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My First Encounter


I had only been 13 for like 2 & 1/2 months, and already my 

desires & curiosity about sex had been building.

My bra size was larger than most girls my age, and every

now & then while laying in bed I found myself exploring

different areas of my body.



Anyways, I had spent the night maybe 3 or 4 times at a friends

house, her name was Jana.   Her father, he was a nice man, & 

seemed to be a very caring & loving man.

(little did I realize just how loving he really was)

I didn't know until later on that nite, that he was the man that

was going to teach me the secrets of being a woman.

As the nite went on, he had played games with us, teased us

and around 9:00 pm he came back into the bedroom where

Jana & I were talking.

He sat on the bed with us & it wasn't long before Jana said:

"Watch My Dad Is Ticklish" and she started to tickle his sides.

He tickled her back, & not to leave me out, he began to tickle

me.   Before we knew it we were all rolling around on the bed.

Jana's mom came into the room to see what all of the noise was,

seen that we were tickling each other, and said:

"Just don't tear the beds down"

she left with the door closing behind her.

It went on a few mins. longer, we were all tired out from the

laughing, and just laid there on the bed.

Jana ended up behind her dad and I ended up in front of him.

He had one hand on Jana's side, and the other hand on my side,

as if he was going to tickle us again, but as we laid there,

I could feel something pushing into the lower part of my butt,

not knowing for sure what it was, I reached behind me to

find out, and as I grabbed a hold of it, I knew exactly what it

was then, I had only heard other girls talking about those,

and having it in my hand I found that I did not want to let go.

I squeezed it a couple of times I think, and heard him moan

softly, I also notice I could feel it pulling back as I squeezed.

I whispered "Oh My! I Didn't Know They Were Like This"

As I squeezed it one last time, I felt his hand move and 

barely brushed against my one breast.

He kept talking to Jana & me as if nothing was going on, &

giving Jana a little tickle every now & then to keep her busy,

as I felt his hand rub against my nipple...   I knew then that

if anything was going to happen, it would be that nite.

But for something that only lasted for maybe a total of

2 maybe 3 mins. it seemed to last forever, and all I knew

was that I wanted more!

As we all got up off the bed her dad was getting ready to

leave the room, I knew I had to do or say something, but what?

I was standing beside him and looked him in the eyes, & softly

said:  "Can We?   I know that may sound silly, 

but at the time, that was all I could think of.

He knew what I meant though, he leaned over and tickled me

one more time, and whispered, "Later Tonight, We'll See"

When I heard those words, I felt funny all over, I felt nervous,

not knowing for sure what it was going to be like, but yet I 

was so excited, my heart was beating very fast, I was sure I

wanted to do this.

It was getting late, around 11:00 as Jana & me & her dad sat

on the couch watching TV under a blanket that covered the

three of us.

He had his arm around Jana, and his other hand had been under 

the covers, as were mine.  For the last 30 mins or so, he had

been rubbing his hand softly up and down my inner thigh, I laid

my hand on top of his, as he continued, each time his hand

moved up it kept getting closer & closer to that spot between

my legs, It was all I could do to set still.

I had never had feeling like this before, and I was very excited

with the anticipation of what the rest of the night was

going to bring.

Jana's mother had gone to bed about 2 hours before, and around

11:30 Jana finally fell asleep, (I thought she never would)

I looked at him with such want in my eyes, as I did, he leaned

& kissed me on the forehead, and whispered, are you sure you

want this? I said nothing in return, I slid my hand off of his

instead, & into his lap, where I began searching for the thing

I was most excited about.

When I found it, it was not like it was just hours before, I felt a

very soft outline of what was there, but as I continued to rub

my hand on it, and squeezing just a little, I was so amazed

at what was happening to it.

The more I rub on it, the bigger & harder it was becoming, 

I was wondering if I was doing the right thing, but with his

soft moans, I could tell that he liked it.

I felt his hand, it was now finding it's way underneath my

pajama tops, as I felt his warm hand against my skin,

I had a chill that made my entire body jerk, it was such

a wonderful feeling.

He kissed me again, this time on the cheek, as he did, I felt

his hand cover my entire breast, Ohhhh! how I was feeling.

I could feel him playing with my nipples between 2 

of his fingers, and to my surprise, they were starting to poke out.

I was not really sure what to do next, so he took my hand

and laid it on the button of his jeans, He is wanting me to get

it out...  I Think?

We moved off of the couch & into the computer room,

where while we were still standing, he took me into his arms

& began kissing me again,  On the mouth this time,

I could feel his tongue as it parted my lips, it entered my

mouth until our tongues were rubbing each others.

That was very exciting, my legs were getting weak, as he

took my hands and put them on the button to his jeans again.

Even though I wasn't sure what I was doing, I know what

what he wanted me to do now.

I unbuttoned his jeans & then unzipped them very fast,

he took my hands and put them on his belly, and whispered

in my ear, "Slowly, Let's Do This Slowly"

His belly felt so nice, very soft, and covered with hair.

