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I Am The Damned
Thursday, 10 February 2005
Here be Wampires!!!
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Procol Harum
Aren't kebabs one of the greatest things on Earth?

I feel like going for a walk but have quite a lot to do this evening. It's currently 21 degrees Celsius, 94% humidity. Not a bad night really.

Does anyone ever wonder if there might actually be vampires out there in the world. I'm not talking about drunken morons running around pretending to bite people. I mean, actual, physical beings that will turn to dust in full sun. It's a interesting thought.

That there are bloodsucking creatures in this world is a documented fact. They're called corporations, multi-nationals, conglomerates etc. They come in all shapes and sizes- McDonald's, Monsanto, Nike, Haliburton, Microsoft, Shell, BHP, AOL Time Warner etc etc etc. I'm not talking about these either.

I mean fangs and a crypt, a lust for blood and a pathological hatred of cross-shaped things. Why don't vampires like crosses? You'd think Christians would hate them. Oh, let's immortalise the instrument that killed our saviour! Sounds rather daft if you ask me.

Anyway, vampires. They're real. They've got to be. It written somewhere that vampires have walked the Earth. I George W. Bush can win two elections, then I have to believe in vampires. And faeries, and golems, and trolls and the tooth-fairy (don't get me started on Santa Claus!!!). I keep wandering away from the point don't I?

Well, how's this. There is no point, I have nothing in particular to say so I will just write things as they come to me. Sweet, I hear you say, this will be fun. Cut out the sarcasm and read this.....


Prove it? I can't, but then again, do I really have to.

Did Bush win the last two U.S. elections? Did Hitler really die in that bunker? Did Apollo 11 land on the moon? Are red, blue and yellow really primary colours? Was Beethoven deaf? Does 23 + 15 equal 38 everywhere in the universe? Does pi definately go on for infinity? Why is Celine Dion still performing? Is Yusaf Islam really Cat Stevens, or is he Harry Chapin?

Some things don't need to proven for many people to believe them. Even when things are disproven, some will always go on believing. It's just the way we are.

Take these four statements for example. Think about what you already believe about the topics as you read them.

1. Princess Di was not murdered at the behest of the Queen, Prince Charles and the highest levels of British government.
2. A team of scientists at a Swedish university have discovered that pi ends at the 4,102,322,988th decimal place.
3. President Bush really did win the 2000/2004 elections, regardless of provisional votes and the occaisional errors.
4. Hermann Hesse's newly discovered diaries reveal that Hitler had left Germany for an undisclosed location in June 1943. Further sources placed him in Argentina and a team of investigative reporters found his grave dated 13/11/1989.

Now, what are your impressions of these topics now?

Do you believe beyond a doubt that which you have held to be true, or do you believe these statements? Or are you sitting on the fence, so to speak?

I think all four stories are balderdash (sorry, don't get to use that one too often). That's my opinion, and I may be wrong, but I may be right. So, if for example, I am right on four out of four occasions, I may also be right about vampires. I think I am.


They're as real as fairy bread and garden gnomes. Things that, until the 20th century, were thought to only exist in mythology. It's the same with troll bridges. How many of you have come to a bridge only to find some hairy creature in a booth demanding payment for safe passage across the bridge?

There are many things in this world that we cannot possibly comprehend (tax systems of the world unite). Things that are there just to add a little mystery, surprise and joy into our lives. Sure, some may kill you in surprisingly mysterious ways with much joy, but others still, greet us with love and kindness...and kill us in even more mysteriously surprising ways. That's our little world and I'm happy to be part of it. This world rocks, at least compared to the others I've seen.

So, in conclusion, VAMPIRES ARE REAL!!!!!!

I watch Buffy and Angel. Do not fear though, nowhere on Earth is there such a high concentration of vampire activity as in beautiful Sunnydale. Outside there, we're reasonably safe.

Good night.

Postulated by un/i_am_the_damned at 22:27 NZT
Updated: Thursday, 10 February 2005 22:41 NZT
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Friday, 11 February 2005 - 14:32 NZT

Name: K

I don't believe in fairy bread.
So where does that leave you?

Saturday, 12 February 2005 - 10:54 NZT

Name: un/i_am_the_damned

It's true to say that we can all choose to believe what we wish to. No power on this planet can stop the individual from his/her deepest beliefs. If, as you say, you do not believe in fairy bread, that is entirely your decision, and I might add, a decision that you hopefully made after years of solemn contemplation. That you do not believe in fairy bread does not 'leave' me anywhere in particular (thanks for asking), but it does leave a gaping hole in society at large. But, more about that another day. :)

Saturday, 12 February 2005 - 11:07 NZT

Name: K

I don't believe in society either or your silly holes.

Sunday, 13 February 2005 - 11:42 NZT

Name: un/i_am_the_damned

That is sad. Holes are among the more intersting thing on this little planet of ours. Where would donuts be without them? I hope you can one day realise that they are an essential part of life, not just society (which, as you believe, does not exist. Society is just a construct of the collective subconscious, the human psyche). As for fairy bread, I beg to differ. Any faerie will tell you that it's completely for real.

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