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Oxford Bookworm's Library
The Phantom of the Opera
by Jennifer Bassett


Summary on back:

            "It is 1880, in the Opera House in Paris. Everybody is talking about the Phantom of the Opera, the ghost that lives somewhere under the Opera House. The Phantom is a man in black clothes. He is a body without a head, he is a head without a body. He has a yellow face, he has no nose, he has black holes for eyes. Everybody is afraid of the Phantom -- the singers, the dancers, the directors, the stage workers . . . But who has actually seen him?"


            "Bookworms provide enjoyable reading in English at six languages stages, and offer a wide range of fiction, both classic and modern." Phantom of the Opera is a Stage 1 Fantasy & Horror reader for children learning how to read at the first level. At the end of the book, it includes a glossary of Stage 1 level words as well as Activities and quizzes to improve comprehension.

Sorelli's dressing room.

Managers' Office.


Outside of Christine's dressing room.

The Phantom's Boxkeeper.

Christine and Raoul converse about the disembodied voice in her dressing room.

A note from O.G.

Christine and Raoul on their way to the roof.


On the way down from the roof.

Before the attempted escape.

Meg tells the Managers that the Persian took Raoul to Christine's dressing room and then they disappeared.

Raoul and the Persian in the dressing room.

In the torture chamber.

After Erik threatens to kill Raoul.


Apparently Christine is Norwegian in this version.