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MAR.28/04 8:38pm - I'm using the computer at Kurt's school. All of our stuff is packed, ready to go. It's been brutal these past couple of days trying to get everything ready to go. Now we have to clean up, and fix all the things we broke by 10:00pm tonite or we don't get the damage deposit back. Me and Graeme fly out tomorrow at around 3:00pm. We have to take the bus with all of our stuff. It's brutal. I have two big boxes that weigh over 50lbs each. Blagh, I'm not excited. I'm hoping Robyn comes to the airport tomorrow. I won't see her for 3 or 4 months, then I'll fly down to Van City and watch her graduate esthetics school(School With ALL Gurls). My plan is to go to Yellowknife and work my ass of so I can afford Audio Engineering school. Maybe then Robyn will marry me and we can start making babies. Babies! Babies are everywhere!!! We have no T.V. at our apartment... Wish me safe travel. I don't think anybody even reads these. If someone reads this write me a quick note in the guestbook, letting me know my writing isn't totally pointless. Goodnite...


Jordan L. Straker

MAR.26/04 4:30pm - Well I didn't die, my skin is SLOWLY clearing up and I got some pretty crazy meds that make me feel all tingly and warm. I'm here in Victoria getting all packed up and ready to leave this Monday. I'm excited to get back to YK. Kurtis and I are going to go for that next cup. I'm tired... Too much medication. Bye!


Jordan L. Straker

MAR.22/04 2:42pm - So I'm in Van City now waiting until the 27th to get back to Victoria and help the guys pack up our shit to move back to YK. I'm freaking out right now. I have some sort of weird rash, hives type thing on my back. I haven't slept in around 10 days now (for real) because I itch too much at nite. The doctor says it's not scabies (little bugs that live under your skin due to unclean sheets, clothes, etc...) so that's a relief. That'd be so nasty. "BLAGH". Now I'm trying to find a pharmacy that will accept my stupid ass NWT health insurance policy in order to fill my prescription. Arrrrgh! I'm so mad, plus I'm freaking out because my back hurts and I think that it's starting to spread to my chest. I'm scared. I don't know what it is. I hope it's not some sort of cancer that is slowly eating my skin tissue. That wouldn't be good. Anyways, if I die of Leperasy or something like that before I get the chance to write in here again I hope you all enjoyed my journal entries and the music I've helped make. Oh yeah, our cd should be done this week sometime... Goodbye!


Jordan L. Straker

FEB.23/04 2:32am - Today was the last day of me recording drums. Whooo! Me and Graeme went to the WORST movie in the world tonite. It was called "House Of Sand And Fog" or something like that. It made me want to curl up in my bed and cry. Don't watch it. I've been a little lonely. My gurlfriend is busy with skewl so I never get to talk to her. Kurt's gurlfrind is here now too so that means I sleep on the couch for a couple weeks. We have a rule, because we share a room, that if we have "guests" , the other one has to sleep on the couch. I hope my "guest" comes and visits me soon. We went camping this past weekend and I cut my finger pretty bad. I was chopping wood and I miss the wood. I hit something though and whatever it was flung at me and smashed my hand, taking away a piece of my knuckle. I'm afraid of getting it cut off. I'm always like that though. I always think the worst of a situation though. Like one time I thought I had a lump on my nut. Turns out it was just some vesicle in my balls that is totally normal. I need to work on that. I don't really know what else to say except I hope my gurlfriend calls me tonite. I know you all are probably thinking, "All this guy thinks about is his gurlfriend." Well this is my journal page so I can write whatever I want, I guess... I'm out of things to say so until next time, take care and have fun, Don't forget to come out to our show this Saturday, February 28th @ Big Fernwood. Be there at 6:45pm-ish. The cost is $6.00 and it's an All-Ager so everyone can come. Fun For The Whole Family!!!


Jordan L. Straker

FEB.06/04 2:32am - Hey! Today was a good day recording. We only did one song but it went really good. Brad got here today. We borrowed Emily's car and picked him up at the airport. He bought me a ham and cheese pita thing. It was so good. I'm tired. Goodnite.


Jordan L. Straker

FEB.04/04 6:48pm - I'm so pissed off right now. Tonite was the first nite we actually recorded in the studio. Our audio engineer was being a prick beacuase I didn't lay 3 drum tracks down in like 45min... Asshole. We're going back tomorrow and I get to lay more drum tracks down. I hate drums right now. I'm a bitch though, I mean we get this recording for free and I'm complaining. I need to get some sleep I think. I have to work tomorrow and I feel so stressed right now. I wish my gurlfriend was here. Sometimes she cuts my toenails when they get too long. That'd be nice right now. Cutting my toenails always relaxes me. Not when I do it though. It has to be her. Arrrgh! Stupid ocean between here and Vancouver!!! I hate lots of things right now. I need sleep...


Jordan L. Straker

FEB.3/04 2:30am - Hey everyone, Kurt got our journals all hooked up so I thought I'd start. I got a job. "Yahhh"! I work at Tim Horton's now. Kurt's eating Ritz crackers in bed. He was supposed to study cuz he has an exam tomorrow, but instead he drank too much coffee and now he can't study. We both drank too much coffee and now I'm on here writing stupid shit nobody wants to hear. We have a bunch of shows lined up for this month. I'm excited about that. We got a new roomate. I don't like her cousin at all! The first nite our roomate moved in, her cousin came over and I thought one of us was going to kill her. Everything from, her singing really bad songs, to piercing her nipple and screaming at 1:30am. Oh man, I was pissed. She was over the week before acting like some gurl from over seas. This week she same over and told us it was just something her teacher at "acting" skewl told her to. Wierd gurl... She thought she looked like that gurl from that "Tomb Raider" movie. I don't know... Anyways we have to record music tomorrow so I'm going to try and sleep now. Goodnite, I love you...


Jordan L. Straker