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Rich & Anna's trip to New ZewlandAll Photo's from the beginning!!

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Thursday 14th July 2005 - Still alive, still cold and wet!


Andrea arrives tomorrow.

I would rather stick pins in my eyes.

All is good we are now both official NZ residents, just in time for us to plan our escape out of here!

Watch out for the photo of Anna above - will be here soon.

Take care, see you all for a short while at least in Sept.

Monday 30th May 2005 - Straw and the camels back!

That's it, the finally straw!

Went to work and sat in the sink waiting to be washed was a Stoke City Mug, in Auckland 14,000 miles away from the worst place on earth!

Getting well fed up out here, it is so cold and so wet and the house's are made of paper, worst than Stoke and we have mold and mildew in the room!

They don't even have central heating or double glazing.

Washing been out for nearly two weeks, and its still wet.

Have decided that Jan 06 is time to move on, the grass is always greener!

Monday 23rd May 2005 - Rubic Hair

Anna still struggling with the local language!
Had a call the other nite from a rubic hair, which later translated into rebecca!

Spent the weekend at Auckland Zoo which is cool but a bit like New Zealand, lacking in creatures!
One lion, one tiger one rhino, you get the picture.

The weather still crap, rains constantly, hopefully it will turn to snow soon.

Anna finally did her first 90 mins of footy on Sunday and it was a pretty good game, against pretty ugly women.

Final bit of news for Warren's benefit .
Got a new german friend out here, who lives with a pole dancer!

Friday 13th May 2005 - Winter Time

On way to spend another fun packed weekend in the metropollis that is Auckland!
Going to the comedy club, after getting drunk at work on Friday afternoon.
You get free beer on a Friday afternoon out here, how cool is that!

Anna also getting into her soccer (sorry boys) despite getting injured in her first training session.
Been teaching her how to tackle, watch out Matty Boy!

The newspapers out here continue to provide a source of entertainment.
Latest headlines involved two youths breaking into a compund and then into a container, which unfortunately was full of peas!
The peas came crashing out and trapped the youths, who then had to be rescued by the fire service - but the best bit -

They got charged for - damage to peas!

7th May 2005 - Winter Time

Just spent the weekend playing footy, causing havoc kicking the locals and leading my team to victory (injured from the touchline). Plus coaching Anna on her new soccer career!

At the moment not much going on, turning to winter, so waiting for the snow boarding to start.

1st May - Big Bird


A lazy sunday afternoon in New Zealand.

Spent the day travelling round the coast and then the afternoon in the hot pools!

1st May 2005 - This way to the motherland!


Canada here we come.

Just booked the trip back to the UK, via LA and New York.

Get to spend one day in the UK and then onto the Munich beer festival - like you do.

Going back via Canada, and will have a look if that's going to be the next palce we live!

12th April 2005


Just been to the local pool. Which is quite amazing seen as swimming is definately a bit of a Matthew (exageration!)
There was more people walking up and down the dam lanes than swimming.

Had another good weekend at the coast, most impressive, and the car as broken down

Anybody know where i can get a clutch from?

Also found out why i have been relegated to centre half this weekend, after a truly shocking display, in which i gave away two goals and costed us the game.

No more photo's on the web for a while, not got the time now i have to work!

3rd April 2005


For some reason i am sat here in the dark at 3.30am on a work day typing this.

Another good weekend, did whole week of work and on a Friday nite you get drinks at work, its the custom over here.

So i decided to impress them all by doing a Trev and getting hammered, think it impressed the boss!

Felt pretty ill the next morning getting up to play footy.

Have also bought a car - an Italian Super car similar to Barclays, only mine is a Fiat Uno.

Easter 2005

90 Mile Beach - Matthew!

Easter was pretty cool, did the top of the north island, which as usual is very beautiful.

Drove along 90 mile beach which is one of the main roads in New Zealand, if the tide is out. It is pretty cool driving along the sands for mile after mile at 70mph.

Even though like a Matthew story it was only about 45 mile long.

Passed some crazy fool walking the thing with a rucksack on and then somebody cycling it!

Also got to see one of the biggest tree's in NZ and the place where the Treaty of Waitangi to stop the europeans attacking the maori's was signed.

Monday 21st March 2005

The sun is setting in the sky

...but things are looking up.

Going to spend the easter weekend looking for whales, which is pretty impressive seeing as we are about 23,000 miles away from it!
Sorry had to do a Dave Ruddle style joke

Investment in the share club, now known as gamblers anonymous, is also making a healthy return, despite and because, of the attempts of Snells Jnr, the £1200 invested is now worth nearly £63, now that is a return you will not see quoted in the financial papers!!

Plus my visa has arrived and i am now about to start work, so there is absolutely no way i will be back to the UK!
Well at least until it runs out in about a year.

Just to keep you on your toes, have started to look at the Canandian Immigration process!

Monday 13th March 2005

Waiheke Island and the humbling of Manukau City

Top weekend, set of Friday to catch the ferry to some remote island which was just beautiful. For all the boy's out there think this place must be heaven, went to a nice restaurant and about 10 mins later a taxi full of ten 20 something girls arrived and sat next to us (No George's though Trev). 5 mins later another taxi with 5 more arrived!
Spent the night in a really cool hostel and got chatting to loads of people, hostel was about as far away as possible, in quality terms to the Budapest one!

