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William Jones (1764-1809)
Revolutionary War Pension Application No. R. 7934
at the United States Archives in Washington, D.C.


[This is a loose translation of the microfilmed handwritten original in the “Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files 1800-1900” (Microfilm M-804, Roll # 1448, pages 389-448. The officials at the archives only allow the researcher to view a microfilm copy of the pension application, except in exceptional circumstances when the microfilm is not possible to read. In parts the microfilm is impossible to read, but I did not get around to standing on my rights about viewing the original. I was able to make out most of it. This translation skips over some of the material, but gives a sense of it. Page 392 to page 397 are a copy of William Jones’s hand-written Memorandum Book that he kept and in which he recorded the birth dates of his children and other matters.]



            Page 392

            Aug. 15, 1803. I_______ with use to read or write from any sum proposed or figures, which you will see _______ to following table.

                        987  536  245  988  370  698  847  245  321

                        quadbillions?  trillion  million, units


            +          addition

            -           subtraction

            x          multiplication


            =          equal

            :           is to

            ::           so as




            O         degrees

            '           minutes

            ''           seconds


            Page 393

            Addition of intergers. This teacheth us to add two or more numbers together and thereby have the whole amount. You must observe to carry one for every ten until you come to the last row ____. Then you ____ down the whole amount.

            Of Money. The denominator.

                        4 farthings make [one pence]

                        12 pence make [one shilling]

                        20 shillings [one pound]


            Of Troy Weight

            Note    24 grains is 1 penny weight

                        20 penny wt. = 1 ounce

                        12 ounces    = 1 pound

            By this you weigh gold, silver and all precious stones.


            Of Avoirdupois Wt.

            Note    16 Drams make one ounce

                        16 ounces            = 1 Pound

                        ___pounds          = 1 [Quader?]

                        ___[Quantin?]= 1 Cwt. Wt.

                        ___Cwt Wt.   = 1 Tun

            You weigh all for of what are _____.


            Page 394

            Of Apothecaries Wt.

            Note 20 Grains make 1 simple

                        3 simples          = 1 dram

                        8 drams            = 1 ounce

                        12 ozs. = 1 lb.

            By this weight Doctors compound their medicines.


            Of Liquid measures

            Note 4____ make 1 pint

                        2 pints   = 1 quart

                        4 quarts  = 1 gal.

                        63 gal      = 1 [Hybdred?]

                        4 Hds.  = 1 ____

                        31 1/2 gallons is _____


            Of Dry measure

            Note 8 Pints make 1 gallon

                        2 gallons = 1 Peck

                        4 peck  = 1 bushel

                        5 bushels = 1 bassel


            Of Cloth measure

            Note 4 nails = 1 [Quster?]

                        4 [Quations?] = 1 yard

                        5 [Quations?] = 1 Ell English

                        ____Ell = 1 ell Flemish

                        ____    = 1 ell French


            Page 395

            Of Long Measure

            Note 3 barby corns make 1 inch

                        12 inches = 1 foot

                        3 feet                = 1 yard

                        220 yards = 1 Furlong

                        8 Furlongs = 1 mile

                        3 miles  = 1 League

                        20 Leagues = 1 Degree

                        60 miles            = 1 Degree

                        360 Degrees is the circumfurance of the Globe of the ___

                        6 ____ is 1 Fatham

            James Jones ____

            Aug. 10, 180__


            Land Measures

            Note 5 1/2 yards make 1 pole or ____

                        40 Poles = 1 Road

                        4 Rondes = 1 acre

                        22 yards = 1 chain

                        144 square inches = 1 sq. foot

                        9 sq. feet = 1 sq. yard

                        30 1/2 sq. yard = 1 sq. Perch

                        40 Sq. Perch = 1 Rood

                        ____ Rood = 1 Acre

            The master to certify . . .

            Take in the above table.


