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« February 2005 »
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I Am The Damned
Saturday, 5 February 2005
Bats In The Belfry
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Cake..............still!!!!!
Are there?
Bats in the belfry?

I don't know whether to celebrate or have them exterminated. It's like that sometimes, you realise something has happened and you're not really sure if it's a good or a bad thing. I visited a friends blog earlier and clicked the 'Next Blog' only to be confronted by a husband and wife uploading naked photos of themselves. I have no problem with this, it's usually a sign of some self-esteem and should be respected for that. But, on the other hand, where's the need for it? Where is the compulsion to share your bodies with the world? It leads me to wonder-
Why am I posting these messages?
Who's going to read them?
Am I making a relevant contribution to society at large or at all?
Does anyone really care?
If I stopped posting messages, would anybody know?
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
What is the average air-speed velocity of a fully-laden swallow (African Swallow)?

Anyway, here are the answers-
Because I want to.
Possibly nobody, maybe somebody, It doesn't really matter.
Absolutely not.
Hmmm, I would.
Ask a Buddhist, they're really good with that sort of question.
It depends on whether it's carrying a coconut or not.

I think the song for the day is 'Wading In The Velvet Sea'- Phish. If you don't know it then you're not going to have much of a day.

The word for the day is:- Perambulate!!!

And that somehow leads to the question...Why aren't our legs retractable?
Wouldn't that be great?
Squeezing past people in the cinema. Excuse me sir, could you retract your legs so I may pass?
It would be so useful.

I'm going now dear diary. Please don't think me as weird when I say, I love you!

Postulated by un/i_am_the_damned at 15:43 NZT
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