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FEB 8 2:34 PM - Hello people, the recording has been coming along quite nicely, they kinda have a weird system of doing things... ahh well, it's free so who are we to complain. Nitris is heading here from Down Under, looking like "that guy" Guy Sebastien, Nathan's Dopelganger.. Fuck, I really don't know what to write anymore, i'm gonna prepare for the next one.. alright, goodbye

FEB 3 10:35 PM - Hey, so these guys hooked up this journal thingy and told me i gotta write somethin, so here goes... i went swimming today in our pool, and fuck was it cold.. the little thermostat thing-a-ma-bob was saying it was 20 degrees.. it's usually at 30. But i'm a polar bear so it doesn't matter... the show was fun, wished there were more people there, but it still rocked, and yah, kurt's right, it was really quite warm in there.. my armpits were quite moist... that's all i gotta say.. goodbye