            Page 346

            Of Time

            Note 60'' seconds make 1 minute

                        60' minutes = 1 hour

                        24 hours = 1 day

                        7 days = 1 week

                        4 weeks = 1 month

                        12 calender months = 1 year

                        13 months 1 day and 6 hours = 1 solar year

                        52 weeks = 1 year

                        365 days = 1 year

                        The days in each month are as follows

                        30 days hath September, April, June and November,

                        All the rest have 31 except on ____ and the the time ____.

                        are gg____. And year comes every 4 years


            Sarah Jones was born Dec. the 23 1807.

            Susanah Jones was born 26th 1800 January.

            Margaret Jones was born 30 of June 1812.

            Eli Jones was

            When this you see--remember me, when I am dead and gone.

            E.J. Jones


            Page 397

            James Jones was born Oct. the 17, 1782

            Elizabeth Jones deceased was born Dec. 5, 1784.

            May Jones was born Dec. the     1786.

            Peggy Jones was born May the 11, 1789.

            Nancy Jones was born Dec. the 14, 1791.

            Eli Jones was born January the 15, 1794.

            William Jones ___was born born the 11 of Apr. ____

            Leonard Jones was born ____ the 18th, 179___

            Wiley Jones was ____ Oct 17___

            Elizabeth Jones

            This life


            [123456 M/B 2 Thecs li?}

            Betsy Ann Jones

            was born Sept. the 3, 1805

            Mary Jones married Nov. 1805

            [____Jones or the year]


            Page 398

            This is the book referred to in my deposition of Feb. 8, 1854. John R. Pollard.

            James Jones, his hand and pen. These that can beat them, let them do it. [?] This pact of ruling. [?] James Jones. [?] Mr. William Jones.

            Wm    60/   16


            Elizabeth J. Jones

            his pen

            [at bottom, upside down] his hand, them that can, let them do it. James Jones.


            Page 399

            Feb 2, 1854 before Judge of Court of Sumter District, personally appeared Elizabeth J. Jones, age 48 years, a resident of Sumter District, S.C. who being sworn, declares that her deceased father, William Jones family was from Virginia. Said father was a private in the company commanded by ____ in the Regiment of ______, commanded by Colonel Marshall Anderson in the War of American Independence. He was honorably discharged, which discharge, if ever received, was lost or mislaid as she has been informed and believes that her said father was originally from Amherst County, Va. and accompanied General Green's troops as a private soldier to the field of operations in South Carolina in the War of American Independence and continued to serve in such war until peace was procured; that her father married Ann Freeman but the precise year of the marriage she has no means of ascertaining except a memorandum of births and deaths recorded in the hand writing of her father from which it appears deceased brother James Jones was born on 17 Oct. 1782, that her father died on 12 Feb. 1809, leaving her mother a widow and 9 children, all of whom are now dead except this declarent and two brothers, Leonard and Wiley Jones of Alabama, that her mother again married one John Parker who died in 1831, leaving her a widow. She did not again marry but died unmarried on 3 June 1847 leaving 3 surviving children. She makes this application to obtain the pension to which she and her two brothers are entitled under the Act of Congress, passed 15 May 1828, 1832, 1836-1837.

            Signed Elizabeth J. Jones.


            Page 400

            State of S.C. Know all men by these presents that I, Elizabeth J. Jones of Sumter district appoint James Taylor of Sumterville, SC my true and lawful attorney to receive from the comptroller of pensions and other departments of the government the pensions to which my two brothers, Leonard and Wiles Jones are entitled under the Act of Congress as enumerated in the within declaration. My said attorney being authorized to sign all necessary papers required in carrying out the foregoing purpose.

            Subscribed and signed on Feb. 2, 1854.

            Elizabeth J. Jones (her signature).

            Before magistrate A.A. Nettles on Feb. 2, 1854.


            Pages 401-402

            [This is a letter of 7/31/1934 from A.D. Hiller of the U.S. Pension Dept. to William Sweeny, who requisted information. It is typewritten, so does not need transcribing, although some of the typewriting is not that clear. The letter summarizes family history contained in the pension file documents.]


            Page 403

            Nonselected Records


            Page 404

            Ann Parker dec., formerly widow of William Jones, S.C. Letter to James Taylor on Mar. 20, 1854.

