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Lord of the Rings - Shooting Schedule

This shooting log has been partly created by Aaron Reed from the excellent Site RingFAQ. I then added lots of infos I had collected from many different sources like AICN-Set-Reports, Torn-Archives, the DVDs (etc...)

Please note that none of these informations is official!

Now that RotK EE is finally out, the new features from the DVDs bring lots of very interesting informations that I will in the next weeks insert into this schedule!

Updated 14 December 2004


Dates Location Scene Filmed
Monday 11 Oct 99 Mt. Victoria (Wellington) Day 1 : Hobbits hide from Ringwraiths
Hobbits topple down the hill near Farmer Maggot’s Field
Tuesday 12 Oct 99 ? Day 2 : Frodo and Sam in the cornfields. They "meet" then Merry and Pippin
Wednesday 13 Oct 99 ? Day 3 : Frodo and Sam by the campfire, first night in the wild for those two hobbits!
Thursday 14 Oct 99 ? Hobbits in the Prancing Pony (First day of presence of Viggo Mortensen on set but he’s been not filmed, he was sitting off-set, watching the filming and in his costumes as Strider)
Day 5 = Fr 15 Oct 99 ? Aragorn fights the Nazgûl on Weathertop
End of first week shooting (Sat 16?) Oct Fort Dorset (Seatoun) Bree exteriors/ night-shooting in the streets
Wed-Fr 20-22 Oct 99 Manakau Hobbits crossing Brandywine river / Frodo jumps on the Ferry
Th-Fr 28-29 Oct 99 Harcourt Park (Upper Hutt) Unit 2? (Rick Porras) trees being taken down, possibly Isengard action
Sunday 31 Oct 99 (Birthday of PJ) ? Hobbits try to escape from Black Rider in the Forest and they flee to the Ferry
late Oct Stone Film studios in Miramar Prancing Pony interiors
Sunday 7-?? Nov 99 Wanaka (South Island) Nazgul horse chase / battle scenes? (2nd Unit)
Monday 8 Nov 99 ? Arwen meets Aragorn near the Stone-Trolls
Monday 15-?? Nov 99 Wakatipu (near Queenstown) major scenes (hobbits)
Monday 15-?? Nov 99 Kepler Mire (Te Anau basin) Dead Marshes? (3rd unit?)
Nov 99 Mt. Owen (near Murchinson) Caves / night shooting (Mordor?) / + peaks used : perhaps some moments of fellowship after losing Gandalf in Moria, before Lorien
Nov 99 Mt. Aspiring Fellowship on high mountain, Boromir picks up the Ring after Frodo stumbled in the snow (this was the first time Sean bean was taking a helicopter and his last time as he couldnt bare it)
Nov 99 (shortly after previous entry) Remarkables near Queenstown Fellowship after Moria, near the lake, fleeing to Lorien. Sean Bean climbed there every day cos he refused to take a helicopter again (shooting seems to have taken 2 or 3 days!)
Two or three weeks interrupted by the Flooding = dec 99 near Queenstown Arwen's flight to the Ford, chased by the Black Riders
Friday 26 Nov 99 (1st unit) Aragorn fights orcs
NOV?DEC? 99 Paradise Forest near Glenorchy Boromir's Death Scene
Friday 10 dec 99 Paradise Forest near Glenorchy Battle of Amon Hen (100 Uruk-Hai and Fellowship)
Saturday 11 dec 99 Paradise Forest near Glenorchy (Unit 1A) Fellowship in Lorien, pursued by Moria-Orcs
Saturday 11 dec 99 Paradise Forest near Glenorchy (Unit 1B) Battle of Amon Hen filming Uruk-Hai
Sat 11 dec 99 Kawarau River Was planned (before flood) attack of fellowship on the River, but not shot cos Set destroyed
Sat 11 dec 99 Arrowtown Ford, Skippers Canyon Ford of Bruinen scene / Liv’s last day before Christmas Break
Wednesday 08 or Thursday 09 dec 99 inside some hotel/hangar, during the Flood at Queenstown Sam&Frodo (and Gollum?) shoot the first scenes for RotK in a rocky set
Wed 08 - Sun 12 Dec 99 Hinuera in the Waikato (near Matamata) Hobbiton exteriors (establishing shots)
?? Dec 99 Closeburn Stunt work Amon Hen battle scene
Sunday 12 Dec 99 - Monday 17 Jan 00
Holiday Break - Break on Wed 22d dec?
