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Jamie (Angel) & Michael (Crimson)

***Site Updated 1-30-06***


This is Jamies and Michael's Site.

NEW NEWS:7 New Pictures of Orion WOOHOO!

We Are Doing Well. Orion Is 7 Months Old, and Teething, as well as Eating Gerber Second Solids :) WOOT.
Orion as of the 10th has 6 teeth!
Orion now Crawls! He started Crawling Saturday, 28 of Jan. And boy, does he crawl!

Pictures of Orion... 7 Months

Orion 1
Orion 2
Orion 3
Orion 4
Orion 5
Orion 6
Orion 7
Orion 8
Orion 9
Orion 10
Orion 11
Orion 12
Orion 13
Orion 14

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