Do They Know?
It isn't real to them.
The bullet, cold and piercing,
Didn't stop them.
They didn't feel the blood,
Warm and sticky,
Or notice the look in his eyes,
They didn't feel the pain, the loss, the grief,
The consuming fear of that last breath,
Gulping for life,
Grasping for anything but death,
And only seeing a stranger, a foe,
An enemy,
Staring with malice into your eyes
As you begin to drift away;
But the drifting began so long ago,
Away from those dreams, that happiness,
Into that world where
Nobody cares and nobody wants to,
Where mothers weep and fathers mourn,
Where families are lost and lives are risked,
And glory, the empty shell of glory,
Is found in the chamber of a gun,
Until you're the one
Lying on the floor,
Remembering what you'd lost what seemed like so long ago,
Falling into oblivion,
As you struggle to win back what you no longer have,
And sink into darkness.
Essays and Such
Raps, Yo
My New Language