Monday 17 jan Hinuera in the Waikato (near Matamata) Hobbiton exteriors (principal scenes)
Ian Mckellen’s first day : He taps on Bag End’s Door
Tuesday 18 jan ? Ian Mckellen’s second day : The Grey Havens!
Jan 2000 Hinuera in the Waikato (near Matamata) Hobbiton exteriors (principal scenes): Gandalf and Frodo in the Cart having a little chat etc...
Monday 17 Jan 00 Dry Creek Quarry Night shooting at Helm’s deep scheduled to begin
Jan 00 Harcourt Park Gandalf and Saruman in Isengard, outside!
Friday 28 Jan 00 ? Cornfield when Merry&Pippin crash into Frodo&Sam (Elijah Wood’s Birthday, they went out for a drink after this day of shooting)
Tuesday 01 feb 00 DCQ night Ladders, attack on HD
Thursday 10 feb 00 DCQ night The causeway attack from orcs, Aragorn climbing the Hornburg
Around the Saturday 12 feb 00 DCQ night Rohan Soldiers begin night-shooting in HD
Sunday 6 Feb - ?? 00 Three Foot Six Studios - Studio A Bag End, Orthanc, and other interiors
During February (same day as next entry) Three Foot Six Studios (Unit 2) with PJ / Unit 1B (Rick Porras took on the fight scene) - Studio A Orthanc : fight scene between Saruman and Gandalf
During February (same day as previous entry) Three Foot Six Studios / Blue Screen (Unit 1) PJ also here - Studio A Bag End : Bilbo's scenes with Gandalf's Big Double (off-screen), Ian McKellen speaks his lines off-screen after wrapping his scenes on Orthanc-Set
Tuesday 29 Feb - ?? Mar 00 Camperdown studios in Miramar Helms Deep and Rivendell interiors
Tuesday 14 March 00 DCQ night Rohan Horses involved in battle at HD
Saturday 18 March 00 DCQ night Arwen, Legolas, Theoden and Aragorn, fighting in HD
Saturday 18 March 00 Stone Street Studios Isengard : Saruman gives Uruk-Hai marching orders to attack
?? Feb - Tuesday 11 Apr 00 Dry Creek Quarry Helm's Deep (Battle scenes)
Monday 20?-Thursday 30? Mar 00 Stone Film Studios Gandalf imprisoned in Orthanc tower
late Mar - mid Apr 00 Kaitoke Regional Park Rivendell (Elves, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Elrond, Arwen and Hobbits)
No Boromir (Sean Bean not here) but his body-double I suppose!
Frodo awakes in his bed after being cured by Elrond
Gandalf and Elrond have their private discussion (about Gollum's escape!)
Elrond bids the Fellowship farewell
The Fellowship-members make their way through the arched gates of Rivendell
Apr - ?? 00 Stone Film Studios Blue screen work
Wednesday 05 Apr 00 Stone Street Studios??? Caves of Orthanc (1st unit)
Wednesday 05 April 00 Blue screen Haldir with Hobbits, Gimli and Legolas, Boromir (Lorien-flet ?)
Wednesday 05 April 00 DCQ 2d Unit Uruks are in the Keep
Tuesday 11 Apr - Tuesday 2 May 00 Tongariro National Park Last Alliance of Elves and Men (Prologue) ?
