critical things such as memory and file management).

A lot of what gives Linux its edge

(such as the gcc compiler and
the bash shell)

come from the

GNU project.

GNU is also responsible for the license that Linux is distributed under.

Even though Linux is really just a kernel,
most people associate it with a complete package.


The Multiuser Concept

Russell C. Pavlicek

People with experience in many PC operating systems (such as DOS or Windows) sometimes have difficulty understanding what is meant by the claim that Linux is a "multiuser" operating system. Some people mistake the term for "multitasking" which is the ability of the operating system to manage two or more different tasks at one time. Others sometimes think that "multiuser" refers to the operating system's ability to validate more than one login ID in order to differentiate between users.

While both of these concepts play a role in a multiuser operating system, neither of them actually describe what a true multiuser operating system does.
In short,

a multiuser operating system is
one capable of fully supporting
the diverse efforts of
two or more people to simultaneously use
the system's resources,
while maintaining the integrity and
security of each user's efforts.

For example, this is very different from the use of a single Windows 98 PC by two different people at two different times. While there may be two different login IDs, there are severe limitations to both people accessing the machine fully at the same time. Programs such as

CarbonCopy may allow two people

to share one desktop, and software such as

SMS may allow someone to
remotely administer the machine,

but this is

not true multiuser capability.

Neither is multiple connections to a webserver true multiuser capability, since that does not constitute full access to the machine's capabilities.

The first time I experienced the multiuser capabilities of Linux was back in 1995. I had set up my humble little 386 SX/40 desktop to allow me to dial in while I was away at training so my wife and I could exchange email (this was before the days when almost everyone had Internet access). One night, I found that my wife was sitting at my desk and composing email to me

at the same time

when I was dialed in and depositing email for her. Both of us had full access to the functions of the machine at the same time. Neither of us were immediately aware of the fact that the other was logged in and working on the machine. Yet both of us were able to work at whatever we wanted as if each of us were the only person on the machine.

One of the beauties of

a true multiuser operating system

is that you

don't need elaborate software

to allow you to gain control of the system from a remote location, because it was designed to be accessed by someone other than the person sitting in front of the machine itself. A multiuser operating system can service the needs of an entire department, business, or campus while offering each user the same functionality they would have if they were sitting the at the system console.


The Unix Shell

Steven Singer


The word Unix has traditionally brought to mind images of a mystical operating system for high-end workstations and servers that can only be gotten to through a cryptic command line interface know as the Unix Shell. Linux with the help of graphical front ends like GNOME has allowed people the power of Unix without requiring them to learn a complex command line system. However, The Unix Shell still has a lot to offer. From the command prompt simple programs or scripts can be quickly constructed to automate repetitive tasks. Constructing larger and more complex programs can also be done with minimal effort. The Unix Shell is a powerful tool that can make life easier for anyone who is willing to invest a bit of time learning the basic syntax.

Basic Concepts.

Running programs from the Unix command line is easy, under normal circumstances it is a matter of typing in the name of the program you wish to run. For exanple, if you want to start the Pine email client, just type "pine" at a command prompt. Pine will then take control of the screen until you exit. Only programs located within directories that appear in your PATH can be run in this fashion. All of the directories that normally contain executable programs should be in the default PATH. If you want to run a program that is not in a directory that your path searches you must specify the full path plus program name on the command line. For example if you wanted to run the program hello, located in the /tmp directory you would have to type in "/tmp/hello" the command will work from any directory.

Moving Around Directories.

Files in the Unix world are stored in directories. The directory sturcture on a Unix system is like a tree, the top of the tree is called the root directory or "/". The root directory can contain both subdirectories and files. Each subdirectory underneath root can also contain more subdiretories and files. When working in the shell your session always has a current directory. This current directory is the directory that you are "in" at any given time. When you execute commands from the shell, they will run with respect to the current directory. The command "pwd" will display the current directory, and the "cd" command allows you to change the current directory.

File Management.

Many shell scripts involve copying, moving, or removing files. All of these tasks can easily be handled from a standard shell.

