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Odds & Ends

Bookmarked Sites:

Military Lego
My accurate and to scale military lego collection, where lego is no longer a kids toy, but a scale modelling medium.

Topor Industries
My other site dealing with MSpaint pics, but this time it's a fictional company designing armored vehicles.

A huge military modelling site containing information, reference pictures, and model pictures.

Close Combat, Official
Close Combat, Unofficial
The best series of military games I've ever played. It puts you right in historical battles, but isn't boring like pure strategy games--you can see your soldiers cower, die, go beserk, and win.
Lots of photos, drawings and info on mailnly WWII armor.

The deffinitive unofficial LEGO site. Huge.

The most horrible thing I have ever seen: the horror!

A bit about me:

A like doing things a challenging way. Instead of using a sophisticated drawing program I use MSpaint. It does just what I need it to (but sometimes not quite what I want) and nothing more. Drawing for me is relaxing; I don't want too many options. This also relates to my other hobby: lego. I build lego like a scale model, to minifig scale. It's fun and a challenge to build historicaly accurate to-scale military lego. More fun for me than a plastic 1/35 model. And hey, you can wreck it and build something new.

As for me, and not just my hobbies, I live near Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. Work at a small locally owned sawmill, and live with my fiancee whom means everything to me. I'm going on 21, and am not ashamed to say I'm a little boy when it comes to tanks and all cool things military.

I'm also into vehicles in general, again a little boy fascination. I own 3 vehicles (1979 F-250 4x4, 1982 Vanagon, 1988 GMC 1500 2x4), of which the GMC is the only one allowed on the highway. I collect junk, but always junk that has some worth to me. Aestheticaly, usually. Like the camshaft laying on the living room floor, or the busted driveshaft hanging in the shop.

And history, mainly military. What we've done really interests me. It's somehow more important to me than what we will do. I hate speculation, and that's always what the future is. I find comfort in learning our past, because it has already happened. And plus, big steel smoking machines turn my crank.

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