09/11/06 |
Here you will find out a little information about us.Marie and I (Gary) were married May16th 1998. At that time Marie had 3 kids and I had 2, today we have 9 all together. Our kids names are Ronnie, Corey, Elysha, Jennifer, Sean, Sarah, Kaitlyn, Emma and Jessica. Occupations and Hopes: Gary: Automotive Technician and DiamlerChrysler research and development centre in Windsor. He enjoys working with photography but doesn't have much time for anything else these days. Marie: Registered Nurse. Marie is currently a very busy stay a home mom, with 6 children and 2 special needs kids all her energy is used up taking care of them. Ronnie: Ron is currently working in the construction business, Ron has decided to be a plumber, he'll be apprenticing with his Uncle Andrew. Elysha: Elysha is our drama queen, she's a "A" student in her dram class, she wants to do some acting and hopes to become a drama teacher one day. Corey: Corey has recently started a apprenticeship for a machinist, he loves to do things with his hands always wanting to take things apart like his dad. Jennifer: Jen has moved onto high school. Jen's not sure what she wants to do in life at the moment, being a teenager takes up all her time at the moment, Jen loves to be with her friends and talk on the phone. Sean: Sean is not sure what he wants to be, but he is interested in music like his dad, he enjoys video games, skateboarding, and normal everyday kids stuff. Sean has recently been diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis, this has caused tumors to grow in his body, check out Sean's page to learn more. Sarah: Sarah is our little ballerina, she love to dress-up and put on her make-up, and talk. She loves her family and like to be mommy to Katie and Emma. This year Sarah is in senior kindergarten in a French emersion school. Katie: Katie is our little brute, as a busy 3 year old, she's love to be into everything. Katie loves Caillou, playing with her brothers and sisters and watching tree house TV. Emma: Emma's loves to smile. Emma's our little peanut she's two and a half now, but only weighs 22 pounds. Emma was born with a heart defect and cerebral palsy we do not know the extent of her disability yet so we are taking it one day at a time. We call Emma our miracle child, her umbilical cord only had 2 vessels in it, normal cords have 3, the doctor told us that most baby's with this condition never make it full term. You can read more about Emma on her page or if you want to find out more about cerebral palsy you can check out this link. OFCP Jessica: Jessica is our latest addition to the clan, she keeps us busy these days, she almost sleeping through the night, we are looking forward to that day.
This site was last updated 01/24/06