Mid-End April (May - Jun 00) Whakapapa National Park (near Ohakune) Various Mordor material
Unit 2 (Barry Osborne) Battlefield with Elves (Second Age), Gondorians, Orcs
Unit 1 (PJ) Orc army finds Frodo and Sam and mistakes them for Orcs
Day before: Sam and Frodo were on the slopes of Mount Doom, Sam trying to encourage Frodo by recalling the Shire and the taste of strawberries
Monday 1- Wednesday 3? May 00 Rangipo Desert Black Gates of Mordor
May 00 DCQ Uruks stagger in pain from sunrise at HD
Thursday 11 May 00 Parking of Wingate In front of the Doors of Moria, night shooting, freezing cold
Friday 12 May 00 DCQ Gandalf and Rohirrim charging Orcs down the Hill of HD
May - ?? 00 Dry Creek Quarry Helm's Deep 2nd Unit (non-battle)
Tuesday 16 May 00 (Dunharrow?) / Lyal Bay Paths of the Dead / Rohirrim Camp in Dunharrow, night shooting
mid May 00 Wingate, Lower Hutt Gates of Mordor?
Wednesday 17 May 00 DCQ Rohirrim, Theoden, Gandalf, Legolas, Eomer, Aragorn chasing Uruks (Body-doubles)
Friday 19-Wednesday 24 May 00 Wingate, Hutt Valley Door of Moria, night shooting
Tuesday 23 May 00 ? Day 133!
Thursday 25 May 00 (took around 5 days to shoot) Studio A? Rivendell Council of Elrond (many angles in FotR EE feature Film Editing)
May - Jun 00 Stone Film Studios - Studio A? Rivendell interiors (Council of Elrond)
Sunday 11?-Wednesday 21? Jun 00 Fernside Lodge, Featherston Lothlorien riverside farewell
mid Jun 00 Wairarapa (Carterton, Clairville showgrounds) ??
Friday 16 Jun 00 Fernside Lodge Lothlorien, Haldir and Galadriel; Farewell to Lothlorien
Monday 19 Jun 00 South Island near Alexandra Flight to the Ford : Nazgul chasing Arwen
Saturday 24? Jun - Monday 24 Jul 00
A month long summer break gives cast and crew a chance to rest for the next six months of shooting.
Friday 21st July Queenstown before going back to work, some of the cast attended a party this night, Link to the Report
Tuesday 25 Jul - ?? Aug 00 Wellington (studio work) Cirith Ungol
Saturday 05 Aug 00 Wingate Orthanc material Flooding of Isengard (barrels…)
Monday 07 Aug 00 Wingate Orthanc, arrival of Gandalf the White and Co to speak with Saruman, locked up in his tower
Tuesday 08 Aug 00 Wingate Pippin and Merry in Flooded Isengard
Tuesday 08 Aug 00 Closeburn Amon Hen Deathscene of Boromir ?
Wednesday 09 Aug 00 ? The Fellowship on Anduin River
?? Aug 00 Methven "battle scenes"
Tuesday 1?- Wednesday 9? Aug 00 Upper Hutt scenes involving the river Anduin
Thursday 17 Aug 00 Wingate Call sheet with Saruman, Spikey Wheel and Palantir…
Friday 25 Aug 00 Wingate Dead marshes
Monday 21?-Saturday 26? Aug 00 Central Otago (possibly Poolburn or Maniototo) "outdoor battle scenes"? Rohan village burning ???
Monday 28 Aug - Friday 1? Sep 00 Golden Bay (Mount Olympus) Fellowship on the mountains (before Gandalf’s fall ?)
Monday 11 Sept 00 Blue screen Forming of the Fellowship in Rivendell at the Council of Elrond
Tuesday 12 Sep - ?? Sep 00 Mavora Lakes Boromir’s Funeral Boat ?
Monday 18 Sept 00 Mavora Lakes? Sean Astin's foot gets wounded when running after the boat with which Frodo leaves for Mordor
after the 18 Sept 00 (Tuesday? Wednesday?) ? Sean Astin's wounded foot doesnt hinder him to keep on shooting some Mordor scene (climbing the mountain to get a look at the Black Gate?)
