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Fraustinian Reference of Rarely Heard of
(and Never Used) Words

that Would Perturb Your Mother's Third Cousin

I made this up when I had nothing better to do. A friend made up the second definitions for
a few of them. Camlekdiomy and limbernimbersikhumus probably don't make sense, but
that's because there's a story behind them that I don't feel like explaining now. There are a few
words that still need definitions. I'll finish it eventually, but for now here's what I've completed.

Agagagh – (n) [pronounced "agg-agg-aaagchh"] – 1.) a vexated and forceful utterance usually brought about by a situation in which the gravitational pull of earth combined with various inanimate objects placed haphazardly resulting in the stilted halt in the typical podiatrical method of movement prompted by frustration. 2.) to yelp

berlgustaf – (n) [pronounced "burl-goo-stoff"] – 1.) the obnoxiously frequent lump caused by pieces of dead cells draping themselves from the cranium or various body parts of a mammal and entangling themselves within one another causing a large, obstinate mass which takes massive amounts of energy to correct due to the fusion at the molecular level of the obdurate bunch. 2.) a tangle

camlekdiomy – (v) [pronounced "kamm-lick-dee-oh-mee"] – 1.) the act of plucking the elongated lashes of the nostril of the rare species of the Zulongian gigantuar lizard dating back to the Haminian era under the rule of Sir Christopher of Stininia to extinguish its pyrolific activities in order to extricate the remains of valiant knights to divulge the secret of their chivalrous bravery. 2.) to tweeze

daybotquessibamun – (n) [pronounced "day-boht-qwees-ee-bahm-oon"] – 1.) small circular disks of thin, floppy, soggy, droopy plastic used to enhance the productivity of one's vision, which tend to get stuck in the upper regions of the aforementioned orb, often reported to split in half, fall out and blend with the surrounding environment never to be retrieved again, or fold over underneath the eyelid of the user. 2.) contacts

effit– (n) [pronounced "eff-itt"] – 1.) a crass interjection selected within moments of extreme duress, when the properly inappropriate term is found to be more objectionable than beneficial in voicing the aggravation of the antagonized. 2.) a euphamism

euoqiek – (n) [pronounced "yoo-qweek"] – 1.) the loud sound generated by the forceful, painful and accidental contact of a human's skull with the upward arch located at the top of small, mobile, metal vehicles resulting in tender lumps on the victim's cranium. 2.) to knock

fratootie – (n) [pronounced "frah-too-tee"] – 1.) the somewhat unpleasant mixture of scrambled chicken embryo, various green plants, and the muscle of slaughtered pigs, all combined to form a course typically consumed between early dawn and late afternoon but occasionally served during office hours. 2.) Spanish omelet

gazjaeteuox – (n) [pronounced "gaj-ahh-twa"] – 1.) a fermented secretion in the solid state of the udder of a bovine, used for the consumption of mammals such as humans and felines 2.) French cheese

gyploristiquas– (n) [pronounced "guy-plore-ih-stee-kwas"] – 1.) the uncomfortable and unfortunately common frantic gesticulations and stumbling about occuring between members of opposite genders to prevent the accidental and commonly thought of as improper act of contact between the epidermis of both parties. 2.) to stumble

huye – (n) [pronounced "hwoo-yee"] – 1.) the sound uttered by one who has received a forceful blow to the bodily region located at the metatarsal due to the untimely appearance of inanimate objects in their direction of peregrination. 2.)to grunt

itophyilism – (n) [pronounced "eye-toe-fill-izz-imm"] 1.) a thin layer between the metatarsal which initializes the coalescence of both the excess fuzzes of the tubular textile which is typically used to conceal the metatarsal, and the slight dampness which already exists, together forming this substance with a slightly dank odor. 2.) toe jam

jyhliem – (v) [pronounced "jie-hleem"] – 1.) the small, soft, flexible object attatched to the long round tube used in aiding in the intake of oxygen while submerged under a clear liquid substance which is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen to prevent the expiration of the user due to the cerebral matter ceasing to function. 2.) a snorkel

