The Pam Macys

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Two new songs are up on the Myspace page. They are not really new, but I had a spontaneous desire to put them up today. Make sure to check out the show at the OFCC on Dec 28th. We're not playing, but a bunch of sweet cleveland punk and ska bands are reuniting. Most notably The Merkurs, The Imperial Skabots, and Katty Whompus. Well thats the obligatory update for the year, Take Luck.


We might practice this week. We have not practiced in 6 months. I hope we write some new songs, i really do. Maybe we'll record and then play a show. Maybe. We'll probably just yell at each other and then Al will tell us about fishing. I am going to go shave my beard. Bye


Lets see here...The Pam Macys have not done much lately as a band, but are very busy in their personal lives. Brendan and Alan are in their senior year and are enjoying it very much. Just as well, Joe is enjoying college. Ideas and plans are currently in the works to get some sort of compact disc together full of songs. It is way overdue and highly anticipated by the band and a few handfulls of other people. Also a few shows in Joe's basement can be expected sometime in the spring when the record will finally surface. I would not say the Pam Macys are dead, but they certainly could use some elbow grease to get the wheels turning again. Any comments or suggestions are always greatly appreciated and welcome. Much Love.


Unfortunately, Joe has left for college at the University of Dayton but the Pam Macys have the intention of staying with the same lineup. They plan to play some shows on his many breaks during the school year. Look for updates on the website about these shows and about the album. Sit back, take a break, crack open an ice cold tahitian treat, and listen to our old recordings one more time.


School year! That means long nights of work, very few band practices, and unfortunately Joe away at The University of Dayton. But the album is going to be done soon, we promise (wink wink). Despite the distance, we have decided to stay with the same lineup and attempt to set up some shows when Joe is in town. Actually, we already have one booked on November 12th at the Agora Ballroom. Everyone must come out to support us. See you in the pit.


Summer! That means shows, the record, more shows, new songs, and the record again. We're doing art, mixing, mastering, and planning the final steps to compeleting the album. Attentiom: If you're having a summer party and would like us to play, we'll do it all night long. E-mail us at or leave a message in the guestbook or at myspace. We'd love to hear from you about anything. We love you! (and by "you" I mean Maria Sharapova)


The Show at the Phantasy went well. We got our name in the paper on on the Marque outside the building which was sweet. We've got a big show this weekend at Pit Cleveland and we need everyone to come out and support us. We're going back into the studio to work on some tracks this week in the meantime.


Well, it has been awhile. First off, recording went exceptionally well; we walked out of Rudekow Studios with a total of 11 tracks recorded, they are being mixed as we speak. Next, the show at Walsh Jesuit went well enough; we played a good set and we also debuted a very rough copy of the demo which sold like hotcakes. We've got some pictures up from that show on the Pics page. We've also go two more shows to speak of: this saturday May 14 at the Phantasy in Lakewood and the following Saturday May 21 at the Pit. Come out and support the boys from the Pam Macys and pick up a demo before they're all gone.


Hi Kids, Brendan is gone for spring break and so, I, Joe, have decide to update the website. Yes, we are going to record around 10 songs for a CD. Yes, it will cost money. No, not as much as you think. Only a few dollaz. We will most likely release a single of "The Ska Song" first with some B-sides or live cuts or a video on it. I'm doing the art for it right now, so if by any chance anyone has any pictures of us please send them to Then we'll release the CD, which will be like a real CD, which is sweet. Enough about that and onto shows. There is a show at Wlash Jesuit High School scheduled for April 30th, 2005 sometime in the evening. This show will be extra cheap and extra special, but like all shows it may get moved or tampered with. We are starting to look to the summer for many many shows and having a good time with many many peoples and their bands, but Brendan needs to come home first and we'll record. So kick back and relax, pull up your favorite easy chair and listen to the fine melodies cuz music soothes even the savage beast. Ahhhhh What wonderful words.


The show this saturday is tentatively far. Hopefully we'll be able to make but were not sure as of yet. The big news, however, is that we've alloted some time next month to do some recording in an actual studio. Hopefully that will go well and we'll be well on our way to being the best punk rock band ever.


The show on sunday was quite amazing if I do say so myself. The show was a benefit for a girl who got her house burned down in January and I think alot of money was raised to help her out. We ended up "headlining" the show and we played the best set we'veever played. The crowd was very small, but really into the music and skanked and moshed like there was no tomorrow. This is the last show for about 2-3 weeks so we're thinking about doing some recording if the cards are right. We got some pics from the night which arent very good, but nonetheless will be up on the photos section of the site soon. Thanks again to everyone who came out and let us know if you want to come to the Birthday Party and we'll get you an invitation.


The show this sunday is still on. We'll be playing at the Olmstead Falls Community Center at a benefit show for...well we don't know but a gig's a gig I guess. We've got a few new songs to play so we're really excited about playing this show. We're probably going to go on later in the evening; maybe around 10 pm at the latest. Hope to see you there


The Agora show went well...thanks to everybody who came out and supported us. We're not quite sure if the show this sunday is going to happen, so check the shows page for any changes. Pictures will be up soon from the Agora show on the photos page.


Well I've finally had the time to do all the updates to the site that I've been putting off. The pictures from the rockoff are up in the photos section and I've posted some new shows on the show page.


The rockoff was great...we sold almost all our tickets and alot of people came. We didn't make it the finals but we met some cool people and had a really good time. We're working on booking some more shows because it was great being on stage again. So look for some new show dates soon and thanks again to everyone who came out and supported us.


So we made the rockoff, which is awesome. We are playing on Jan. 15th, and tickets are on sale now. We need to sell all 100 tickets to find out when we are playing so email us or talk to us if you're's only $6.


We put ourselves on Purevolume so click on the audio page and we'll take you there to hear us. We're also on Myspace as well now so click here to hear us there. We've also been taking alot of picture so hopefully they'll be up soon. We're working on some new songs now and trying to book as many shows as possible.


Finally the demo is complete. It took alot longer than we had anticipated, but the end product was well worth the wait. Some tensions grew high during this tedious period for the band, but everything has been resolved and we are all looking forward to working on new material and preparing for future shows.


The pace has slowed a bit in the recording studio, but thankfully it hasn't stopped. We're still waiting for all the drums tracks to be finished. We've been writing some new tunes and hopefully those will be recorded as well; if we can find some time. I will tell you this though...It sounds pretty sweet.


We started recording our demo tape in Al's upstairs recording studio. We plan on finishing within the next few weeks. Everything sounds good so far, we will put up some sound clips when its finished. We also got word of a few shows in the near future.