Name: Okuda Shunsaku
Pet Name:Jun-chan
Part in band:Bass
Hometown:Kyoto prefecture
Birth date: 1971.7.11
What motivated you to get started in music?:I saw a friends band play.
What was the first record you bought?:Cyndi Lauper
What would you liken the brilliant green to?:Family
What is more important than music?:Stuff
If you weren't a musician what would you be doing?:Express company
Favourite color:Blue
Favourite Artist:Ride
Favourite Word:Nori-kun
Favourite Book:Sound Recording
Name: Kawase Tomoko
Pet Name:Tommy
Part in band:Vocal
Hometown:Kyoto prefecture
Birth date:1975.2.6
What motivated you to get started in music?: I thought I was pretty good at singing. Although the other two will tell me how to sing sometimes.
What was the first record you bought?:Dr. Slump Ararechan "wai wai waarudo"
What would you liken the brilliant green to?:Family
What is more important than music?: Stuff
If you weren't a musician what would you be doing?:Express company staff
Favourite color:Red
Favourite Artist:Kohana Miho sensei (kodocha Manga Ka)
Favourite Word:dress, mochi, koine, brownie
Favourite Book: Kodocha
Name: Matsui Ryo
Pet Name: Ryo-kun
Part in band: Guitar
Hometown: Kyoto prefecture
Birth date: 1972.2.11
What motivated you to get started in music?:When I was in middle school, I desired to be a chap who could play guitar and sing well.
What was the first record you bought?:Kajagoogoo's 1st album
What would you liken the brilliant green to?: Naked people
What is more important than music?: Jun-chan
If you weren't a musician what would you be doing?: Express company staff
Favourite color: Grey & light brown
Favourite Artist: Tokoro-san
Favourite Word: sonaeyotsuneni
Favourite Book: Chord Book