Friday 15? Sep - Thursday 21? Sep 00 Porirua (Whitirea Park) pick-up shots for a battle scene
Friday 15 Sep - Friday 29 Sep 00 Actually Three Weeks shooting (six-days weeks) Mt. Sunday (Mt. Potts Station, Canterbury) City of Edoras
end Oct 00 Poolburn Dam Rohan Village burning (Morwen etc…)
Thursday 5 Oct - Wednesday 1 Nov 00 Deer Park Heights Fellowship material from Two Towers
Monday 9? Oct - Sunday 22 Oct 00 Twizel (near Christchurch) "huge scenes" with horses : Charge of the Rohirrim / Battle of Pelennor Fields
Monday 16? Oct - ?? 00 South Island Battle of Pellenor Fields
Nov 00 Dry Creek Quarry Minas Tirith
Friday 10 - Saturday 11 Nov 00 ? The Ride of the Rohirrim
Saturday 11 Nov 00 Wingate Osgiliath
Wednesday 15 Nov 00 Queen Elizabeth Park in Paekakariki Witch King with Mace fighting
Field of Pelennor, Oliphaunt-carcass there
Sunday 26 Nov 00 Wingate Osgiliath, night shooting
around the 25 Nov 00 Stone Street Studios Gandalf rides in Rath Dinen to save Faramir from burning on the Pyre of Denethor
Monday 27 / Tuesday 28 Nov 00 Mt Victoria, Wellington Tents of Rohirrim
Saturday 2d December 00, Morning Stone Street Studios Grima finds Eowyn at Theodred's Bed
Saturday 2d December 00, Morning Stone Street Studios Unit 1A Theoden crumples, Eowyn catches him, the age falls away. Rejuvenated, he rises&turns his attention to Grima Call Sheet
Monday 4 Dec 00 Studio K (Bluescreen); Second Unit (Rick Porras) Fangorn Forest: Treebeard carries Merry and Pippin, nighttime apparently (going to war to Isengard?) Call Sheet
Tuesday 5 Dec 00, Morning DCQ (Second Unit Director David Norris) Gondorians standing looking out over the wall (first circle) on the Pelennor Fields
Tuesday 5 Dec 00, Afternoon DCQ (Second Unit Director David Norris) Gondorians : additional scenes, watching Faramir departing from MT to defend Osgiliath + then: Soldiers are fleeing away from Nazgûl, out of fear
Thursday 7 Dec 00 Studio K Bluescreen (Second Unit) Sam filming some scene (He looked sweaty, dirty, and intense, he moved as if climbing up and up, reaching towards the camera desperately. Was he falling? Or climbing? Set report from Quickbeam
Thursday 7 Dec 00 Studio L (Greenroom), Second Unit Fangorn: Merry, Pippin, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Theoden, Eomer, Gandalf and Shadowfax : Flotsam and Jetsam (RotK-Title opening)
Sunday 10 Dec 00 Wingate Wingate Front of MT Palast for coronation
Thursday 14 dec 00 2d Unit / DCQ - Morning : Gandalf send Pippin to light the Beacon
- Afternoon : Faramir meets Gandalf and Pippin after Nazgûl Attack
Friday 15 dec 00 DCQ Faramir leaves for the Charge on Osgiliath, Gandalf “Your father loves you Faramir etc…”
Friday 15 dec 00 Unit 1B / DCQ - Afternoon : Gandalf on Shadowfax, fighting Orcs with staff
Friday 15 dec 00 DCQ Faramir, wounded, filled of arrows, dragged behind his horse, enters MT
Friday 15 dec 00 2d Unit A-Camera / DCQ City under siege, Gandalf picks Pippin up and places him on Shadowfax
Saturday 16 dec 00 Blue screen, stage L Houses of Healing : Frodo lying on bed, Merry&Pippin come running, hopping up + Gimli and Sam ; and all the others through blue screen-compositing (Gandalf, Legolas, Aragorn)
Saturday 16 dec 00 stage K Gandalf, postfight with Balrog, lying on snow, motionless
Saturday 16 dec 00 ? Hobbits shooting their scenes at Doors of Moria, Frodo’s leg grabbed by some tentacle
Sunday 17 dec 00 Wellington The famous "Fellowship-Tattoo" event happened on this day, involving Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Sean Astin, Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan and Brett Beattie (Gimli's scale Double)