            J.J. Coombs.

            Act of July 4, 183___


            Page 405

            June 20, 1855 Pension Office.

Ann Parker, deceased and her heir's filed the claim and papers in the case of William Vaughn, a South Carolina pensioner. (Some relation to William Jones). The claimants are his children and the 24th of ______, they made a claim. The claimants said their father wrote a private record of his service. Pollard gave testimony in the case and the evidence of William Jones is not consistent with it.

            Pollard says he was born in 1787 and his father was a revolutionary and his father said that Jones was at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse (Mar. 1781) and Eutaw Springs (Sept. 8, 1781); Pollard was wounded at the later and left the service but Jones was still with Green, with whom he had marched from Virginia.


            Page 406

            Vaughn says when he joined Marion in October 1780, he found Jones in Malone's company of militia of South Carolina and that he had previously left the Continental Service under Green. Only item of service relied upon the date of which is is given is 68 days in the militia as private of foot from May 7 to Aug. 28, 1781, a period between the date of the Battle of Guilford and Eutaw Springs, when Jones is shown by Pollard's affidavit to have been in service under General Green.

            J.I Croombs, Esq.


            Page 407

            L. R. Waldo, Commissioner of Pensions

            James Taylor, Esq. at Sumterville, S.C., March 8, 1854, writes to above in behalf of Elizabeth J. Jones:

            Accompanying the letter is her declaration and relevant documents concerning her father a continental soldier. The _____book [or record] is of the births of the soldier's children. Attached are the indentures. Two land warrants are also mentioned, which Taylor got for the minor children. [something about Ohio?].


            Page 408

            Ann Parker formerly widowed, additional evidence under S.C. Act of 1836.


            Page 409

            Washington, DC, June 14, 1855, J.I.[L?] Coombs writes to S.C. concerning Act of July 4, 1836:

says not all the evidence from the SC comptroller is accurate, but three parts of it is: (1) for 4 months service; (2) 48 days; (3) 140 days.


            Page 410

            [They attach a family record to the claim. Claimant's husband did the writing and is the face scientes clearly evident (a form of proof].

            William Vaughn, a pensioner, gave positive testimony of William Jones' service with him from Oct. 1780 to June 1782. Vaughn in his pension application mentions Jones. Alexander Spears was also a fellow soldier.


            Page 411

            Vaughn also provides information on the amount of the claim of William Jones, especially concerning the period of his last service. The family record also shows the birth of the child in Oct. 1782, only about 4 months after Vaughn had left the service.

            J.I Coombs.


            Page 412

            Ann Parker, formerly widow of William Jones, S.C. Act of 1836. Addendum. Filed here 14/55. J.C.


            Page 413

            Received Jan. 24, 1786 of Eli Freeman, 5 shillings which is in full a ____bond note of ____book debt, I say received by me, William Jones [his actual signature].

            John R. Pollard on April 1855 made a notation on the above receipt.


            Page 414

            State of SC, on April 25, 1855, John R. Pollard, Esq., age 68?, residing in Sumter, SC.

            William Jones married Ann Nancy Freeman, daughter of James and Ann Freeman.

            On Jan 24, 1786 from William Jones to Eli Freeman [something] in the writing of these two, which Pollard knows.

            Eli Freeman acted as the agent of his mother, Ann Freeman, the widow of James Freeman.

            [something] takes so that William Jones claim again the estate of James Freeman was . . . .

            Pollard got this information from conversations with Eli Freeman.

            Sworn before John S. Richardson, magistrate.


            Page 415

            Elizabeth J. Jones in behalf of myself and Susannah Jones and Wiley Jones, only surviving children of William and Ann Jones declare was a soldier in the army of the Revolution and appoints James Taylor of Sumterville her attorney. [lists all the Congressional acts under which money was paid; this is printed and easy to read]

            Feb. 2, 1854. Elizabeth Jones.


            Page 416

            Martha Deas and Susannah B. Jones (both made a mark indicating their signature).