Went and chilled on the beach for Saturday and Anna got severe sunburn again!
On the work front Anna finally got her visa, although mine is still been processed, i am suppossed to start work next Monday as well.

Awoke early Sunday morning, despite not getting to bed until very late Saturday nigth, to catch the ferry back to Auckland and make my football debut.
For any kiwi's reading its not soccer!
Result a 1 -1 draw with Manukau City, which sounds impressive until you realise that Cartworth 2nd team would have beaten them, and that is saying something!
Evening was spent chilling by the sea and in the thermal pools (not as good as yours Andrea).
Well got to get on, got another day doing nothing but sitting in the sun.

Sunday 27th Feb 2005

Glow Worms!

We have just had the best weekend since we got here!
Went to some really cool places, see latest photos, with a cool family.
(Apologies if I have spelt names wrong!)
Only bit I could not photo was the best bit – the underground glow worm caves, amazing!

Or as we say in New Zealand – ‘It was sweet!’

Also went to the hot water pools on the beach, but forgot about the guide book warning, not to stick your head in the thermal pools. (Meningitis!)

Thinking of you lot in the snow (not), we got sun burnt today!

For all you sado’s out there I have found a webcam showing Holmfirth, my local town, for local people!

Holmfirth webcam!

Amazing NZ facts!

1. The Waikato River is the longest in NZ, and we have touched it!

2. It takes a drop of water 4 days to get from the start to the finish!

Saturday 19th Feb 2005

Pukekohe - Big Day Out

Life is complete, Pukekohe annual sheep appreciation day occurred, and we visited!

Anna enjoying job and i am not enjoying being bored.
Got a cunning plan though, not quite buying shares, but in the same league of stupidity?

Looks like getting work is no prob, but getting a visa is a bit like getting trev motivated, in isn't going to happen in a hurry.

Monday 14th Feb 2005

Happy Valentines - Where have all the sheep gone?

Still hardly seen any yet, just cow's, loads of damn cow's!
Have come up with another brilliant business idea, so won't have to work ever again, anybody got any money to invest in shares?

Have also been to Anna's school to show them how to teach properly, expert car mechanic teacher that i am - did you know that i have a BTEC 3 Motor Vehicle Engineering Certificate, just ask Anna!

Still waiting for visa's etc, then we will get a car and go and explore, altough it is just like UK, except the fish in the fish and chips are smaller!

Sunday 6th Feb 2005

Sorted for wheels!

Anna has completed her first week at school and is still alive.
First visa in, and completed medicals for residency - medical reports back and everthing fine altough Anna slightly overweight!!!!

I have had interviews and even been offered a job on the trains as well - such joy!
We have also splashed out and bought our first wheels - a 2nd hand bike for 20 quid!
Pictures coming soon!

Still waiting to see the sheep, but at least we got to go to Esther's birthday and see them lot eat her pet pig!

Saturday 29th Jan 2005

Sunny Days!

Went out to the one horse town pub, to celebrate Anna's birthday!
Things looking up, been to the beach and got sun stroke plus had several interviews for jobs!
Will have some NZ pictures on this week.

Monday 24th Jan 2005

Visa - Schmisa!

Not looking good on the old visa front, just arrived in downtown Auckland and they say make take six months. Erm six months without pay!
O well back on the one train a day to the sticks

Friday 21st Januray 2005

$200 Dollar Banana - Told Anna not to try and smuggle in a banana!

Arrived - What time's the next plain home?

In a shared house with another teacher from the school who is cool!
Just about to go on a four mile hike to buy food!
Next priority buy a car, but at least i have found the train station, next train to Auckland 2007!

Weds 19th January 2005

In America!

Spent the day doing a tour of LA - $49 on the bus that took us back to where we had spent the previous day walking!
Saw loads of stars houses, downtown LA, Sunset Strip and Hollywood and had our usual stressfull last minute rush to the airport.

LA was hot and cool!

Tues 18th January 2005

Santa Monica Boulavard

Did a short 14 mile walk (according to the pedometer) around the beach area and Santa Monica, slept from 4pm til 2am suffering with sunstroke. 85+ temperatures, was amazing walking back along the beach!

Mon 17th January 2005

Only 24 hours to Tulsa - Well 12 to LA!

Rushing about and late for flight - to much stress. Arrived in the world of GDSA (God Dam Stupid Americans) to be met by the airport announcer asking for the people who had checked in Golf Clubs and Kittens to claim them!
Went to an excellent Italian by the Pacific Ocean and had words of wisdom from Anna.

What coins do they have here? Dimes, nickels, quaters.

Whats a 50 cent called? A 50 cent!

Sun 16th Jan 2005

Why do you have to be a heart breaker?

Spent my last nite in the UK with Sam!
Which ended up costing me 100 pound for a chinese, but at least we got to see Jason Donovan - the fat bald gay one - according to Jo.

Friday 14th January 2005

Sat here on my last day of holiday, messing about creating a website! About to set of for nottingham and then next stop Los Angeles.

Will have some photo's up of me getting shot, robbed etc pretty soon, keep checking if you can be bothered.

Hope i don't ever see you again, unless its in NZ and then you are def welcome.

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