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The Phantom of the Opera
by Peter F. Neumeyer
Illustrations by Don Weller


Summary on inside flap:

            "The masked Phantom, a musical genius horribly disfigured by an accident, lives underground beneath the magnificent Paris Opera House. With evil design and ingenious tricks, he seeks to outwit the great Persian detective and to win the beautiful Christine from the dashing young Viscount. When Christine fails to appear for her part in the second act of the opera, the detective and the Viscount are launched in hot pursuit down into the dark, forbidding realms of the underground Phantom. In the end, Christine must choose between the Phantom and his heavenly music, or the handsome Viscount."


            "The original story, written by Gaston Leroux, has been made into several films and a current smash hit on Broadway. This is the first fast-action retelling of the story for children -- and their parents."

Christine meets Raoul at the masquerade, closely followed by the Phantom.

Christine tells Raoul of the Angel of Music.

The Persian watches Carlotta on stage.

Carlotta croaks.

The Persian tells Raoul of the Phantom.

After Christine disappears in the middle of the opera.

Raoul and the Persian encounter the ratcatcher.

Raoul and the Persian in the first torture chamber of mirrors.

Raoul in the second torture chamber, an iron forest of tropical heat.

The Phantom speaks to Raoul and the Persian as they find the barrels of gunpowder.

The Phantom's house on the lake and Cesar.

The Persian and Raoul make their way in the boat at the Phantom's invitation.

"From inside, on velvet plush, ingeniously crafted of gold, of silver, of agate, jade, and bronze, foreboding and malevolent, two creatures darkly glittered."

Cesar delivers Christine to make her choice.

The Phantom unmasked.

"With deep trembling, she let herself be enfolded by the scarlet cloak. Her head bent forward. They kissed."

The Phantom lets them go.

The Scorpion.

"Cesar pawed the ground, feeling a voyage rippling in his thighs."