            Feb. 3, 1854, Susan B. Jones appeared, age 50; Also Martha Deas, age 47. Both appear and swear.

            They swear they know the late widow Ann Parker, whose first husband was the reputed continental revolutionary soldier who died upwards of 40 years ago leaving the said Ann his widow whose maiden name was Ann Freeman and many children of whom there are now only alive Susannah Jones (or Leonard?) and Wiley Jones, residents of Mariengo Co., Ala. and Elizabeth J. Jones, near Sumterville, whose name and age are recorded in a memorandum hereto annexed which is in the handwriting of the said William Jones as Elizabeth J. Jones his daughter has proved it as a family record. That said widow Ann again married John Parker about the year 1811 in the month of December, first day.

            The deponents know the dates are accurate because they are sisters and intimately acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Parker, who they frequently heard speak of their marriage and John Parker died Nov. 1831. [Susan R. Jones child was named Edgar, having been born in July ____ and Martha Deas son James not long before John Parker died, leaving the said Ann his widow who died in  3 [Jan.?] 1847 not having remarried. There is no doubt she was married to both because they lived together as such publicly.


            Page 417

            Mar. 3, 1854. Susan B. Jones and Martha Deas swear and certify before magistrate Jol Elvgan.

            John R. Pollard, Esq. a planter, appears and is sworn in Sumter Co., on Feb. 3, 1854, says he was born in Sumter Dist. in 1787, Oct. 1, and acquainted with William Jones and with Ann and William Jones since his infancy and knew them til they died. His father was a revolutionary soldier and at the Battle of Eutaw Springs where he was wounded and his father was with William Jones. William Jones stood side-by-side with him, as he (the deponent) has often heard his father and the said William Jones in frequent conversation about the battle as well as about the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in N.C. on their way from Virginia with General Green where Jones and deponent's father mustered into the service of the U.S. Army. That the said William Jones departed this life soon after this deponent became of age at which period he commenced planting on his own account; leaving the said Ann his widow and 9 children. Elizabeth the eldest died before him. That he had often seen the said William Jones write and is familiar with his penmanship and that the small memorandum book containing the record of the marriage and births of the children of the said William Jones and Ann Jones this deponent knows to be the handwriting of the said William Jones. That the said widow Jones again married one John Parker 5 or 6 years after the death of the said William Jones who died subsequent to Jones death. Both of whom this deponent has know from infancy who is now 23 years leaving the said Ann


            Page 418

            and Ann died June 3, 1847, leaving Leonard and Wiley, residents of Alabama, along with Elizabeth J. Jones. He further swears the said widow Ann died as aforesaid from recollection of having one of the severest attacks of perdical nervous affections which compelled [him?] to use crutches before and at that time and _____ permitted a negro girl of his to attend to Mrs. Joseph Paris and  and the said widow Ann during their last-illness who resided in the same house situated about 2 miles from deponent's plantation. Mrs. Paris died about a week or 10 days before Mrs. Parker. This he distinctly recollects from reports derived from his wife who was almost constantly from ____ in attendance on Mrs. Paris and Mrs. Parker.

            Signed, John R. Pollard


            Above was subscribed and sworn before John R. Logan, magistrate.

            On Feb. 3, 1854 Porcher M. Gallard appeared, resident of Sumter district, before the substitute magistrate who swore that his journal for 1847 (July 21?) and also June 4, the first for Mrs. Joseph Paris and the second for Mrs. Ann Parker whose first husband was William Jones, a reputed Revolutionary soldier.


            Page 419

            At the time of their death Mrs. Purvis and Ann Parker lived at a place belonging or known as the Jenning land within sight of deponents's plantation. On Mar. 8, 1854 J. W. Singleton of Sumter district, clerk of the Court of Common Plea and General Sessions for the District of Sumter certifies that A. A. Nettles and John R. Logan were duly appointed and qualified magistrates for Sumter Co. They certified that William Lewis, before whom Elizabeth J. Jones appeared, was the judge of the Court of Ordinary for Sumter District and that this is his signature and seal. Also Susannah R (B?) Jones, Martha Deas, John R. Pollard and S. Gallard.

