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The Bantam of the Opera
by Mary Jane Auch


Summary on the inside flap:

            "Luigi may have been born a bantam rooster, but he has the soul of a musician. When his musical variations on the boring "Cock-a-doodle-doo" get him in trouble with the head rooster, Luigi takes to wandering away from the hen house where his talents are not appreciated. Then one day, roosting on the farmer's front porch, Luigi hears something on the radio that will change his life forever--opera!
            "When the Cosmopolitan Opera Company comes to town for a performance of Rigoletto, Luigi stows away in the back of the farmer's truck for a fateful trip to the city. Suddenly, both the lead tenor and his understudy come down with mysterious red spots on the last night of the performance, and the little bantam finally gets his chance to be a star. This is a hilarious celebration of the power of big dreams."

Luigi enjoys the opera much to the dismay of the performers.

Luigi finds the perfect disguise after being threatened by the tenor.

Luigi stalks about in the catwalks, waiting for his chance.

Luigi appears to save the day when both tenors catch the chicken pox.

Carlotta protects Luigi from the angry tenors.