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Special Note: The advertisements above are sometimes from very ANTI UNION businesses (center for union facts). It is a sign of the times where Unions are under attack like never before! They would try to convince you that Unions are bad. The truth is that Unions are bad for crooked businesses and good for workers. So of course they don’t want you to have the right to be Union. Don’t be fooled, the choice and the future is YOURS!!,....the rank and file Union member!

unions brought us the 40-hour week, employer-paid health insurance, fair work rules, social security, workplace safety, paid holidays, sick leave, and heck, even the weekend!

Remember, businesses didn’t give us those things out of the goodness of their hearts, they were fought for and won by past Union members just like you. As they (anti-union businesses and politicians) weaken unions with laws and propaganda, they tell us we can’t expect to have the standard of living tomorrow we do today. We can if we stand together and demand it! If you want a good future in this country for your children and grandchildren, thank a union member and support unions!  Again, the choice is yours.

IBEW 1924

Fernandina Beach, FL   Pic of the mill/employer : click> mill picture

MEETINGS: EVERY THIRD THURSDAY of the MONTH at the Kraft Athletic Club  See you there!

Great Quotes:
Martin Luther King said: "Our life begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School

Current Events:  Elections results: James Truett/ President...Thomas Sutton/ Vice President...Kyle Trigg/ Recording Sec... Frank Williams/ Financial Sec....Bill Ruane/ Tres. We are still working on the multi-craft agreement at Rayonier. The box plant Brothers in maintenance will be working 12 hour shifts soon as a result of the new agreement with the management. We are working on improving our labor/management relationship with the Smurfit-Stone paper mill management. We must work on increasing the compensation and conditions at FPUC so that our linemen will not continue to seek employment with other electric companys. Contract talks begin Jan 11, 07. There are a few other issues, come to the meeting if you would like to be involved with the future of our Great Local Union!!

Interesting Web Sites Below in Blue  (just click it)

Pictures of members Updated 4/14/2006


Stewards: The links below in blue are great. Just click it!

                                        (actually every Union member should open these links and read)

Help for Stewards....the best help page I've seen for a Steward to read and use


Lou Dobbs ....News from a very smart man

Other interesting links:

Legal Rights of Workers

How to Organize Your Workplace
The IBEW group on Yahoo...Great discussions on Labor and the IBEW
The truth about Labor Day

















Thank you for visiting Local Union 1924 on Angelfire. If you are here, you must care about Unions and wish to make a difference! The officers of the Local urge you to stay involved. The strength of a Local Union is a measure of the involvement of the members.


Contact James Truett at work   904-261-5551   ex 5343

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Why should YOU fight to be Union ?  And why should YOU fight and speak out for what is right? 





Please send your constructive criticism to the address above.....







RU Still Here???

Then go look at this as we are proud of our Union brothers and sisters at NASA:   WOW, that's allot of space junk!