            Signed S. Gallard

            Signed W. J. Singleton


            Page 420

            Ann Parker formerly widow of William Jones; SC Act of 1836, filed June 14, 1855.

Evidence. J.I Coombs


            Page 421

            On Jan. 9, 1855 William Vaughn, aged 90, a resident of Sumter District, a Revolutionary pensioner under certificate No. 23,437, was duly sworn and made a deposition as to William Jones; he had made an earlier deposition that was not minute in its factual representation to establish the service of William Jones. He stated that he had no acquaintance or knowledge of but one William Jones who served in Sumter. Although deponent was very young at the period when or sometime after the period that William Jones referred to came with other Continental soldiers, names Joshua Stafford, John Pollard, John Peek and many others whose names he cannot now recollect without having their names called; that said persons came with General Green from Virginia to the aid of South Carolina, that said Jones married one Ann Freeman, one or two years before the deponent joined the army in 1780 and came to reside with his family within 1 1/2 miles of where deponent's father resided in Sumter District; that said Jones was in the company of Capt. Long and others whose names he does not recollect. After his term expired in the Continental service, said Jones joined the South Carolina militia with many others of the Continental soldiers and before the deponent mustered into the service in Oct. 1780 under Capt. Malone in which company he found William Jones. When he and about 20 others joined it when they were commanded by Capt. Malone, Joseph Hill and George McCalling under Colonels Peter Horry and Richard Richardson.


            Page 422

            William Jones continued to serve in the war with the exception of a few days leave of absence occasionally until the hostilities ceased in June 1782 after which said Jones was appointed to take the lead of scouting parties against robbers and thieves and Torries and on one occasion Jones was with about 20 others. They surprised a large group of the enemy, killing two and captured 10 whom they delivered to Col. Postell. Jones and the deponent and the other soldiers were not on a regular basis on duty to the cessation of the hostilities, yet they held themselves in readiness to join the service again whenever called for but were not again called into service. The foregoing statement of facts applies to John Bradford, John (Jr.?) Bradford, William Broadway, Abraham Richards and Obediah Spears and many others whom this deponent would know if their names were mentioned. Deponent has no interest directly or indirectly in any claim. Signed William Vaughn (his mark).


            Page 423

            G.S.C. Deschamps, clerk of court for Common Pleas certifies that I. R. Logan was duly appointed to take depositions. June 9, 1855.


            Page 424

            Comptroller General's Office, Columbia, SC, Apr. 28, 1854, No. 60, J 424, June 24, 1785, his account of duty in the militia as private since the reduction of Charles Town, amount to £43.10, stgl 6.4.3 1/4, state of South Carolina, to William Jones for duty per Col. Anderson's return £43.10, £6.4.3 1/4.

            Snow Hill, Jan. 5, 1786, Gentlemen: please deliver my indent for militia duty to John Henerson, Esq. and also the indent due thereupon and his receipt shall be your discharge for the same from William Jones (his signature). [He could write]. To the commissioner of the Treasury, Charleston. Done in the present of LeRoy Hammond, rec. June 24, 1785, full satisfaction for the within in an indent no. 424, lib. T, per order. John Hendon.

            no. 505, lib. N. April 12, 1785 to Mr. William Jones for nine pounds, 19/11 3/4 sterling, 140 days duty in the militia in 1782 per account. Principle £9.19.11 3/4. No interest.


            Page 425

            No. 31; No. 505, Book N. William Jones his account of 73 days duty done in the militia as private at 10/[cure?]/day in 1782. Amounting to £5.4.3 1/4 sterling. State of S.C. to William Jones, 37 days service as private, Gen. Harrison's Brigade. £73 @ 10/£36.10.   £5.4.3 1/4.

            Personally appeared before me William Jones and made an oath that the above account is just and true and he hath  received no cash nor parcel thereof. Sworn before me this 9th day of Aug. 1783. Benj. Jackson.