kurdootlingtermangling - (v) [pronounced "curr-doot-ling-turr-mang-gling"] 1.) the act of squinching one's ocular orbs and contorting one's visage into unnatural positions due to the incorporation of foreign and distasteful substances into the oral cavity. 2.) to grimace

libernimbersikhumus – (v) – [pronounced "libb-urr-nimm-burr-sick-hyoo-muss"] – 1.) liberation of forestry and shrubbery confined by the explosion of random cars which trap them into a life of delinquency by constricting them into a small clump of unhappy coniferous plants which are surrounded by metal although it was all brought about by their pine needles in the first place. 2.) pruning

mujgate – (v) – [pronounced "moosh-gah-tay"] – 1.) an action in which the rear extremity of the domesticated feline species is unfortunately caught and slightly battered by its proclivity to present itself during acts of closure in entryways. 2.) to squish

nork – (

oximbilfliglism – ( ) [pronounced "ox-ihm-bill-fligg-lizz-umm]

pontiphalimnus – (n) [pronounced "pont-ee-falleem-noos"] – 1.) when a member of an elite society has risen to an elevation slightly above that of his peers in an effort to be noticed, commonly on a four-legged carved tree, and loses his equilibrium just at the climax of his pontificatory statement. 2.) to fall

quadac – (n) – [pronounced "kwa-dock"] – 1.) the long, stringy, slightly slimy, always wet accumulation of unidentified plant remains which tend to cling to the bottom and sides of long wooden structures used for strength and steadiness which allows creatures to walk on water, usually of a brown or green shade. 2.) sludge

raaxogatory – (adj) – [pronounced "rah-ox-oh-gah-torr-ee"] 1.)

saquatz – (n) – [pronounced "sah-kwats"] 1.) a slightly perturbing encounter with the elongated fruit of a nightplant used for various culturally reknowned creations involving human consumption where a adolescent rejects their orange victuals. 2.) to eat squash


typamhix – (n) – [pronounced "tipp-amm-hicks"] – 1.) a word describing the common occurrence in which the fourth phalange attached to the right cluster of metacarpals tends to have a spasmodic twitch which results in peculiar words such as "juju," "uoi," or "kop" on a regular basis until the common patterns of action are re-instated by the owner. 2.) a typo

ub – (n) - [pronounced "oob"] – 1.) a form of slang referring to uscudianoruitasticious bazquallier [pronounced "oos-coo-dee-inn-oor-oot-ast-ick-ee-uss baz-cwall-err"] describing a bi-wheeled aid in transporting oneself usually accessorized by those classified as minors for recreation occasionally found to damage the epidermis of the patella if human or mechanical error occurs. 2.) a scooter

Vabcoedy – (n) – [pronounced "vabb-coo-ay-dee"] – 1.) a frivolous game in which selected players are to conceal themselves in a variety of random nooks where they are later discovered by one known as "it" usually accompanied by shortness of breath, paranoia, muscle cramps, and/or stiff necks. 2.) hide-and-go seek

Wejramnot – (n) – [wee-zremm-nott] – 1.) a lengthy cluster of diminutive metal coated with an economically detrimental substance connected to a quadrilateral all which attaches to an electronic device allegedly to increase its charge but, surreptitiously invented to snarl ignorant amblers and tangle their lower appendages irrevocably and cause slight abrasions. 2. a power cord

xerclotible – (adj) – ["zurr-cloy-tay-bull"] – 1.)

zyfoglotermittent – (n) – ["zie-fogg-low-turr-mitt-ent"] – 1.) a brief interval in which a selected member of the cast brightens the lights to a blinding degree resulting in the shrinking of the retina of the eye while most viewers feel the urge to consume massive quantities of empty calories before the conclusion of the increment of time. 2.) intermission

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