He began to slowly unbutton my pajama tops, one button

at a time, and with each button, he made sure that his fingers

slid across my skin. sending a chill through my body with

each button he undone.

As he undone the my last button, his hands both slid inside,

as my top opened with his arms, he slowly and tenderly cupped

my breasts, one with each hand, As he was gently squeezing

my breasts, my legs were now really weak

from the pleasure of someone other than myself touching

my female parts, I asked him quietly:

"Can We Lay Down?"

He whispered, "Not Just Yet, Trust Me"

His hands then moved from my breasts to my waist,

and he pulled me close to him to kiss me even better than

the last time, again his tongue was searching for mine,

which I gladly let him have, I felt his arms get tighter around me

and he picked me up, and sat me on the edge of the computer desk.

(And that is when it started to get really good)

He slid my pajama tops off of my shoulders and they fell to the desk.

He kissed my lips and then kissed & nibbled on my neck, and while

cupping both of my breasts and squeezing them so softly, his lips

went from my neck to my nipples, Mmmmmmm!  was all I could

say. I tried to watch as he was doing all of these things to me,

but all I could do was close my eyes and my head just tilted back

all by itself, It was such a wonderful feeling.

I could feel his tongue as it began to swirl around my nipples,

I felt them as they got harder, he went from one to the other,

and then back again.  As my nipples hardened his tongue went

from the swirling motion, to flipping, he was bouncing them

around with his tongue.

I can remember holding onto his head, as he was doing that,

like I didn't want him to stop.

His lips & tongue were now moving downward, "Oh no!"

I thought,  he is not going to do that is he? but I could not

even imagine the pleasure from something like that.

He got to the top of my pajama bottoms, licking & kissing

all the way down, but then he started coming back up.

As he kissed me very passionately he took my hands & put

them on his already unzipped jeans, and I needed no

direction, I wanted my hands on that thing, & I wanted my

hands on it now, my body was burning, I wanted to

squeeze it, I wanted it to get big.

(which it was already half way there)

As I slid my hands into his briefs, his eyes closed & his head

started to lean to the side, at first I felt the hair that

surrounded his marvelous instrument, but moving farther

into his briefs I find it, it feels so soft, but yet was getting

so hard.  As I take a hold of it he whispers,

"Your hands are so soft & gentle"

I leaned forward to kiss him, (as he had done me so many times)

I began to rubbing it up & down (just as I had on the couch)

But this time I had his flesh in my hands, and it feels so nice,

I know I don't want to let go of it.

You could hear his soft little moans of pleasure,

letting me know I was doing something right.

He let me continue, but only until it was standing almost

straight up.

I will never forget the way it felt having it go from such a

soft thing to such a hard, but still so smooth thing & it

was doing it right in my hand, I thought, Oh what a wonderful

thing that is.

He pulled my hands out & then continued to work on me.

Keeping my nipples hard through all of that, he put his hands

on both sides of my pajama bottoms & began pulling them

down, Oh how I want this I thought, so I shifted from side

to side to make it easier for them to come off.

As I looked down watching him do that, I was so

embarrassed, not only did I have a wet spot on the front

of my panties, I was also wearing my Winnie The Pooh panties.

He just looked at me & smiled, all he said was

"Pooh doesn't know what he is in for"

We both smiled and then he kissed me as he put his hands

on each side of my panties & began sliding them off.

As I watched, I could see a glow in his face, knowing that

he was happy with everything I had underneath my panties

made me feel so very good.

(I never dreamed that I would be letting a man see me without

any clothes on, but I was more than glad that I had made the

decision to let him)

He began kissing my belly & didn't take long before he was

spreading open my legs, with his head still moving downward

I can remember shaking as I felt his warm, wet tongue slide

into me, It was the most incredible feeling I have ever felt in my life.

I know if I had known what an orgasm felt like I was sure that when

he did that, I was having one.

Using his fingers, he held me open so his tongue could reach

deeper & deeper into me, the shaking continued as he moved

his tongue around inside of me.

I couldn't hold it anymore, I moaned & moaned trying so

hard to be quiet, until he finally slowed down.

Oh it was unbelievable, just when I thought he was going

to stop, he did it all over again, faster he went this time,

He knew exactly what he was doing, he was making

me orgasm over & over & over again, I know I had those

good feeling shakes at least 6 times during that, until finally

he let his tongue slide out of me and he started raising up.

He kissed me, and by this time I was really good at kissing

him back, I was feeling so excited & wonderful at the same time.

He put my hands on his jeans, and I already knew what I

needed to do.  I began pulling his jeans down very slowly.

As they dropped to the floor, I could  see the still very

hard outline of him through his briefs.

I slowly rubbed my hands up & down his belly & up to his

chest, feeling his very hard nipples. I rubbed it for just

a short time, & he whispered to me, 

"Oh yes Lindsay, you are so sweet & so tender"

I melted when I heard him say that to me, I slipped my

hands to the sides of his briefs, and started pulling them down.