            Received April 12, 1785 an indent no. 505, book N, for £9.19.11 in which is included amount of full satisfaction for this account by virtue of an order. William Heatty.

            No. 31, 505 N. William Jones's accounts for 67 days duty done as private in the militia in 1782 10/[currency?]/day charged at £4/14/3 1/4, add 1.5 = £4.15.8 1/2.

            I certify this a true copy from records of office and the signature of William Jones on the form of John Hendon is an exact facsimile.


            Page 426

            Jones and I do further certify that I can not find an order for the 73 days service nor to accounts and order for the 67 days service, which seem to be missing.

            For Comptroller General. P. J. Jacobs, deputy.

            (no seal of office)


            Page 427

            Comptroller General's Office, Columbia, S.C., April 28, 1854, no. 118, Bk. V [or U?], 22 July 1785. To William Jones for 17 pounds, 14 shillings, and 3 pence for 140 days militia duty as per two accounts and the principle £17.14.3 annual interest £1.4.9.

            No. 58; No. 118 V. This 68 days duty in the militia as private on foot from May 7 to Aug. 28, 1781 at 10/currency/day charged £4.10 = 4.17.1 1/2.  7 1/2.

            No. 58. July 22, 1785 William Jones, 140 days duty in militia, amounts to £12.17.1 1/2. Signature of William Jones.


            Page 428

            Certified that signature of William Jones are exact facsimiles. P. G. Jacobs, Deputy Comptroller General.


            Page 429

            On Feb. 9, 1854 before magistrate William Vaughn, a Revolutionary pensioner, appeared and swore that he was acquainted with the service of William Jones who lived and died within 3 miles of deponent. Jones was an active and effective soldier in the Revolutionary War after he arrived from Virginia with General Green's troops as will appear from the authenticated copies of 10 indentures in favor of said William Jones. Said William Jones married Ann Freeman some years before the Treaty of Peace was signed and had had some 2 or 3 children before that event. The oldest of which, James Jones, this deponent knew intimately until he died a few years ago. Said William Jones died many years ago leaving the said Ann Freeman his widow and many children. She married John Parker who died in 1831 and  did not remarry. His children died many years ago, having only 3 surviving children: Leonard and William Jones and one daughter, Elizabeth J. Jones. The words and signature "John Parker who died in 1831 and did not again marry" interlined in the fifteenth line before signing. This deponent further swears he has no interest in the claim to which the three surviving children are entitled.

            William Vaughn (his mark)


            Page 430

            No. 290, book y. On Nov. ? 1785 was paid to William Jones £2, 17 shillings and one penny for 40 days duty as per account audited on which no interest is allowed.

            On Oct. 10, 1779 the State of South Carolina gave to William Jones for 40 days service to the state as a soldier in Co. Marshals Regiment at 10/day,  £12.0.0.

            William Jones for 40 days duty as a private soldier in Col. Marshalls Regiment. in 1779 at 10 curr/day £2.17.14.

            On Feb. 1, 1854 is certified the foregoing to be a true copy of the indent No. 290, lib. Y, and also of the account upon which said indent was issued. William F. Arthur for Comptroller's Office.


            Page 431

            No. 498, book H. On Aug. 26, 1785 to Mr.William Jones, £7.2.10 for militia duty as private in 1779.


            Page 432

            Book Y, no. 402. To William Jones £1.11.5 for militia duty in 1779 per account in the Granville County Regiment of militia from July 11 to Aug. 1, 1779; 22 days at 10/day.

            On Feb. 1, 1854 the above is certified to be the  . . .


            Page 433

            No. 1126, Book Y. On April 6 to May 1786. William L Jones. £32.13.4. Comptroller General's Office, Feb. 2, 1854.

            N.B. the records from which the above indent was taken from the index do not agree. The index says William Jones and the record says W. L. Jones. [This is not our William Jones].


            Page 434

            No. 350, Book F. On Dec. 2, 1784 £128 10 shillings, 1 penny and 3 farthings sterling for sundries for militia use in 1780, 1781 and 1782.