Listing files.

The command used to view a list of files in the current directory is "ls". Typing "ls" at a command prompt will result in a listing of all files in the current directory being displayed.

Copying Files.

Copying files can be done with the cp command. The cp command takes as arguments a list of files to copy(the source) followed by the destination (where the files are to be copied too). Source lists containing more than one file must be followed by a destination directory. When copying a single file then the destination argument can be a directory to copy the file into, or the name of the new file to create. Consider the command "cp hello.txt world.txt goodbye.txt /tmp" this command will copy the files three text file specified(assuming they exist and are in the current directory) to the standard Unix temporary directory /tmp. After the command finishes the /tmp directory will contain copies of the three text files. Now consider the command "cp hello.txt none.txt" After the command finishes the file "none.txt" in the current directory will exist and will be an exact duplicate of the hello.txt file.

Moving Files.

Moving or renaming files from the Unix Shell is done with the mv command. Mv behaves a lot like copy. When moving multiple files the last argument on the command line specifies the name of the destination directory. When moving a single file the last(second) command line argument can either be the directory to which the file will be moved into or the name that the file will be renamed to. For example "mv hello.txt world.txt goodbyte.txt /tmp" will move the three text files into the /tmp directory. After the command executes the /tmp directory will contain the three files and the current directory will no longer contain the files. The command "mv hello.txt none.txt" will rename the file hello.txt to none.txt. Nothing else besides the name of the file will change.

Removing Files.

Deleteing a file from the Unix shell is done with the "rm" command. To delete a file type rm followed by the file name to delete, if you want to delete multiple files then type the names of all the files you wish to delete. For example to delete the three text files used in the copying example type "rm hello.txt world.txt goodbye.txt". It is important to remember that Unix does not normally have an undelete function, once a file is deleted it is gone for ever. Directoiies can also be deleted with the rm command. To delete a directory(and everything in that directory) use the -r(for recusive) option. If you wish to delete the directory /tmp/demo, and everything in it the command "rm -r /tmp/demo" will work.


The Unix shell should not be feared or loathed. Shell's are just pieces of software like any other component of the operating system. Programs can be started from the shell along with file management tasks. This article dealt with running simple shell commands and performing file management. The next step in mastering the Unix Shell is learning how to connect programs together through the shell.


The power of root

Russell C. Pavlicek

People who have never used a true multiuser operating system before sometimes become confused about the function of the "root" user in Linux. It can be unclear what is so special about this particular user and why it is important that "root" should be handled differently than any other user on the system.

To understand what the "root" user is all about, we first need to understand the concept of "privilege". In most Microsoft operating systems, such as Windows 9x, the user sitting at the PC can do anything they wish to do with the system. With a click of a mouse, the user can choose to install new software, reformat the hard drive, or unknowingly entertain the latest boot-sector virus. Such a user is fully "privileged". They have total control of the system -- for better or worse.

In Linux, most users do not have such privileges. In fact, most users need no such privileges to do their work. What do most users need to do? They need to run programs. They need to save their documents and data. Under Linux, users can perform these functions, but they are not able to modify the program executables themselves. Neither are they allowed to tamper with the files that belong to other users without the owner's permission. They are "unprivileged" users.

Working as an unprivileged user is a good thing. It prevents the possibility of accidentally erasing a program, of reading someone else's email, or of infecting your system with a nasty virus. It also prevents a malicious user from erasing your hard drive or corrupting your files.

When it is necessary to perform privileged tasks (like upgrading software), it is necessary to login as a privileged user. In the Unix world, the traditional name assigned to the fully privileged user is "root".

The "root" username is capable of engaging in most major system administration tasks.

It is also capable of causing damage to the system if it should be accessed by someone with malicious intent. As such, access to "root" is usually closely guarded. And, since viral code executed by "root" could potentially damage the system as much as a Windows virus can damage a Windows system, most system managers will only perform as few tasks as necessary when logged in as "root". Certain programs, such as some IRC clients which can sometimes accept scripts from external sources, are not normally executed while in "root" to eliminate the possibility of people attempting to hack into "root" via one of these programs.

