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Children of Annie Jones Hogan and Claude Byron Hogan

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Rosy Hogan Marcial 3.14.7 Rosy Hogan Marcial in the 1950s.She lived on a farm bordering the Rio Grande near Albuquerque, New Mexico. She loved farming and horses.
Claude Hogan, Jr. 3.16.4 Claude Hogan (1909-1950) in uniform (1940?). There is an insignia on his hat.
Edmunds Hogan 3.16.13 Robert Edmunds Hogan (1911-1940). This is a picture postcard taken at the Panama Canal in 1930. The photographer’s name and address is impressed on the left front, T. Miyama, Colon, R.P. It belonged to Clyde Jones. It was given to Toby Terrar on November 24, 1970. Edmunds wrote on the back of it, probably to his sister, Hazel, “If you never see your old E again which I doubt very much, you can take the picture and show your grandchildren about the soldier brother you once had. So keep sweet until I see you again. Love.” Also on the back in another hand, is the phrase, “Sweet Edmund’s picture.”
Hazel, Edmunds and Hugh Hogan 3.10.5 Left to right: Edmunds Hogan (1911-1940) in tennis shoes, Hugh Hogan (1917- ), Hazel Hogan (1914- ) taken about 1924 at Charlie and Clyde (Weldon) Jones in Dalzell, South Carolina. They are sitting on a bail of cotton.
Hazel Hogan 1942 3.12.6 Hazel Hogan in 1942 when nursing at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Hazel Terrar 1955 3.10.7 Hazel Hogan Terrar about 1955 in the kitchen of (Kaywood Apartments, Mt. Ranier Maryland.) making dinner for the family. Coffey-maker, mix-maxter, tomato, sink, cabinets and glass in the background. She wore earrings and necklace to make dinner.
Hazel Terrar 1996 3.10.8 Hazel Hogan Terrar in 1996 in the kitchen again, this time at Leisure World, Maryland. Microwave oven, mix-master, sink and cabinets in the background. Also, cupboard is open, showing the pattern of dishes we eat from. Hazel with lipstick, makeup, jewelry, i.e., a watch around her neck, magnets on the refrigerator door.
Hazel Terrar 2005 05-2-25b This is the last picture of Hazel, taken on Wednesday, October 26, 2005 in her bedroom at Leisure World. Sunilda Ledentu, Dean Richard Toby and Hazel had just returned from getting her at the nursing home. We brought her back in the RV, because that was easy for her to get into and out of. After we got her in the house, we washed her up and put her in bed. She slept soundly from 5:00 pm until about 3:00 am the next morning. Then she woke up and said, “What now.” Toby went in. She wanted to hold hands, as was often the case in the past year. She did not want to get out of bed to go to the toilet or to get something to eat. She dozed off. Toward 10:00 am, Toby and Dean got her up and took her to the toilet. Afterwards, as they were putting her in the wheelchair, she went limp. It turned out her heart had given out. The rescue squad came and took her to the hospital, but they could not get her heart going again. She had had one last night in her own room and she had liked it. Click here to view the obituary of Hazel that appeared in the Washington Post.
Adjer Hogan 18.1 L to R: Billy Tucker (b. 1912), Earl Tucker (1916- ) and Adjer Hogan (1919- ) at Maxton, North Carolina.
Adjer Hogan 18.4 Adjer Brunner Hogan, son of Annie (Jones) and Claude Hogan on his White truck about 1948 in Jacksonville, Fla. On the front is painted "Miss Pete," Miami.
Adjer Hogan 18.7 Adjer Hogan (left) about 1960 in front of Diamond Trucks in Jacksonville, Florida. He managed it for 35 years. In the front are some of the tires and oil which he sold.
Opal Hogan and Katherine Louise Knner 2001.01.06 Left to right: Opal Hogan, widow of Adjer Hogan (1919-1990), Kathryn Hogan Kinner, daughter of Adjer Hogan, Hazel Hogan Terrar, sister of Adjer and Ed Terrar, Hazel’s husband. Taken at the Terrar’s in Silver Spring, Maryland on 4/19/01. They had lunch together.
Hugh Hogan on motorcycle. 3.17.1 Hugh W. Hogan, son of Annie (Jones) and Claude Hogan on his Harley motorcycle about 1935. He is under the white mulberry tree in the front yard of Charlie and Clyde Jones near Delzell. On the porch sitting on the bannister are his step-sisters, Allene (left) and Lena (right) Jones.
Hugh Hogan 17.7 Annie Jones Hogan, pretending she is a cowgirl with pistol and her son Hugh W. Hogan with his tattoos.