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APR.8/04 10:30PM - I'm bored. These are the days I feel most useless. I'm working 8:30-5:00 right now building things. I miss Victoria a lot. I just bought a used truck - 1988 Sierra - I just got the keys for it and started driving it (for the first time) out of the parking lot from where it was getting tuned up. I got to the intersection and attempted to turn left, then it fucking died and slowly rolled across the road till it stopped with it's back end blocking half the road. The next 2 hours were brutal, it fucking sucked, and now I have no truck, until my friend who sold it to me fixes it. This is one of the many exciting stories from yk we'll have for the three of you who read these journal entries. hah I just read over my entry and I feel sincerely sorry for anyone who is still reading this.

MAR.2/04 12:03PM - Fuck, we almost broke even at the show on the 28th. I think there was like 2 other all agers that night. It was fun though, Harmless are fucking good. The show on the 27th was fun too, it was a cool venue, small and packed, hot as hell, we even got paid a little. I'm excited for the 4th, I hope my car gets there, I tried to go to tofino with my girlfriend yesterday but once we got onto the highway my car would kick outta gear, make funny noises, and the speedometer stopped working. Jordan and Graeme get back from Van. today, maybe we'll actually get some good practice in before the show this time.

FEB.22/04 6:51PM - STARLA TOMORROW! Fuck I'm excited. Oh, it's my birthday tomorrow too, I feel old. We went camping last night in Bamberton. It was fun but cold. Dan puked. We have a couple new songs completed and we starting recording one in the studio, we don't have a title for it yet, possibly "My Balls Are Burning", but we're not sure yet. I have nothing to write.

FEB.16/04 10:24AM - I've been trying to finish the lyrics to a few of our songs so we can actually record them. We starting to record all over again because the snare drum didn't sound right. I'm happy about that. Graeme and Jordan are on another excursion to the mainland, and I'm left here m'ing alone till I fall asleep everynight. There, there she's walking down the alley / Breathe, breathe I know that she can hear me / Don't leave I know you're feeling so cold / Go, go this time it's getting so old / You're like my favourite song / You waste my time so perfect / You're like that perfect wrong / You bring me, just bring me

FEB.8/04 10:41PM - I'm trying to find things to do besides study for my exam tomorrow so here's another entry for the hitch archive of crappy song. I'm getting really sick of this school shit, I want a job instead now, I just wanna do something where I just have to show up everyday and not have to think about it when I get home. Fuck, fuck. I wish u were here Starla. I've been trying to write some songs but we never jam anymore so I forget a lot of the songs before we have a chance to try them, I have a real bad memory. But we should start jamming, for real, like soon... Brad and Jordan are here now and they have chips. A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

FEB.2/04 12:49PM - We have a journal page now! uhhh.. Oh yeah the show....i could barely breathe and i didn't stop moving, sweat was literally pouring off my face, fuck it was hot in there. Lucky i didn't pass out. Haha, we've only seen one picture of each of us from the show, i looked like i had been on coke for 3 days then dipped in ky. Probably cause i didn't shower for 3 days. We played most songs like twice as fast, it was crazy. Excited for 28! BUT 23 MORE, at exactly 9:25pm. 7 too, b-rad! I need to get my car working so we can make it to maple ridge on Mar.4. i gotta get to turfgrass.