So a good rule of thumb is: use "root" to perform administrative tasks, and only administrative tasks. As soon as you are done, log out of "root" and log in as an unprivileged user to perform your normal tasks. That way, you limit your exposure to viral code, trap doors, and the like.

To facilitate the need to quickly go in and out of "root", Linux comes with a command that allows you to temporarily become a "superuser" (i.e., "root") so you can perform a few tasks. When you have completed the tasks, you can exit temporary "root" identity and return to your normal user identity.

This division between non-privileged users and privileged "root" is an integral way of protecting system security. It greatly reduces the risk of viral infections that are common in the Windows 9x arena, while protecting confidential data from the prying eyes of other users.


Those individuals
who are interested in developing an

all-Chinese Linux OS,

please do not hesitate to contact:

Cho J. Yu


Willing to contribute free the following:

1. GeoStroke technique,
US D370,899, US 5,790,055, ZL 95101513.3

2. latest version of GeoStroke, V2.0,
good for Big-5 and GB both, easy-to-learn and easy-to-use
All-Chinese* Input Software
* Traditional, Simplified Chinese and Cursive-writting Chinese

3. Big-5 and GB codes, and codes for Kanji, Hanja, and Hanguel,

4. 10-Alphanumeric-Key All-language Inputting technique,
US 5,852,414, CN 1175020A

5. ............

This will benefit 1.2 billion Chinese worldwide.
Wishing you to succeed soon.



(Chinese Linux)


½Ð´f»P «\¯ªºÕ ³sµ¸

Ä@§K¶O´£¨Ñ¤U¦C¨ó§U :

1. GeoStroke ´X¦ó§Îª¬µ§µe §Þ³N,
US 5,790,055, CN 1121589A, US D370,899
US & China Patents

2. ¦UºØ¤º½X
(ÁcÅé, ²Å餤¤å, ¤é¤åº~¦r Kanji, Áú¤åº~¦r Hanja ¤Î Hanguel),

3. ¤QÁä½L ¨£¦r¦¨½X ©ö¾Ç©ö¥Î, ²¼ä©ú½T,
µyÃѤ¤¤å, ¬ù¤­¤ÀÄÁ«K¥i¾Ç·|,
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¤¤¤åÁc, ²Åé, ¦æ®Ñ³q¥Î¿é¤Jªk

³Ì·sª©¥» V2.0.

°Ñ¨£ "¦UºØ¤¤¤å¿é¤Jªk¤ñ¸û"
¤Î "ÁcÅܲ, ²ÅÜÁc" ºô­¶,

¨£¦r¦¨½X¤¤¤å¿é¤Jªk GeoStroke
¥i¥H¸ó¶V¤£¦P Operation Systems ¾Þ§@
(¨Ò¦p cWin3.1 »P cWin3.2),
©Ò¥H, Ác²Å餤¤å¥i¥H§Q¥Î GeoStroke ¤¬³q.

4. ³S¬Ã 10-Alphanumeric-Key ¥þ¯à »y¤å¿é¤J§Þ³N.
US 5,852,414, ZL 96110144.X

5. ............




10-key Chinese Input System, edu, ...

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TurboLinux 4.0 S.Chinese (GB ÖÐÎÄ°æ)
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CLEEX for Linux v1.0 ¼¸ÖÖºº×ÖÊäÈë·½·¨ (GB)

Linux.Net, GeoStroke, Comparison of Chinese Input Systems, ...

Linux Net News (·s»D, ªì¾Ç¤Jªù, §Þ³N°Q½×, ... ) (Big-5)
Using 10 number keys to input Chinese characters
Comparison of Various Chinese Input Systems
Why GeoStroke is easier?
GeoStroke Artificial Intelligence (¤H¤u´¼¼z§U§A§K¥Í¿ù»~, ¿é¤J¦æ®Ñ, ... )
Why GeoStroke is better?
Chinese Surnames (Big-5 / GB, Zuyin / Pinyin, GeoStroke)
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