May 9, 1780                19 days Capt. in the militia at £3/day     £57.s0.p0

                                    10 days            "                       "                       "                       30.0.0

June 24, 1782  7 days lieutenant in militia at £1.15 per day        12.5.0

May 9, 1780                19 days service of a wagon and team, £4/day    6.0.0

June 6, "                       10 days service of a wagon and team, £4/day    15.0.0

Feb. 14, 1781  10 days service of a wagon and team, £4/day    15.0.0

Apr. 22, "                     30 days service of a wagon and team, £4/day    5.0.0

June 1, "                       60 days ser. two horses, wagon & driving £3/day 10.0.0

Dec. 11, "                     55 days service of a wagon and team, £4/day    6.0.0

Oct. 9, 1782                12 days service of a wagon team, £4/day          10.0.0

            12 bushels of corn at £1.4.4/bu                                                 14.12.6

            50 lb of pork at 10/lb                                                                            2.1.8


            Page 435

            8 lb of bacon at 2 shillings 6p/lb                                                            1.1.1

            5 bu of corn at £1.4.2 1/2/bu                                                                6.1.20

                                                                                                            Total                969.16

                                                            Duty                              £99

                                                            Wagon line                   776.10

                                                            Provisions                       23.16.0 1/2

                                                                                                £899.11.5 1/2

                                                            Charged                       £969.16.0 1/2

                                                            Dedn't less                      70.5

                                                            Currny              £899.11.0 !/2

                                                            Sterling             £128.10.1 3/4

            On Feb. 1, 1854 certified by William F. Arthur.


            Page 436

            Book T, no. 424. On June 24, 1785 was given to William Jones, six pounds, four shillings, 3 for militia duty.

            no. 60, 43.10.0

            On Feb. 1, 1854 was certified the above from Book T, page 424.


            Page 437

            Book N, p. 505. On April 12, 1783 was given William Jones the sum of 9.19.11 3/4 for 140 days duty in the militia in 1782.

            no. 31,  he did 37 days service as a private in Gen. Marion's Brigade. William Jones appeared on Aug. 9, 1783 before Benj. Jackson.

            £73 or 5.4.3/4   9.19.11 3/4


            Page 438

            Above a true amount. Feb. 1, 1854. William F. Arthur.


            Page 438

            [copy it ]


            Page 440

            Lib. T, no. 425. On June 24, 1783, William Jones received 6 pounds, ten shillings for militia duty.

            No. 60. William Jones given for duty under Col. Anderson,


            Account of William Jones for militia duty since the reduction of Charleston to the enemy, 45.10.0.

            Feb. 1, 1854.  William F. Arthur.


            Page 441

            No. 118, Book U (V). On July 22, 1785 William Jones was given 17.14.3 for 140 days militia duty.

            No. 58. For 68 days duty in militia as private on foot for May 7 to Aug. 28, 1780.  £4.17.1 1/2

            Certified on Feb. 14, 1854 by William F. Arthur.


            Page 442

            [copy it ]


            Page 443

            No. 1564. Lib. Y. On Nov. 31, 1787 was given to William Jones (Jr./Sr.?) for militia duty.

            Feb. 1, 1854. William F. Arthur


            Page 444

            Claim filed too late to be included in the printed list of 1852.

            On Dec. 4, 1929 photo mailed to Mrs. W. H. Gottschalk and on July 31, 1934 to William M. Sweeny.

            R. # 7934. Ann Parker, former widow.



            Page 445

            Requisition for photocopy, typed. Nov. 23, 1929. Last page of William Vaughn's declaration.


            Page 446

            [copy it]


            Page 447

            Commissioner of Pensions. Nov. 23, 1929

            Mrs. V.H. Gottschalk

            2707 Adams Mill Rd. NW

            Wash. DC


            Page 448

            William M. Sweeney

            136 Franklin St.

            Astoria Long Island, NY

            He get record of William Jones and Thomas Jones (record # W 7905, applied from Nelson Co. Va. in 1832.



Transcribed by Toby Terrar (7/11/00)