Monday 18 dec 00 Stage O Faramir reports the Defeat of Osgiliath to his father etc…
Monday 18 dec 00 Hayward's Quarry Gondorian's Warriors charge through the streets of MT with spears, encouraged by Gandalf on Shadowfax, carrying Pippin
Monday 18 dec 00 Hayward's Quarry Faramir's Company through MT, while crowd throws silently flowers on the streets
Monday 18 dec 00 Lower Hutt (2d Unit), 25km away from DCQ Coronation (Gandalf places crown on Aragorn’s head)
Monday 18 dec 00 ? Wedding of Faramir and Eowyn
Tuesday 19 dec 00 Blue screen Frodo and Sam in Henneth Annûn, blindfolded, then questioned by Faramir Last day of Sean Astin as Sam…
Tuesday 19 / Wednesday 20 dec 00 The lower hutt, MT Set? Wingate? Arwen comes to Aragorn’s Coronation
Wednesday 20 dec 00 Blue screen Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas facing the Corsairs, while Army of the dead fire arrows and capture ships
Wednesday 20 dec 00 Blue screen Merry and Pippin in sleeping Quarters of Edoras, one wakes the other…
Thursday 21 dec 00 Stage O Morning : Frodo, in a rocky cave, looking at us, hidden in shadow…
Thursday 21 dec 00 Tower hall set Morning : Gandalf comes in with Pippin, have some words with denethor and exit
Thursday 21 dec 00 Blue Screen Afternoon : Gandalf rides atop an eagle
Thursday 21 dec 00 Tower hall set changed to a corridor of MT Afternoon : Pippin and Faramir, poignant quiet moment “your father, why is he so angry? Etc…”
Friday 22 dec 00 Tower hall Aragorn looks into the Palantir and reveals himself
Friday 22 dec 00 Tower hall Eomer, legolas, gimli, gandal and aragorn : counsel, trap-bait discussion
Friday 22 dec 00 ? Aragorn is being dressed into his kingly armor before riding off
Friday 22 dec 00 ? ? Aragorn carries Frodo through Trollshaw-Forest, after the Attack on Amon Sûl

Questions, questions that need answering...

- John Mahaffie shot the Pass of Caradhras in a studio, around the time when PJ had to carry the Olympic Torch: When was that???
- when did Christopher Lee get wounded at his hand? by some hotel room door ( and where?)
- Barry Osborne shot the scene where Aragorn and the Hobbits arrrive to Amon Sûl. When? Which Unit? Where?
- The scene where the four Hobbits hide in the Forest (in the Shire) at night to avoid the Black Rider, it was filmed in "Nelson" (while waiting for the weather to clean on the mountains)
- Was John Mahaffie the official Second Unit Director?
- Sometimes in winter/ (NZ summer?), four Hobbits and Aragorn right after leaving Bree, on their way to Rivendell, Pippin wants his "Second Breakfast" and gets an apple... Where was it shot? it was interrupted by the snow...
- When did Viggo got his right eye bruised while Surfing? (it was on a weekend, prior to the shooting of Balin's Tomb)
- Geoff Murphy (?) shot most of the Fight with the Cave-Troll in Balin's Tomb. But where and when? This is a quote from the FotR EE DVD (Audio Commentary of PJ & Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens): "I often used to shoot this fight on Saturdays, when I was shooting Monday to Friday with the main unit, and I’d come in on the Saturdays and shoot some of this stuff with the second unit. And then, through the week, Geoff Murphy, one of our second unit directors, was also shooting a substantial part of this fight as well. He shot… Most of the shots with the cave troll were done by Geoff."
- Fran Walsh and John Mahaffie directed the Deagol-Smeagol scene. when and where?
- more to come!

Post your comments and corrections at!
