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These pictures and links go along with the story,   “Fast Forward”   from chapters 28 through 52.

(2nd) Picture Gallery for F

First, New Year’s is THE big holiday for Japanese.

Many people take part in forget-the-year parties called “Bonenkai” before the New Year and “Shinnenkai” welcome-the-year parties after.

Below are some examples of New Year decorations.




The Kohaku Uta Gassen is a big part of modern New Year’s celebrations

The enka singers in particular are an important tradition.

The sound of enka singing


More info:

Hatsu-hinode (first sunrise of the year), Hatsu-mode (first temple-visit of the year)

And Japanese temples during the holiday.



In chapters 40 and 41, Hiro and Matsuo visited Matsuo’s mother’s house.

Tokyo Courthouse, Family Court, and the judge.


Postage stamps featuring Misora Hibari.. Her song was voted the best song of the 20th century.”

Mamori luck charms

Offering box

A statue at Sengaku Temple

An ema plaque

Pictures of Atami, the city where Matsuo’s mother lives.

Atami in the past and today

(keep clicking ‘next’ on the second link and you’ll cycle around to Izusan shrine).

In chapter 32, Shuichi sent Eiri an E-card

Click to play it

In chapter 35, Matsuo and Hiro visited Hiro’s parents’ house.

Above: Hiro’s room.

Right: Hiro’s mom.

Both of these pictures are from Gravitation vol. 1, by Maki Murakami

During New Year’s, there are a number of traditional games to play.


Hagoita paddle

  B  C  C-D  D  E  F1  F2  G  1-shots

In chapter 28, Ryuichi’s Tokyo apartment is described. Below is a picture of his kotatsu table.