Hear Davies lying

Harassment I

Harassment II

Reply part I

Barrister Branson

Geraint Davies filed this Affidavit in support of his oppressive Claim in London's Royal Courts of Justice.

Geraint Davies claims "my home address is not something which is in the public domain,"  but it's in the electoral register, a public document used by all political parties, available for inspection in Post Offices and Public Libraries.



Where would we be without the mental illness and violence allegations? These are always coincidental with a CCTV breakdown, and no one is ever hurt by me, but I am often seriously damaged in incidents upon which the Authorities refuse to comment.


Public Electoral Register for Croydon

Geraint Davies MP

Geraint Davies MP

Geraint Davies MP

Geraint Davies MP

Public Electoral Register for Croydon

Geraint Davies MP

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Barrister Sarah Branson
European Human Rights Text
UN Human
Rights text
  Harassment I   Harassment II

This is a private message for Geraint Davies New Labour MP for Croydon Central. If you are not Geraint Davies New Labour MP for Croydon Central you are not allowed to read this private message. Please avert your eyes.

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Barrister Sarah Branson
European Human Rights Text
UN Human
Rights text
  Harassment I   Harassment II