I pulled them down very slowly, I wanted to enjoy

every inch of that thing as it slid out.

The first thing to slide out was this Missile Lookin' thing,

(which I later learn that it was called the head)

I pulled them farther, he watched my face as I watched that

long hard shaft and a bag attached at bottom slide out of there.

I was simply amazed at it, I had no idea they looked like

that, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

His briefs dropped to the floor, & he leaned into me to kiss me,

I kissed him very deeply, I grabbed him with both hands

& began pulling on it.

I was so excited I was pulling very fast & very hard,

He said "Slow down sweeti, I am not going anywhere"

Then he took my hands off of it, & I watched as

he was bringing it ever so close to me.

It felt very nice as he guided the head into me, very tight,

though he did it so slow it seemed like it belonged in there.

He moved the head in & out of me, over & over.

With each inward motion of his hips, I could feel more and

more of him sliding into me. I could feel him

going deeper & deeper into me.

The moisture that was oozing from me was enough

to let him keep doing it.

He wraps his arms around me & slides me forward on the desk

closer to him, I just can't believe that whole thing went

into me like that, I fit so good, & it felt really GREAT!!!

He was slow at first & then he picked me up off of the

desk & in mid-air with my legs wrapped around him, he moved

in & out of me so fast I had those shakes again 3 more times,

but he was still going & was not done.

Not pulling that thing out of me, he dropped to his knees,

& then laid back on the floor. He grabbed my hips and squeezed

my soft butt & began moving me up & down on him.

I pushed his hands away, I was sure that I could handle it

from there.  I leaned forward & kissed him but kept a steady

motion going all of the time.

It felt really good having that sliding in & out of me like that.

I started moving faster up & down on him, & I knew he was 

liking it, his head was rolling from one side to the other, and

the moans of pleasure were so, but oh so long.

I wasn't sure again of what I should do next, or what was

suppose to happen next, but I didn't have to know.

A few mins. later he rolled me over on my back & never & he

never did pull himself out of me while doing any of these things.

He began pumping me like an oil well, my breasts were flopping

back & forth & from side to side, he grabbed them & while

still pumping me, he began to suck on my nipples, he was

sucking and pulling to them with his lips, flipping my nipples

around with his tongue.

It wasn't long before I was shaking again.

Oh the pleasure I had that night.

He was going faster, in & out over & over again & then

he pulled himself out of me, I didn't want it to stop, oh no!

I grabbed a hold of it & kept pulling on it, it was a matter

of seconds, this warm, white, thick creamy stuff began 

shooting out of it like a gun.

I didn't think it was ever gonna stop coming out of it.

The first burst shot all the way up to my breasts, by the time

it was done shooting, almost my entire chest & belly was

covered with it, so warm and so exciting.

"That was some very cool stuff" I said, as he kind of smiled.

He laid down beside me & kissed me & told me how really

good I was, but I knew I wasn't that good, but it was

nice to hear him say that to me.

As we laid there, he wiped me off, & then held

me & kissed me again.

I said "Can we do that again?""I wanna know more, I wanna do it all"

He smiled & said, "We had better check the house"

We dressed, went into the living room where he held me

for an hour or so, I kissed him over & over again.

Though we did not make love again that night, as we sat there

he let me play with it some more, it would raise up & I

would let it go back down, I love the way it pulls back when

I pull on it, & I let him play with me, I wanted his hands 

all over me again, he would slide his fingers in & out of me,

& I know he did it to me again because of the shake.

He is a wonderful, wonderful man, a wonderful lover &

a wonderful teacher.

There has not been hardly a week gone by that we have

not made love.

For the last 6 yrs. since I was age 13, I have made love to him

almost every single week.

I have a boyfriend now, but as far as Jana's dad goes,

I will be making love to him until the day we die.

(oh yeah, my boyfriend knows that I still make love to him,

if anything he is grateful to him for teaching me & making

me the woman I am today, I do things to him that his wife

has never or would she ever do to him.

We are not in love with each other, but I love him dearly,

& I love making love to him.

He is still teaching me.)

Making love is an art, & I can show you how, but you must

do everything I tell you or it will not work.

A boyfriend your age, a little older or a little younger,

will not get you the lessons in love that you need as they

are still learning.

You will need the teachings that you will only find in an

older man.  Jana's dad, when I was 13, he was 46 and he is

still the best lover I have, and I know he will be the best

lover I will ever have.

You younger girls, age 13 to 16, may find it hard to find

a man willing to help you out, but believe me, they are

out they, you need to find one that is willing to make love

to you.

You need to give him your entire trust, and he needs to be able 

to trust in you, these are things that are kind of frowned

on by the public, but believe me, you need an older man.

So come on, it's free, open up your first lesson and get

started.  Let me guide you through your way to ecstasy.

Open your first lesson here at the web site,

or feel free to email me at:

why wait, there is a world of pleasure waiting for you,

and you can get it with a little bit of help.